What Is A Gentle And Quiet Spirit & Why Is It Important?

What is a gentle and quiet spirit and how do you have it? This is a question this post will address today and by the end of this post, you will also have this wonderful Christ-like spirit in you if you desire it.

I am sure you have come across several bible verses in your Christian life a believer in both the Old Testament and the New Testament talks about the importance of having a gentle and quiet spirit as a Christian.

Having a gentle and quiet spirit is very important in the life of every truly born-again Christian as it’s one of the 9 essential fruits of the Holy Spirit that Galatians 5:22,23 talk about.

If you don’t have this gentle and quiet spirit, it’s clear that you are not truly born again yet with the new nature of Christ Jesus in you created in God’s likeness.

You need to understand that if you are a true Christian, this gentle and quiet spirit, one of the most important spiritual fruits of the Spirit will atomically be imparted to you.

If you are a Christian woman who aspires to be a good and godly wife, you need to have this gentle spirit rather than a prideful and contentious spirit that most so-called modern Jezebel women seem to have these days.

As believers, especially Christian women, we are to have a gentle and quiet spirit that’s filled with love and kindness towards others as 1 Peter 3:4 tells us. We are not to be rough and contentious towards others with our words.

That bible verse goes on to further say that a gentle and quiet spirit is priceless to God and more important than the outward physical beauty of a person that is perishable and fades with time.

With that said, let’s look at today’s question,” what is a gentle and quiet spirit?” To help you understand what having a gentle and quiet Spirit that our Lord Jesus Christ has, too is all about.

What Is A Gentle And Quiet Spirit?

A gentle and quiet spirit is a quality that is often associated with a good character and a good heart, but it can also be described as a person who is calm and peaceful.

This type of personality is usually found among people who have the life of Jesus Christ in them and are filled with the Holy Spirit who is Himself meek and gentle.

The simple definition of a gentle and quiet spirit is simply a spirit of gentleness, meekness, quietness, and Christ-like humility that one has that 1 Peter 3:4 talks about.

In other words, a gentle spirit is a spirit of gentleness and humility that one has because of the new life of Christ in them. And such people are not argumentative or contentious with other people.

If you have this spirit of gentleness in your Christian life as a believer, you won’t find yourself engaging yourself in fruitless contentious arguments with others for no reason.

People with a spirit of gentleness and meekness in them are more humble, kind, and loving towards others. Such people are also not harsh with others, especially with their tongue.

Women Are To Be Gentle In Spirit.

This is especially true if you are a wife who is called to have a gentle and quiet spirit towards your husband and not be argumentative and quarrelsome to your husband, which sadly is the case with many wives out there.

As a Christian woman or Christian wife, you are called to have this spirit of gentleness, meekness, and quietness, which will make your husband want to come home that is filled with peace.

Having a gentle spirit as a Christian woman is what will define your inner beauty as your outward beauty is nothing if you have a character that makes no one want to be around you.

Many women waste their time beautifying themselves outwardly with false artificial makeup instead of focusing on beautifying their hidden person with God’s word that changes one from the inside.

As a woman, you need to understand that your real unfading beauty is in your inner character hidden in your heart, not your outward appearance that will fade over time as you age (1 Peter 3:5-7).

You need to understand that your husband will be more attracted to you if you have this gentle spirit in you that isn’t quarrelsome. Don’t let your contentious argumentative spirit be the reason why your husband dreads coming home.

The gentle and quiet spirit can be seen in many different situations. For example, people with this quality tend to listen more than they speak because they know how important it is for others to express their feelings first before speaking up themselves.

Such people also tend to be more loving, understanding, and compassionate towards others than those who aren’t so peaceful, gentle, and calm.

Also Read: What Does It Mean To Be A Godly Wife In An Ungodly World?

What Does It Mean To Have A Gentle Spirit?

The Bible says that we are all called to be gentle, quiet, and peaceful. 1 Peter 3:4 tells us that our inner beauty of the heart should be from the disposition of the hidden man in us that is gentle and quiet.

This implies that if you have filled with a Christ-like spirit of gentleness and imperishable beauty, you won’t be harsh towards others. Instead, you will be caring and willing to listen to others rather than insisting you should be heard.

If you are a gentle person, you will also speak to others with love and kindness. You won’t be harsh and rude towards others as is the case with many people including many who profess the Christian faith.

Due to your spirit of gentleness, meekness, and quietness, people will find it easy to talk to you freely without fearing that you will be rude and harsh to them.

To add on, when you have a spirit of gentleness and quietness in you, pride will not be in your heart but you will be filled with humility, which will make you not be talkative all the time when it’s not even necessary.

How To Have A Gentle And Quiet Spirit.

The first thing you need to do to have a gentle, meek, and quiet spirit 1 Peter 3:4 talks about especially if you are a woman, you first need to ensure that you are truly born again.

Being born again is crucial as it makes you experience the new birth in Christ Jesus that makes you have the new nature of Christ in you created in God’s likeness Ephesians 4:24 talks about.

It’s this new nature of Christ in you that only comes when you are truly born again which will enable you to have this spirit of gentleness and humility the scripture talks about.

When you become truly born again with a definite salvation experience, a new heart and a new spirit are imparted to you that makes you meek and gentle in spirit.

The Lord promises in Ezekiel 36:26 that He will give us a new heart and a new spirit and remove a stony sinful heart we are all born with that makes us naturally prideful, stubborn, and contentious with others.

Only with this new heart and a new spirit the Lord promises in the above bible verse when you become born again will you be able to have a meek and gentle spirit which is one of the essential 9 fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about every true believer needs to have.

In short, to have a gentle spirit, you need to be born again first as without that, you won’t be able to have this meek and quiet spirit as your old Adamic sinful nature that naturally makes you prideful, stubborn, and contentious is still active in your life.

Also Read: How To Be Truly Born Again In 7 Simple Steps Today?


I hope the above post on what is a gentle and quiet spirit has gone a long way in helping you understand what having a gentle and quiet spirit in your Christian life is all about and why it is important in your Christian life as a believer. In closing, if this post has edified you to be more humble and gentle in spirit, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share with others as many need to read this before you leave. Stay blessed.

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