You can find Biblical affirmations for almost anything. This list contains 63 I am biblical affirmations for joy, love happiness, etc. Kindly print them out and tape them to your mirror for daily reminders of God’s goodness in your life.
What are Biblical affirmations?
Biblical affirmations are simply words or statements rooted in Christ or God’s word that help you have a positive outlook on life and remind you of how worth you are in God’s sight.
Scriptural affirmations that are based on God’s word are different from worldly positive affirmations that are rooted in self and just make the flesh feel good.
Unlike empty worldly positive affirmations, Christian affirmations are based on God’s truth and promises in the bible that never fail, unlike worldly affirmations that fail in times of adversity.
63 I Am Affirmations From The Bible.
1. With Christ on my side and my strength, I can do all things through Him.
2. I am not my past because I know I am a new creature in Christ, set free from my former sins.
3. I am free in Christ and no longer a slave to sin and I am a child of God.
4. I am self-sufficient in Christ, Jesus.
5. I am a brand new creation in Christ and no longer identified by my shameful past.
6. I am longer a slave to fear and will not allow fear to imprison me.
7. I am rich in Christ not because of money but because I have eternal life.
8. I am infinitely valuable because a am fearfully and wonderfully made in His marvelous image.
9. Nothing can separate me from the love of God. Praise the Lord indeed.
10. I am saved by grace through faith and not by anything I have done.
11. I am abundant and full of heavenly abundance from above.
12. I am fully protected by the Lord and no weapon formed against me will prosper.
13. The Lord is my shepherd that I shall not want and leads me to green pastures.
14. With God on my side, I shall fear no foe as that foe can do me nothing to me.
15. Thank you for your protection from the evil one, Lord.
16. I am blessed because the hand of the Most High is upon me.
17. I am forgiven and cleansed from all my sins by the blood of the Lamb.
18. I am no longer a slave to sin by God’s grace but a servant of righteousness now.
19. Thank you for the gift of eternal life, the greatest wealth and riches one can have.
20. Good things happen to me not because of my goodness but because of God’s goodness.
21. I have life in Christ, the source of all life as we know it in abundance and joy.
22. The joy of the Lord is my strength I rest and trust in as I know it will never fail me.
23. By His grace, I will finish this race of life with joy and receive my crown of life in the end.
24. I have all I need in Christ to live happily and joyfully.
25. I have the power given to me by Jesus Christ to overcome sin and Satan.
26. I am loved by God and that is the only love I need to satisfy my demanding soul.
27. I have the power to selflessly love others the way Christ loved me through His love.
28. I have the peace Christ gave me that surpasses all understanding.
29. In Christ, I find all that my heart and soul desire and I need to look nowhere else.
30. I have the power through God’s grace to overcome anything or adversity life throws at me.
31. I am victorious in Christ because I know He’s won my battles already and has never lost any.
32. What the Lord has blessed me with, none can take away from me.
33. If God is for me, who can be against me including the devil out there seeking to ruin me.
34. I am an overcomer because, my Master, Jesus is an overcomer.
35. I am roughhouse, through the righteousness Christ imparted to me at salvation.
36. I overcome the world because I am born of God.
37. Thank you Jesus for making me an overcomer even when I thought I couldn’t overcome.
38. Thank you for granting me this gift of life I can enjoy every day.
39. Thank you Lord for being my sufficiency for all my needs according to your riches in glory.
40. I am full of God’s gifts and talents I can use to help others and ultimately glorify Him.
41. Thank you for your everlasting love, Lord you have shown me even when I didn’t deserve it.
42. I am worthy of heaven not because of my goodness but by His mercy and love.
43. Heaven is my final resting place and I am just passing by in this world.
44. I have a new life in you that is full of joy, love, happiness, and hope.
45. I am alive in you and without you, my life is dead in the water. Thank you, Lord.
46. I am rich because Christ because poor on the cross so that I can be rich in all areas of my life.
47. With Jesus the captain of my life, no sin will have dominion over me by His grace and power.
48. I am renewed day by day in Christ though my outward man perishes.
49. Thank you for renewing me day by day, Jesus.
50. With my hope placed in you, Lord, I have no fear for my future as I know you will handle it.
51. I am loved because of the way Christ first loved me and in like manner, I love others, too.
52. I will succeed with the Lord on my side.
53. Success is mine because I know God didn’t create me to be a failure in life.
54. With God’s help, I will fulfill all my dreams before my time to leave this world comes.
55. No dream and aspiration of mine will go unfulfilled with the Lord on my side.
56. This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
57. I am renewed and refreshed always when I am in God’s presence.
58. I am whole and complete in Christ and I lack nothing through His unsearchable riches.
59. I have perfect peace because of Christ in me.
60. The perfect love of God is all I need as it’s the only love that makes me whole.
61. I am no longer my past mistakes by the grace of the Lord that delivered me from destruction.
62. I am God’s masterpiece and I am enough just the way I am.
63. I am a royal priesthood of God and forever will be destined for eternal life.
I hope these 63 I am biblical affirmations on, hope, love, joy, and happiness will help you get through the day and remind you that you are self-sufficient in Him. Stay blessed.
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