7 Major Reasons Why Godly Relationships Are Important.

There are many reasons why godly relationships are important to Christians and this post will look at 7 of these reasons that explain why godly relationships are vital before marriage.

Considering the times, we live in where most people don’t understand what true love is all about in a relationship, being in a godly relationship becomes advantageous.

By the end of this post, you will have known the 7 vital reasons why godly relationships are important especially if you want to start dating for marriage. Let’s dive in.

7 Reasons Why Godly Relationships Are Vital.

Take your time to read below as to why you need godly relationships as a Christian single lady or guy planning to date for a future godly marriage.

1. Prepares You For Marriage.

The first major reason why being in a godly relationship is important for you as a single Christian lady desiring to be a godly wife or a godly man desiring to be a godly husband is that it prepares you for marriage.

Being in a godly relationship and learning firsthand the principles that govern these relationships helps you have an idea of what’s expected of you in a godly marriage.

It’s in a godly relationship as you date your partner, you will know how you must act in a godly marriage and know that a godly marriage is different from a worldly marriage.

Godly relationships help you know the values and principles that govern Christian marriages and how you must act as a godly husband or godly wife in marriage (Eph 5:23-33).

So, if you are currently dating as a couple in a godly relationship, take this time to prepare yourself for marriage by learning how to treat each other with love and resolving the conflicts you encounter healthily as you prepare for marriage.

2. Teaches You What True Love Is All About.

 Secondly, the reason why godly relationships are vital for all Christian singles is they teach you what true love is all about which 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about.

It’s by being in a godly relationship will you learn what it truly means to selflessly love and serve your partner the way the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to which will set you up for a successful marriage.

It’s so sad that many Christian couples have lost it in this area of what true love is all about which is why many of such superficial Christian relationships end in heartbreaks and breakups.

You must understand that true love isn’t based on feelings and emotions but a decision you have to make to love your partner through thick and thin and not give up on them when things get hard as most do.

Real Christ-like love isn’t about romance, what you can get from the other person, and kissing each other as you see in romantic movies which you shouldn’t do if you are just dating. Save that for marriage.

True love here is about learning to selflessly serve your partner and putting their needs above your own as true love from God doesn’t insist on its needs being met. If you truly love your partner, you will gladly serve them selflessly.

Recommended: 7 Unmistakable Signs Of Agape Love In A Relationship.

3. Helps You Remain Chaste.

Thirdly, being in a godly relationship will help you remain chaste and maintain your sexual purity, especially in the times we live in where sexual immorality has become commonplace even among so-called Christian couples and that ought not to be so.

As a Christian, you need to remember that sex outside marriage is a strict no-no. Never mind worldly people or fake Christians who ignore the command of 1 Corinthians 6:18 to flee sexual immorality.

If you are a young single Christian woman, keep yourself pure and never allow any man other than your future spouse to discover your nakedness by widely spreading your legs wide open to every Jim and Jack who promises you love.

Conversely, as a young godly man, you must never dump your seed into any sister in the Lord you see who’s not your wife yet. Give that special privilege only to your future wife to receive your seed.

Yes, God understands you have sexual feelings but that doesn’t mean you must act like a wild animal which is why you need to be temperate and exercise self-control which is one of the fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about.

4. Helps You Equally Yoked.

Additionally, being equally yoked as a godly couple, especially on faith matters and Christian core values is another reason why being in a godly relationship is important.

2 Corinthians 6:14 tells us that as Christians, we must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers who don’t share our faith and Christian values.

Implying that as a Christian, you must only date within your tribe and avoid the temptation of dating an unbeliever no matter how handsome or beautiful they may look outwardly.

The reason why you need to be equally yoked, especially in relationships is it will become easier for you to navigate any differences and disagreements you face as a couple as you have similar Christian values.

On the other hand, if you date an unbeliever, there are just so many things you won’t see eye to eye especially when it comes to things like finances, raising children, etc. which will make it difficult for you to live together in harmony once married.

Recommended: 5 Major Benefits Of Equally Yoked Relationships.

5. Helps You Find A Godly Partner.

Helping you find a godly partner or godly spouse with godly character is another reason why being in a godly relationship is important.

You can’t say you want a godly spouse if you are in a worldly relationship and dating a non-Christian who doesn’t share your Christian core values when it comes to marriage relationships.

If you are a person desiring to marry a godly spouse, being in a godly relationship will give you a good head start as it will help you know what to look for in a godly spouse.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you want a godly wife or godly husband, you have to first date a godly person who aligns with your values concerning godly relationships and godly marriages.

On the contrary, if you are not in a godly relationship, you won’t know what being a godly spouse is all about. This is why you must avoid being in ungodly relationships that won’t help you find a godly partner.

6. Helps You Serve God Together.

A godly relationship is also important because it helps you serve God together as a Christian couple as you date each other.

Serving the Lord together must be your aim as a godly couple. Aim to edify each other in the things of the Lord as you both look forward to a godly marriage and your happily ever after in the Lord.

Of course, you must do it with discretion by not being together in closed places to give place to Satan to tempt your flesh to do funny things in the dark closets.

Make sure as a couple if you desire to read and share God’s word together, especially during courtship, do it openly like on church premises where no one will suspect anything fishy going on between you two.

Ultimately as a Christian couple, you must desire to get closer to God and not to be as a stumbling block to each other by making it easier for your fellow brother or sister to fall into sin.

7. Strengthens Your Faith.

Lastly, the final reason why being in a godly relationship is important is it will strengthen your faith as a couple as you both serve the Lord and seek to glorify Him in your relationship.

Having a godly partner who encourages and edifies you in the journey of the Lord goes a long way in helping you to remain strong in the Lord especially when trials of faith come.

This is why as a Christian, aim to date and subsequently marry a godly person who will draw you closer to God, not away from Him.

Doing so will help you have a happy and flourishing Christian marriage where you both delight in serving the Lord, thereby strengthening your faith as a couple.

Also if you are a couple who have strong faith in the Lord, you will overcome every storm and challenge that comes your way and nothing will separate you until you die when you get married.

Ultimately as a couple going to heaven and spending eternity together, there must be your ultimate goal as that will be wonderful when all is said and done.


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I hope the above 7 reasons why godly relationships are important now helped you understand why you need to be in a godly relationship before you marry a single Christian.

As you look forward to a godly marriage, remember, that being in a godly relationship by choosing a godly partner aligned with your core values you want to share your life with is a starting point.

In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with others as you leave using the right share icon. God bless.

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