7 Crucial Benefits Of A Being In A Godly Relationship.

In this post, we will discuss the 7 crucial benefits of a godly relationship that will help you understand the importance of godly relationships before marriage.

If you are a young Christian woman or a Christian man, aspiring to be a wife or husband in the future, you need to understand why you need a godly relationship before a godly marriage.

Without wasting your valuable time, let’s quickly dive into the 7 vital benefits of a godly relationship that will help you appreciate its significance in your Christian life while single.

7 Benefits Of Christian Relationships.

Take your time to assimilate the 7 benefits that come with being in a Christian relationship as a Christian couple preparing for a future Christian marriage.

  • Encourages Chastity.
  • Helps You Pursue God Together.
  • Prepares You For A Godly Marriage.
  • Helps You Have the Right Marital Expectations.
  • Helps You Discover God’s Will In Marriage.
  • Strengthens Your Relationship With God.
  • Teaches You To Selflessly Love Each Other.

1. Encourages Chastity.

The first benefit that comes with being in a godly relationship as a godly couple is it promotes chastity and sexual purity considering how rampant sexual immorality is nowadays.

1 Corinthians 6:18 tells us to flee sexual immorality and fornication as Christians which is especially relevant if you are in a romantic relationship as a Christian. This is what you will do if your relationship is godly.

As a Christian couple, understand the primary purpose of your relationship is to bring glory to God and not please your fleshly passions by indulging in sexual sin or physical intimacy while unmarried.

Being in a godly relationship will help you pursue sexual purity as you will encourage each other not to have sexual relations before marriage as that will be fornication which God forbids.

While worldly relationships encourage promiscuity and sleeping around like animals, if you are in a godly relationship, maintain your chastity and stick to biblical principles concerning Christian relationships as singles.

2. Helps You Pursue God Together.

Secondly, being in a godly relationship will make it easier for you as a Christian couple to pursue God together especially if you are of the same Christian faith.

Pursuing God together early as a couple will set you up for future marital success as a couple that pursues God together, stays together. This makes the love and bond they have for each other unbreakable.

On the other hand, worldly relationships make it harder for you to pursue the Lord Jesus Christ especially if you are unequally yoked with an unbeliever who doesn’t share the same faith with you.

Due to the compromised position you will be in as a Christian in a worldly relationship, you will be more vulnerable to sexual temptations which has made many Christians fall into sexual sin.

However, if you are in a godly relationship, you will find it easier to please God and do the right thing as you will encourage each other to pursue God first before pursuing each other. This must be your goal as a Christian.

3. Prepares You For A Godly Marriage.

Additionally, godly relationships help you prepare for a godly marriage in the future as you will learn earlier what’s expected of you as a Christian couple when you get married.

When you are in a godly relationship, you will learn a lot of principles during courtship that you must apply in your future Christian marriage as you date each other.

You need to understand the way you treat each other during the early stages of your romantic relationship is likely the way you will treat each other when you marry.

Being in a godly relationship will expose you to potential behaviors and red flags that may be harmful to your future marriage that you may need to act on or pray about.

Conversely, suppose you are in a worldly relationship with worldly values. In that case, you will find it hard to prepare for a godly marriage and live by its biblical principles due to the unbiblical worldly values you may have concerning relationships.

4. Helps You Have the Right Marital Expectations.

Another benefit that comes with being in a godly relationship is it helps you have the right expectations concerning marriage.

You need to understand that we all have expectations and what we expect our partner to do when we marry them and most of these expectations are carnal, selfish, and contrary to God’s will.

When you get into a godly relationship, you will begin to understand that most expectations you have concerning marriage are of the flesh and self-centered.

It’s why most marry for the wrong reason due to the wrong expectations they have concerning marriage and if those selfish expectations aren’t met, they want out.

Understand that marriage is all about dying to yourself and selflessly serving your spouse in marriage. This is what being in a Christian relationship based on God’s love will teach you early on.

Armed with that godly wisdom, you will enter marriage with the right expectations of selflessly serving your spouse with Christ-like love and not merely wanting something from them selfishly. This will set you up for a successful godly marriage.

5. Helps You Discover God’s Will In Marriage.

Being in a godly relationship will also help you discover what God’s will for your marriage as a couple is as you court each other as a couple.

When you are in a Christian relationship as a couple who desire to marry each other in God’s way, it’s easier for both of you to seek God’s will for your relationship.

On the contrary, if you are not in a godly relationship, it’s harder for you to know God’s will for your marriage or whether the person you are dating is a good fit for you or not.

This is because if you aren’t in a Christ-centered relationship, you will be led by fleshly desires such as lust which you will mistake for love rather than the Lord and His Spirit on who to marry.

If you are in a godly relationship, however, it’s easier for you to hear God’s voice and lead on who to marry or whether the person you are courting is the one God has approved as you won’t be led by the flesh or lustful passions.

6. Strengthens Your Relationship With God.

Another important benefit that comes with being in a relationship where Jesus Christ is the center is it will strengthen the relationship you have with God as a couple.

You need to understand that you can’t have a successful godly relationship later on a successful godly marriage if your relationship with God as a couple or individual is in limbo.

Your solid relationship with God as a couple as you seek His will in marriage is what will help you stand the test of time and overcome all the trials that will come your way relationship-wise.

However, if your relationship with God is broken, even the relationships you desire to have with other people or your partner will be broken too.

This is why you need to ensure your relationship with God comes first even as a couple as that will set a pattern of how you will love and treat each other even when you get married.

7. Teaches You To Selflessly Love Each Other.

Last but not least, being in a godly relationship will also help and teach you to selflessly love each other unconditionally as Jesus Christ commands us in John 13:34.

True selfless love is not something you will get in worldly relationships that are based on lust and infatuation as they have it twisted on what true love genuinely means.

In worldly relationships, love is all about what you can get from the other person rather than what one can selflessly give to the other. It’s why many of these relationships end in heartbreaks and breakups as everyone is all about themselves and not the other person.

In a godly relationship that’s based on God’s selfless love, you will learn to selflessly love the other person not because of what you can get from the other person but what you can give.

Since a Christian relationship is based on Christ-like love summed up in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, you will find it easy to love and put the needs of your partner first before your own needs which isn’t possible in worldly relationships.


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I hope the above 7 benefits of a godly relationship have now helped you understand why having a godly relationship is vital as you prepare for marriage.

As you look forward to being a godly wife as a young godly woman and a godly husband as a young godly man, let the above benefits be a reminder of why you need a godly relationship.

In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave using the share button to your right. God bless.

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