How To Walk The Narrow Path {That Leads To Life Eternal.}

If you want to know how to walk the narrow path that leads to life our Lord Jesus Christ talks about in Matthews 7:14 so that you can make heaven, then this post is for you.

Walking on the narrow way unlike the wide road that leads to destruction is hard and requires God’s grace for you to be able to enter the narrow gate as it’s full of challenges, hardships, trials, and persecutions.

However, this article today will show you how to enter the narrow gate that leads to eternal life if you have been struggling to be on the narrow path that only few will ever find.

With that said, let’s quickly find out how to walk the narrow path consistently so that you can finally make heaven when all is said and done and not end up on the broad way leading many to eternal destruction in hell.

How To Walk The Narrow Way In 5 Easy Steps.

Take your time to read the 5 steps below that will help you stay on the narrow road Christ Jesus tells us to enter into so that we may at last enter heaven.

  • Be Truly Born Again.
  • Deny Yourself.
  • Shun Sin & Be Holy.
  • Read God’s Word & Pray Daily.
  • Be Heavenly Minded & Shun The World.

1. Be Truly Born Again.

The first thing you need to do to be on the narrow way is that you first need to ensure that you are truly born again with a definite salvation experience so that you can be a new creation in Christ.

The reason for this is that you can’t enter the narrow gate if you are not truly born again as you will still have the old nature of sin in you making you sin that Ephesians 4:22 talks about.

Being born again enables you to experience the new birth and have the new nature of Christ Jesus Ephesians 4:24 talks about being created in the likeness of God which makes you want to follow after holiness and righteousness that are required to enter the narrow gate.

If you are not born again yet as Jesus Christ tells us in John 3:1-5, you can’t be on the narrow way that leads to life, later on, enter heaven.

You need to understand that being born again is mandatory to be on the narrow road as only righteousness can be accepted there. If you are not born again yet, dear, I encourage you to be today before it’s too late.

Related: How To Be Born Again In 7 Simple Steps (+Video Sermon).

2. Deny Yourself.

Another thing you need to do if you want to walk on the narrow road is that you need to deny yourself, ASAP. Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 9:23 that anyone who desires to come after Him must deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him.

Failure to do so means you can’t be a disciple or true follower of Christ later alone be on the narrow road. Sadly, most people including many so-called believers are unwilling to deny themselves.

If you claim to be a believer, you need to understand that you can’t be on the narrow way if you don’t deny yourself. Also, you need to bear in mind that, unlike the broad path of self-indulgence, the narrow path is full of self-denial.

There is a reason why Jesus Christ says in Matthews 7:13,14 that the road that leads to life is narrow and only a few will ever find it. He said this, as He knew that not all will be willing to deny themselves to follow Him through thick and thin.

Many Christians today think they can do whatever they please and if anything inconveniences their sinful flesh, they easily give up their Christian faith. Moreover, if you are to be on a narrow path, self-denial is a must.

Related: 5 Examples Of Taking Up Your Cross [Jesus Talked About].

3. Shun Sin & Be Holy.

The third thing you need to do if you are a person who wants to walk on the narrow path and not the wide road that leads to destruction in hell, you need to shun sin and be holy as we are commanded in Leviticus 11:44 in the Old Testament.

You need to understand that you can’t enter the narrow gate if you have any baggage of sin in your life as the road is simply too narrow to accommodate you and the baggage of habitual sin you may be carrying.

The narrow way can only accommodate you if you have the imputed holiness and righteousness of Christ Jesus in you and nothing else, as only those two things will qualify you for heaven. If you love sin too much to forsake it, the broad way is where you need to be.

If you claim to be a true Christian, you will avoid sin at all costs. Forget about people who say you can’t live a holy life in this present evil world as those people are lying and haven’t experienced the new birth yet which is why they talk like that.

We are also told in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness, we won’t see the Lord later alone enter heaven. So, if you want to enter the narrow gate, shun sin at all costs, and strive to live a holy life daily and by God’s grace, it’s possible.

Related: Why Must We Live A Holy Life? (11 Major Reasons Why.)

4. Read God’s Word & Pray Daily.

Daily prayer and reading of God’s word daily are other crucial things you need to practice daily if you want to stay and walk on the narrow path.

Reading God’s word is important as it will help you live a life of obedience to the Lord as you will know what God approves of you and what He doesn’t.

It’s why the Psalmist said in Psalms 119:105 that the word of the Lord is a lamp to his feet lightening his paths before him so that he doesn’t stumble or sin against the Lord. Many find it hard to stay on the narrow way, as they are too lazy to pray or read scripture.

If your life is devoid of God’s word, you won’t be able to live a holy life later alone enter the narrow door or small gate that leads to life. Instead, you will just do whatever your sinful flesh tells you to do as you have no God’s word in your life to direct you.

In addition to reading your bible, you also need to pray daily for grace to stay on the narrow way. Prayer is what will help you stay on the narrow road and avoid the wide gate with its sinful temptations and enticements to sin many have succumbed to.

Related: Why Is Prayer Important To Christians? [+ Animation].

5. Be Heavenly Minded & Shun The World.

Last but not least, you also need to be heavenly-minded in your Christian life if you are to stay on course the narrow path as well as shun the world as 1 John 2:15-17 tells us.

The above bible verse tells us that we must not love the world nor the things therein. If you do so, then it shows the love of your Heavenly Father isn’t in you at all and that you are a broad way candidate.

You can’t enter the narrow gate that leads to life if you still have the love of the world in your heart. Many people choose the broad and easy road, as they love the sinful things of this world too much to let them go.

We are also told in Colossians 3:1,2 that our affections must be on heavenly things where our real home is and not on earthly things, which will one day perish. However, that can’t be the case if you are still in love with this wicked world.

You need to understand that being on the narrow way, the highway of holiness requires you to be completely divorced from this present evil world and its way of life. If not, you won’t be able to enter this small gate that leads to heaven and eternal life.

Related: How To Invest In Heavenly Treasures [That Don’t Perish].


I hope the above post on how to walk the narrow path will now finally help you be on the narrow road and stay on track so that you can make heaven at last. In closing, if this post edified you in some way, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless and don’t forsake the highway of holiness which is the narrow way.

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