We have all been there and deeply hurt by people we least expected to be hurt by and praying for someone who has hurt you is the last thing you want to do in your mind.
If you are in such a situation, this post on the 5 effective ways of praying for someone who hurt you will be of great help to you so that your heart isn’t destroyed and consumed by bitterness and unforgiveness.
Jesus Christ tells us in the New Testament that we must love our enemies and pray for those who have hurt us deeply. I know this is hard in our natural fallen state without God’s love reigning supreme in our hearts.
However, with God’s grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, it’s possible to pray for those who have hurt you which in turn makes forgiveness much easier in the process so that God touches and changes their hearts for the better.
With that said, let’s look at the 5 ways of praying for someone who hurt you badly so that you don’t let the hurt they have caused in your heart affect your Christian walk with Christ Jesus.
5 Ways Of Praying For Those Who Hurt You.
Below are the 5 effective ways that will help you pray for those who hurt you in a non-vengeful manner but in a loving way so that they change for the better.
- Avoid Dangerous Prayers.
- Pray For God To Change The Heart Of Your Offenders.
- Pray For Forgiveness.
- Pray For Your Offender To See Their Wrong.
- Pray For Reconciliation.
1. Avoid Dangerous Prayers.
One of the effective ways you can pray for those who have hurt you badly either through betrayal or mistreatment is by avoiding dangerous prayer requests for God to destroy people who have hurt you.
Praying dangerous prayers for God’s fire to come and consume your enemies is one of the worst things you can do to yourself as that shows you still have bitterness, resentment, and a spirit of unforgiveness in your heart you need to deal with, ASAP.
Instead, your prayer must be that God touches and changes the heart of a person who’s hurt you so that peradventure that person can come to their senses and realize what they have done to you is bad.
Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 6:27-38 that we must pray for our enemies who do us evil and those who despitefully use us. And the prayers here Christ Jesus alluded to are not those of telling God to destroy your enemies with fire.
But prayers that will show that God’s love is indeed reigning in your heart. If God’s love is in your heart, you won’t pray for God to destroy your enemies with fire from heaven as some Christians do which doesn’t reflect the character of Christ at all.
Recommended: How To Pray For An Evil Person [Who’s Hurt You Badly?]
2. Pray For God To Change The Heart Of Your Offenders.
The second effective way you can pray for someone who has deeply hurt you is to pray that the Lord Jesus Christ touches and changes the heart of a person who has done you wrong as only He can change the heart of a person from a bad one to a good one.
Doing so will help you release the anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness that may have been slowly building up in your heart for a while due to the offense the offender has done against you.
As a Christian and true follower of Jesus Christ, you need to follow and model Christ’s example who forgave and prayed for those who hurt him by crucifying Him on the cross despite doing no wrong.
It’s why He said in Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what there are doing.” This must be your prayer, too. You need to understand that, we live in a fallen world full of hurt and broken people due to sin.
As such, people including your loved ones or the people you trust that you least expect to get hurt by will hurt you badly at times in unimaginable ways you never expected. In such situations, praying for such people is the most Christian thing you can do as a believer.
3. Pray For Forgiveness.
Thirdly, another recommended way you can pray for someone who has hurt you deeply in life is praying for forgiveness so that you can easily forgive those who hurt you regardless of who they are for the sake of your own healing and peace of mind.
The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:32 that we must be loving, kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving towards each other just as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us.
You must under no circumstances harbor bitterness, anger, and resentment towards a person who has hurt you badly in one way or the other in your life especially if that person is a loved one.
I know praying for forgiveness for those who have hurt you deeply can be hard and you may be saying in your heart that this person doesn’t deserve my forgiveness for what they did to you but with God’s grace and love in your life, that can be made possible.
If you harbor unforgiveness towards your offender, God will also not forgive you and show you mercy as Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 6:14,15. It will also show you don’t understand what being a true Christian is all about, dear.
Recommended: Why Is Forgiveness Important In Christianity? [+ Sermon].
4. Pray For Your Offender To See Their Wrong.
The other way you can pray for someone who’s hurt you by their evil actions against you is to pray so that the person who’s hurt you realize that why they did to you was wrong.
You can pray so that God opens the eyes of your offender who can be your friend, loved one, etc. who may have hurt you through a betrayal of trust or mistreating you for no reason.
One thing you need to remember as you pray such a prayer, the Lord will begin to work in the heart of a person who’s hurt you by constantly reminding them what they did to you was wrong and that they need to make things right with you via an apology.
I know it may be hard to pray a prayer of forgiveness to those who have hurt you but you need to understand that true forgiveness can only happen if you put your offenders in prayer.
We are told in James 5:16 that we ought to pray for each other and confess our faults to each other in the body of Christ. Yes, even in the body of Christ, offenses will happen as we are still imperfect people coming from various backgrounds and upbringings.
5. Pray For Reconciliation.
Last but not least, you also need to pray for reconciliation between you and the person who’s done you wrong so that forgiveness can take place just as we are commanded to do in Colossians 3:13,14.
This will help you begin to heal from the emotional pain caused by the hurt and evil actions done against you by your offender via their inconsiderate selfish and reckless actions and it will show you are a true Christian.
Praying for reconciliation, especially in a friendship or a marriage relationship is vital if true forgiveness is to take place so that your broken relationship with your friend or significant other is restored.
One of the reasons why many friends or married couples are no longer on good terms with each other is due to the lack of reconciliation that’s needed for forgiveness to take place.
If you are in a situation where you need to reconcile with your offender for the hurt they have caused you, pray for God’s grace to soften your heart and help you reconcile with your offender so that you can be on good terms again.
I hope the above post on the 5 effective ways of praying for someone who hurt you will now help you pray for those who hurt you in the right way for forgiveness to take place.
As you leave, you need to remember that offenses even in the body of Christ will occur as we live in a fallen world. Always pray for those who offend you and wish them well.
In closing, if this post has been of great help to you in dealing with praying for those who hurt you the right way, comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.
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