21 Bible Healing Affirmations For Pain (To Meditate On)


The Bible has many healing affirmations for pain. These 21 Christian prayer quotes can be used for healing your body and mind from any type of pain. May the 21 healing affirmations for pain below help you trust the Lord for your healing and not lose hope in your pain.

What Are Healing Affirmations?

Healing affirmations are simply positive statements or positive affirmations that can help you deal with your pain by instilling positive thoughts in your mind so that you can see your pain in a positive light.

Positive healing affirmations remind us that pain isn’t always bad because all things work together for good to those who are called according to God’s purpose as Paul wonderfully puts it in Romans 8:28.

And the 21 healing affirmations here based on scriptures will help you see the pain in a positive light as God can use pain for a higher purpose such as to help others as well going through the same pain you are going through not to give up on God just like you.

21 Healing Affirmations For Pain.

1.  By your stripes, my pain is healed.

An excellent healing affirmation to remind yourself that by Christ’s stripes on the cross, you are healed already to speed up your healing process.

2. I won’t allow pain to have dominion over my body.

One of the best scriptural positive affirmations to affirm to your soul that pain won’t control your life especially if you are experiencing a lot of pain in your life.

3. I am at peace with my pain and use it for the greater good.

This is one of the best spiritual affirmations for pain that reminds you that you can always use your pain for a greater good or higher purpose rather than being angry at God as to why pain is being allowed in your life.

4. I choose peace and joy in the Lord despite my pain.

Choosing peace and joy in the Lord despite your pain is the best thing you can ever do if you are dealing with chronic pain in your life.

5. I won’t let my pain be the reason why I stop loving God.

For those of you contemplating stopping loving God because of your ailments, this positive affirmation is for you to remind you that pain must not be the reason you stop loving and serving God.

6. I am grateful for my healing.

Indeed, if you are healed with perfect health, be grateful to the Lord for it and give Him the due praise He deserves. Let that affirmation be that reminder of God’s goodness for good health.

7. I won’t let chronic pain separate me from the love of God.

Yes, pain must not separate you from God’s love because God is greater than your pain and He will heal you in due time. It’s one of the most powerful affirmations you can use to remind yourself that God’s love is greater than my temporal pain.

8. Emotional pain has no power and dominion over my body which is God’s temple.

This affirmation for healing emotional pain can be of great use if you are dealing with the emotional pain of any kind. Stick it on your wall as a reminder.

9. I won’t allow chronic pain to be the reason I am unhappy in my life.

The pain must not be the reason you are deprived of your happiness and be the reason you are unhappy and bitter towards life and God. Use your pain for the greater good.

10. I command chronic pain to leave my body in Jesus’ name.

One of the best daily affirmations you can meditate on and use if you want to be healed of your pain or negative thoughts that may be tormenting your mind.

11. I proclaim physical healing over my body by Christ’s healing power that heals all pain.

A great positive affirmation to use to speed up your healing process. Let that affirmation stick in your subconscious mind and use it whenever you want to be healed.

12. You are healing and renewing me day by day. Thank you, Lord.

This powerful affirmation can be used to show gratitude to the Lord as He renews and heals your day by day. It’s great if you want to have a positive outlook on life despite your pain.

13. I know I no time, Lord my body will be once again be made whole and healthy again.

Let that above affirmation be a source of comfort if you have been praying for healing for quite some time. Don’t give up yet as your healing is just around the corner.

14. I know the emotional pain I am going through is temporary and not here to stay.

If you are dealing with emotional pain, that affirmation is for you, and don’t let negative thinking make you forget the promises of the Lord as He’s promised to heal and deliver you from all your afflictions.

15. My pain is an opportunity to see your goodness, Lord, and I will praise you in it.

If you want to see positive change in your life, you have to learn to see the pain in a positive light. Let that affirmation be your daily reminder.

16. My pain teaches me to trust you and be compassionate to others.

Let your pain be the reason you learn to be compassionate to others instead of being the reason of you being bitter towards others not going through what you are going through because, without pain, you won’t learn to be compassionate to others going through the same pain as you.

17. My pain has helped me to be more patient.

The bible tells us to be patent in tribulations or when we are facing uncomfortable situations such as pain. Enduring pain patiently is what will help you be more patient in life during uncomfortable situations you may be going through.

18. I now recognize my higher purpose in my pain rather than being angry at God for the pain.

God can use your pain for your greater good if you only permit Him to instead of being angry at God as to why He allowed pain in the first place in your life.

19. My pain allows me to grow and brings out the best in me.

Let pain be the reason you become a better person than you were yesterday. Don’t let your pain go to waste but rather refine you into the diamond you were meant to be.

20. Thank God for my pain without it I wouldn’t be as strong as I am today.

Pain makes you stronger and more resilient. Therefore, thank the Lord for it and how it has shaped you into a better version of you are today.

21. I am cared for by the One who knows my chronic pain better. Praise the Lord.

This is one of the best positive healing affirmations you can meditate on to remind yourself that even in your pain, the Lord has still not forgotten you.



I hope the above 21 healing affirmations for pain will help you see the pain in a positive way towards your healing process. Stay blessed.

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