There are many consequences that will happen if you don’t win perishing souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and this post will focus on the 5 major consequences of not winning souls to Christ.
As Christians who are truly saved from sin and genuinely born again, we have one mandate, which is to win as many souls as possible to the Lord Jesus Christ before it’s too late.
Sadly, many believers are not taking this task seriously. There is nothing more important to God than seeing a sinner who repents and gets saved from sin and its consequences which is death as Romans 6:23 tells us.
The Lord also warns that there are consequences that we will incur if we don’t win souls to Christ Jesus that we need to take seriously.
With that said, let’s look at the 5 major consequences of not winning souls to Jesus Christ that you will incur if you fail to abbey this great commission of Christ He’s given us in the new testament.
5 Consequences Of Not Winning Souls.
Below are the 5 consequences that you will face as a professing believer if you don’t win souls to Christ Jesus as Christ commands us.
- You’ll Have Blood Required In Your Hands.
- More Souls Will Perish In Hell.
- Risk Of Losing Your Loved Ones Eternally.
- Fewer Church Members.
- You Risk Losing Your Heavenly Reward.
1. You’ll Have Blood Required In Your Hands.
The first major consequence that will happen if you don’t heed the urge and promptings of the Holy Spirit to win the perishing souls out there is that their blood will be required in your hands at the end.
We are told in Ezekiel 33:18-21 that if we just watch and don’t warn the wicked to turn from their evil sinful ways unto righteousness, they will die in their sins but their blood will be required in your hands.
Implying that you will be responsible for them dying in their sins and perishing in hell because of your gross negligence to warn these precious perishing souls because you don’t know if they could have been saved if you warned them.
There are many perishing souls out there willing to be saved if you warn them. It is why you must not neglect the legal obligation and importance of soul-winning if you profess to be a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, some people will reject the good news of salvation you offer them but as Ezekiel 3:19 tells us, such people will die in their sins but you won’t be responsible for their demise in hell and you will have no blood in your hands.
2. More Souls Will Perish In Hell.
The second consequence that will happen if you are not a soul winner dedicated to winning as many souls as possible to Jesus Christ is many more souls will perish in hell that wouldn’t if you shared the good news of salvation with them.
According to the latest death statistics in the world, more than around 170, 000 people die per day and how many of these precious souls are ready to meet the Lord?
Sadly, the answer to this question is only few of these dying souls are ready to meet the Lord on judgment day. So, it’s up to you as a soul winner to ensure that fewer souls perish in hell by taking it up on yourself to win as many souls as possible to Christ.
We are told in 2 Peter 3:9 that the Lord isn’t willing that any should perish but all must come to repentance. But how will many come to repentance if you don’t go out there to share the good news of salvation and eternal life?
Many souls are perishing today because as believers, we have become complacent to this great commission Christ has given us in Matthews 26:18-20. This ought not to be so. Go out there and win as many souls as possible so that hell is depopulated.
3. Risk Of Losing Your Loved Ones Eternally.
The other third devastating consequence of not being a soul winner who wins many perishing souls out there through personal evangelism is that you will risk losing your loved one in hell forever.
Losing a loved one in this life to death is one of the most painful things you will ever face in this world but it doesn’t compare if those loved ones were not saved and are eternally lost in heel all because you never warned them.
If you are a saved person in your family, you need to make it a priority that your loved ones get saved so that you can spend eternity with them in heaven. Won’t that be beautiful to reunite with your loved ones in heaven never to be separated again?
The fact that you desire to be with your loved ones in heaven and not to be eternally separated from them is why you must not give up sharing the good news of salvation and eternal life with them even if they reject your message at times.
However, if you don’t share God’s love with your loved ones, you risk losing them forever in hell that’s full of eternal suffering, weeping, and gnashing of teeth as Luke 13:28 tells us and not spending eternity with them in heaven full of everlasting joy.
Recommended: Meaning And Importance Of Salvation [And Why It Matters To All?]
4. Fewer Church Members.
If souls are not won for the Lord, the church will have fewer members willing to serve and worship the Lord in truth and spirit as many will still be in the world out there perishing.
It is why Jesus Christ tells us in Mark 1:14-20 that we are to be fishers of men busy fishing souls from the sea of sin drowning many to their eternal perdition and eternal judgment in hell.
So, if you are a minister in ministry who desires the Lord to grow your ministry to greater heights, go out there in the field to harvest as many souls as you can via the many channels the Lord has made at your disposal.
You need to understand as Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 9:37 the harvest for souls is indeed plenty and the laborers willing to harvest those perishing souls in the field are few as many of us are preoccupied with our own things.
If every Christian and believer in this world obeyed Christ’s great commission of preaching salvation and eternal life to every creature, there will be way fewer people going to hell to their eternal doom as it’s the case now.
5. You Risk Losing Your Heavenly Reward.
Last but not least, if you don’t win souls to Jesus Christ and turn many to righteousness, you risk losing your heavenly rewards in heaven Jesus Christ will give to all those who win many souls to Him in their lifetime.
It’s not enough to just profess the Christian faith as a Christian, you need to put your faith into practice by obeying Christ’s great commission if you don’t want to lose your crown.
Daniel 12:3 in the Old Testament tells us that those who are wise and turn many lost and perishing souls to Christ Jesus and righteousness will shine like the stars in heaven forever and ever.
Won’t that be beautiful dear saint? Jesus Christ also echoed something similar in Matthews 13:43 that the righteous who live a holy life free from sin and turn others to righteousness will shine like the sun in their Father’s kingdom.
So, if you don’t want to lose the precious rewards that come with soul-winning, go out there and win as many souls as possible as there is no excuse for you to meet the Lord empty-handed without any soul for Him in the age of technology we live in.
Recommended: How To Invest In Heavenly Treasures [That Don’t Perish].
I hope the above 5 consequences of not winning souls to Jesus Christ will act as a wake-up call for you to start winning souls to Christ if you haven’t been doing so until now.
Great rewards await you in heaven if you labor for the Lord by turning many from wickedness to righteousness. Let saving a lost soul from hell be your ultimate priority in life.
In closing, if this post has motivated you to be a better soul winner, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave as many believers need to see this. Stay blessed.
Further Reading.
- 5 Effective Ways To Keep Your Heart On Fire For God.
- How Many People Will Go To Heaven {& Will They Be Few?}
- 5 Persecutions Of The Early Church {&Their Vital Lessons}.
Sharing is caring.
The topic has interested and very educative because a normal believer can not go empty handed in this newly technology world if there are about 170,000 people dying every day better to go to the place we’re sinners live and fish just 2 or more than. Amen
Glad you enjoyed the post dear brother in Christ. Indeed we must not go empty-handed and meet the Lord without a soul given the current abundant tech we have to preach to others that makes it easy to reach thousands with the good news in one go.
The topic has been interested and very educative because a normal christian believer can not go empty handed to God in this newly technology world if there are about 170,000 people dying every day better to go to the place we’re sinners live and fish just 2 or more than 50 lost souls. Amen
Glad you enjoyed the post. God bless
I want to know about disobedient and the fall in garden of Eden.The bible said God has the ability to declare the end from beginning and also the alpha and Omega with this attributes knowing that Adam and eve will disobey.
why did he place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden to tempt them.
Thanks for your question. There are many reasons why God put the tree of knowledge and evil we are not yet ready to understand till the end of time but one of the reasons was to test their loyalty as loyalty to be proven true requires the existence of choice. I hope that helps. God bless.
soul winning goes beyond obeying Matt 28 v 18-20, it’s motivated by love , knowing that hell is real , n you wouldn’t want to go there neither would you want your Loved once to go there, so it’s all about passion to see souls pulled out of hell, John 3v16
Well-said and glad you found this post beneficial to you. God bless.