Many signs will show if God is connecting you with someone and in this post I will show you the 5 major signs God is connecting you with someone to help you if they are the one or not.
The Lord has many ways He directs people who are right for each other. So, you must not be surprised when God tries to lead your heart to a person you never thought was the one as He works in ways we can’t see.
With that said, let’s look at the 5 signs God is connecting you with someone that will show God is bringing you together for marriage.
5 Signs God Is Bringing You Together.
Below are the 5 signs that will show God is bringing you together for marriage through a deeper connection for each other during your courtship period.
- Shared Values.
- Unexpected Repeated Encounters.
- Indescribable Peace.
- Visions About The Person.
- It Just Feels Right.
1. Shared Values.
When God connects you with someone, you will notice that you will have shared values or a lot in common especially when it comes to Christian values or your faith.
Having shared values is vital in a relationship as it is what will enable you to frictionlessly walk together in agreement as a couple hoping to get married.
In Amos 3:2, we are told that two people can’t be together unless they agree. This is especially true when it comes to relationships and marriage.
You need to understand that God will never connect you with someone who’s fatally misaligned with your Christian values or faith.
On the other hand, you will have alignment in values if the person God is connecting you with is truly the future spouse He wants you to marry.
Related: 5 Major Benefits Of Equally Yoked Relationships.
2. Unexpected Repeated Encounters.
If God is trying to connect you with your future husband or future wife, you will also notice you will have frequent unexpected encounters with each other.
This could be in church or place of work where you will find yourself unexpectedly bumping into each other very often even if you didn’t plan to meet each other.
When that happens or find this phenomenon frequently happening to you, pay attention as that could be God speaking to you that this is your destined future spouse to marry.
You need to note that this may not happen to everyone as the Lord leads and directs people in different ways to their suitable partners to marry.
On the other hand, if you find yourself frequently meeting a particular person unexpectedly in unexpected places, it’s something worth investigating and praying about.
3. Indescribable Peace.
I am sure you can testify to this that when you are with someone God is connecting you with, you will have this indescribable peace in your heart that’s hard to explain.
This peace from above is one of the major confirmations the Lord often uses when you are with the right person He wants you to be with for the rest of your life in a happy blissful Christian marriage.
Conversely, if you are in a relationship with the person the Lord hasn’t connected you with on a heart level, you won’t have this inner peace in your heart.
Instead, something just won’t feel right in your spirit if you are with the wrong person God has said no to. Your heart will be unsettled.
If you feel that in your relationship during courtship, it’s a sign from God that the person you are courting, no matter how much you love them is just not the one, full stop.
4. Visions About The Person.
Sometimes, when God has truly connected you with the one, you will begin to have visions about that person confirming he or she is the right person to be married to.
I am sure you have experienced this as well when you were courting in your own life during the stage you were looking for a suitable life partner to tie the knot with.
Moreover, you need to verify any vision you receive as not all visions are from God as Satan, too can give you false visions and dreams to mislead you on the right person to marry.
Henceforth, if you have any persistent visions of the person you want to marry, I encourage you to pray about it rather than jump the gun just because you have a vision.
Many have been misled by false visions on choosing a life partner and are now suffering for their mistake. Remember, when God gives you a vision of who to marry, it will always align with His will and purpose for your life.
5. It Just Feels Right.
The other sign that will help you know that this is God truly connecting you with this person is it will just feel right being with this person. Nothing more, nothing less.
When God brings you together with the right person who’s meant for you to share your life with, everything will just feel right in that moment.
You will have no doubts and a troubled mind as to whether this is the one for you. Your heart will just be at peace and open to the person the Lord is directing you to.
Otherwise, if you are trying to connect with the wrong person, something just won’t feel right in your heart, no matter how romantic that person may be.
Yes, you may say you love this person very much but that’s not the issue. No amount of love you have for the wrong person will magically make them a good fit for you. If someone isn’t a good fit for you, it’s what it is.
Pin For Later.
I hope the above 5 signs God is connecting you with someone have now helped to clearly understand how God connects two people who are meant for each other.
My prayer is may the Lord Jesus Christ connects you to the right person whom you will enjoy spending the rest of your life as you both grow in Him together in love.
In closing, if this post has blessed you relationship-wise, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave using the share icon to your right. Stay blessed.
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