Many signs will show God wants you to leave a relationship and in this post, we will discuss 10 signs God is telling you to leave a relationship for good.
As a single Christian, sometimes, God may tell you to end a relationship with a person you thought was the one for one reason or another but don’t be discouraged as He knows best.
With that aside, let’s look at the 10 common signs God is telling you to leave a relationship that will indicate the person you are dating isn’t the one at all.
10 Signs God Wants You To End A Relationship.
Below are the 10 clear signs that will indicate God wants you to end a relationship with a person especially if that relationship is toxic.
1. Lack Of Peace.
The lack of peace in your heart is one of the first signs you will notice that God doesn’t want you to be with someone and end that romantic relationship with them.
Something just won’t feel right in your heart when you are in a relationship with the wrong person God doesn’t want you to be with. If that’s the case, it’s a sign God doesn’t want you to be with that person.
You need to understand that when you are with the right person God intended for you to marry and spend the rest of your life, you will have this indescribable peace in your heart that just won’t be present if you are with the wrong person.
2. Unequal Yoke.
Secondly being unequally yoked as a couple, especially on matters of faith and Christian core values will be another sign indicating God wants you to end the relationship with the man or woman you may be dating or courting.
1 Corinthians 6:14 tells us that we must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers who don’t share our faith and Christian core values especially when it comes to relationships.
This is why as a Christian single, always date and court within your tribe as God will never lead you to a person who’s an unbeliever as He knows the person will not be a good fit for you in marriage.
Related: 10 Graceful Ways To End An Unequally Yoked Relationship.
3. Too Much Abuse.
The presence of extreme abuse of any kind be it physical, verbal, spiritual, or emotional will be another sign God is telling you to end that toxic relationship and dodge the bullet.
You need to understand that God will never lead you to an abusive partner who misrepresents His character of love. The reason why most Christians especially women end up in abusive relationships is they rush things and don’t consult the Lord.
If you notice extreme abuse in your relationship while dating, you need to leave that relationship before things get worse as they usually do before you become another domestic violence statistic.
4. Fatal Misalignment With God’s Will.
Another indicator that will show God wants you to break up and end a relationship with the person you thought was the one is the person you are dating will not be in line with God’s will and purpose for your life.
Always remember that God will never lead you to a life partner who doesn’t align with His purpose for your life. Whenever the Lord sends you a life partner, it will be for a definite purpose for your life.
It’s why before you even think of dating or courting especially as a young godly man, you need to find your purpose first and the life partner your heart desires will follow.
5. Fatal Misalignment In Core Values.
The other sign that will indicate God wants you to say goodbye to that relationship is you will find yourself not agreeing on many vital things as a couple that will just make it impossible for you to be together.
Amos 3:2,3 reminds us that two people can’t be together unless they agree. This is especially true when it comes to relationships if you are with a person who doesn’t align with your Christian core values concerning relationships.
In such situations, parting ways is best for both of you. When the Lord sends you the one, that person will perfectly align with your Christian core values and His will.
6. You Feel Used.
Another sign that you will notice that the relationship you are in isn’t the one God wants you to be in is you will feel used. Let’s be honest, healthy relationships are all about give and take.
If you’re constantly the person going the extra mile, making sacrifices, while your partner isn’t reciprocating the same, it’s easier to feel used unfairly in the relationship.
God will never give you a partner who’s selfish and who’s all about themselves and what they can milk and get from you. If you discover you are in a relationship with such a person, it’s a sign you need to say goodbye.
7. Anger Issues.
Sometimes, when the person you are in a relationship with has unresolved anger issues and refuses to see a problem in that, God will separate you from that potentially abusive partner for your safety.
Nobody’s perfect, and we all get angry sometimes. But if your partner has uncontrollable rage or is prone to violent outbursts, it’s a dangerous sign of worse things to come if you get married.
You should never feel unsafe or afraid in your relationship. Never hesitate to break off with a partner who threatens physical harm to you when they freak out as God doesn’t want you to be with an abuser.
8. Chronic Addictions.
Loving someone who struggles with addictions such as alcohol or pornography can be very difficult. If your partner is unwilling to get help, it can take a toll on your emotional and spiritual well-being.
Yes, we are called to love people even those we think don’t deserve our love as that is what God’s love is all about but that doesn’t mean you must put yourself in danger.
If the person you are dating refuses to get help to overcome their addictions like alcohol, you aren’t obligated to be with that person. I am sure you have seen the ugly outcomes that come with being married to people with addictions.
9. Lack Of Commitment.
The lack of commitment in your relationship could be another sign that God is telling the relationship you are in isn’t worth your time anymore.
This is especially true if you have been dating for a long time and you don’t see any proposal or marriage discussions in sight. It’s so sad that many Christian women are in relationships of such a kind.
Why be with a man who isn’t willing to commit to you and finally make that proposal you have been waiting for all along? A man who’s truly committed to you won’t waste time to marry you as they have no time for such silly games.
10. Controlling Behavior.
Lastly, controlling and possessive behaviors will be the other sign that God will show you that the person you are dating or in a relationship with isn’t the right person for you to marry.
A controlling partner might try to dictate everything you do; from what you wear to who you can be friends with. It’s a recipe for unhappiness and can even be a sign of an abusive relationship.
If you find yourself darting an obsessively controlling and possessive partner, do yourself a favor by breaking up with such a person. A relationship that doesn’t allow you to be your unique self and express your true self isn’t worth your time.
Pin For Later.
I hope the above 10 signs God is telling you to leave a relationship will give you that final dose of courage you need to finally leave the toxic relationship you know is bad for you.
I know, it can be hard to leave a relationship you have so emotionally invested in but you need to remember that a broken courtship is better than a miserable or abusive marriage.
In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, don’t forget to share it with others who need to read this as you leave using the right share icon. Stay blessed and say no to abuse.
Sharing is caring.
Further Reading.