Has God said no to a romantic relationship you thought would turn into marriage? If so, this post on 5 things to do when God says no to a relationship will help you greatly with this dilemma.
Sometimes, it can be hard to understand why God doesn’t want you to be with the person you thought was the one but you have to trust that He knows the best for you.
With that aside, let’s quickly discuss the 5 important things to do when God says no to a relationship that will help you understand that sometimes God’s rejection is protection.
5 Things To Do When God Says No.
Here are the 5 things you must do as a Christian single lady or single man if God says no to the Christian relationship you thought was it.
- Pray About It.
- Remember Rejection Is God’s Protection.
- Understand God Knows Best.
- Understand God Has Something Better For You.
- Don’t Force Things.
1. Pray About It.
The first thing you must do as a Christian single if God has said no to your relationship especially after a bad breakup is pray about the situation for God’s wisdom and healing.
Prayer can go a long way toward helping you accept God’s will for your life regarding relationships, even if you don’t understand why God has rejected the person you thought was your one true love.
You need to understand that God knows better than you do, and it can be easy to blame God for why your relationship failed despite your doing everything the right way.
Moreover, as a Christian, you must understand, as Isaiah 55:8,9 tells us in the Old Testament, that God’s ways are different from ours, which is why we cannot fully understand why God allows certain things to happen.
If God has said no to your relationship, I encourage you to pray about it. After some time, you will understand why God never wanted you to be in that relationship in the first place. Don’t lose hope.
Check: 7 Easy Ways Of Knowing God’s Will In Your Relationship.
2. Remember Rejection Is God’s Protection.
Sometimes when we are madly in love with a person romantically in a godly relationship set up, it’s easy to ignore the danger and red flags we must pay attention to.
They say love is blind which can be true to some extent depending on the kind of love you are talking about and from which source.
In such situations as a way of protecting you from a lifetime of misery in marriage, the Lord will just make that relationship not work out for some reason no matter how in love you were with that person you thought was the one.
You must understand that when in love, many people become naïve and oblivious to the imminent dangers that are there in the relationship which could be subtle abuse, manipulation, or controlling behavior.
God’s will for you if you are single and desiring to marry is to have a happy and healthy Christian marriage that will bring you joy and be a blessing to you.
This is why God has to abruptly end your relationship at times which you thought was it to protect you from getting married to devils in human form considering how domestic violence is rife even in Christian communities.
Check:10 Signs God Wants You To Leave A Relationship ASAP.
3. Understand God Knows Best.
Thirdly, if God says no to your relationship, you must remember that He knows the best and what is best for you even if you don’t understand (Jeremiah 29:11).
Sometimes, due to our limited understanding of things, we often think when a breakup happens or a person we thought was the right person to marry leaves suddenly, we can’t find anything better out there than our exes.
Sadly, that’s not true. You must remember that God knows you better than you know yourself as well as what your heart truly needs and desires even if you don’t realize it.
Unlike you who can make mistakes or errors in judgment, God never makes mistakes and knows your type better than you do. Only He knows the right person for you to be with who will suit your personality and temperament.
As you may be aware, a person’s personality and temperament are crucial as those are the only two things that will determine how well you will live together or get along, especially when disagreements come.
Once you understand this, you will no longer be mad at God as to why He made that person you thought was the one to suddenly leave you or break up with you cold turkey.
4. Understand God Has Something Better For You.
Yes, you hear me. God has someone better for you right ahead of you who will be more suitable for you and a good fit for you in all areas of your life.
At times, no matter how perfect a person may look outside as a potential life partner, there is simply just not a good fit for you to be your spouse long term.
Just because a person seems good to you doesn’t mean is the right person for you to marry especially if they don’t align with God’s divine purpose for your life.
In such instances, God will cause a relationship with such a person who’s not a good fit for you to go forward as He knows that person isn’t just right for you and the purpose He has for your life.
It’s so amazing how at times as Christians we can justify the unhealthy relationships we may currently be in out of the fear of being alone in old age as the best out there.
Only when God ends such relationships for our good do we realize how naive we were to be even in those toxic and unhealthy relationships in the name of love.
When you meet the right person God meant for you to be with only then will understand and give God praise as to why your previous relationships just never worked out despite your best efforts.
5. Don’t Force Things.
Lastly, when God has said no to your relationship, don’t try to force things which is a very bad idea by the way which sadly many try to do.
Doing so will only land you in trouble in the future. It’s why especially many desperate Christian women who want a man at any cost end up marrying abusive devilish husbands who torture them daily.
Never force a relationship that God has said no to work out as love isn’t something you can force someone to do. No Christian relationship or Christian marriage has succeeded based on forced or rushed love.
I know it can be hard especially if you are going through a terrible heartbreak to accept God’s will in this area if you have gone far into your courtship and had a wedding planned already.
Moreover, you must remember, that God would rather have you go through a temporary heartbreak than a lifetime of misery in marriage which isn’t pretty.
I am sure you just like me have witnessed people suffering in miserable marriages wishing they had listened to God’s voice to not continue the relationship when they say the reflags early on.
Surely, I know you don’t want it to end like that. That’s why you must not bother to make a relationship God has rejected work.
No amount of love you give and pour into the wrong person will magically make them the right one to marry.
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I hope the above 5 things to do when God says no to your relationship have been of great help to you which will help you to accept God’s will in this area even if it’s a no relationship-wise.
I know you may think of this as a massive setback but don’t be desperate as the Lord wants you to be with the person He knows best will be a joy to spend the rest of your life with.
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