What is the goal and purpose of marriage for Christians? I am sure you have wondered about this question whether you are married or still single.
This is what this post will discuss today. As Christians, it’s important to understand God’s ultimate goal of marriage and why He created such a sacred institution between a man and a woman.
Without wasting your valuable time, let’s discuss the 5 main goals and purposes of a Christian marriage according to the bible so that you know what marriage is all about
5 Main Goals Of A Biblical Marriage.
Below are the 5 main goals of a godly marriage between a godly wife and a godly husband in holy matrimony as both fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.
- Godly Lifetime Companionship.
- To Conform You To Christ’s Image.
- To Raise A Godly Family.
- Procreation & Intimacy.
- Protection.
1. Godly Lifetime Companionship.
One of the main goals of marriage in Christianity is for lifelong companionship between a husband and a wife in a marital union. It’s why we are told in Genesis 2:18-24 that it’s not good for a man to be alone.
Even when Adam was created in the Garden of Eden in his perfect state, God realized that it wasn’t good for him to be alone which is why He created for him a suitable companion, Eve to make him not feel lonely.
Life becomes so much more fulfilling and pleasant if you have someone to share it with, especially your soulmate or life partner, with whom you vowed to spend the rest of your life.
From the beginning, we see marriage was permanent until death and between a man and a woman only, as this needs to be made clear considering the times we live in today.
It’s why as a single Christian desiring marriage, understand marriage is for life and only death ends the marital covenant you make to your spouse.
Never mind those who divorce and remarry while their first covenant spouse is still alive as such people are living in adultery which Jesus Christ forbade in Luke 16:18 in the New Testament.
So, if you are feeling lonely and desiring to marry, pray about it and the Lord will bless you with a suitable life partner your heart desires to share your love life with till death do you part.
2. To Conform You To Christ’s Image.
This is perhaps the most important goal of a Christian marriage. Contrary to what the world believes, marriage wasn’t created for your sole happiness.
You need to understand that a Christian marriage isn’t about making you happy but all about conforming you to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ and the selfless love Has for His church.
Not understanding this golden principle of marriage is the reason many end in divorce as many people now don’t understand what true love and sacrificially loving your spouse as Christi loved us is all about.
Everyone these days is all about themselves and what they can get from their spouse, not what they can selflessly give. It’s why many give up on their marriages all because they are unhappy.
For your information, marriage is the only institution on earth where your true love for another human being, your spouse in this case will be ultimately tested.
It’s where you will learn what true love and selflessness are all about because marriage will truly expose how selfish and deficient you are when it comes to love.
So, if you can’t truly love your own spouse you vowed to share and spend the rest of your life within your marriage vows, who are you going to truly love in life? Nobody.
You must understand loving your spouse is different from loving other people such as friends who you don’t live with. No person on earth can love and know you better than your spouse you live with.
3. To Raise A Godly Family.
Another purpose of marriage according to the bible is to provide a safe and ideal haven to raise strong godly children which is especially relevant today with how woke the world is getting day by day.
With how children are being indoctrinated in schools, especially in the West and America with the wrong things such as homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism, the need for strong godly families is more relevant today.
If you are a married Christian couple blessed with children, your primary goal is to raise those children in the Lord so that they don’t get lost and snatched by Satan.
As a Christian wife and mother, make it your primary goal to teach and raise your children in the Lord so that when all is said and done you will be proud of what your children have become.
It’s why Proverbs 22:6 in the Old Testament says to train up a child in the way they should go so that if they grow up, they don’t depart from the ways of the Lord into eternal perdition in hell.
Conversely, as a Christian husband, endeavor to provide a safe home for both your wife and children to thrive in and lead them spiritually in the Lord as the spiritual head of your family as commanded in Ephesians 5:23.
Only then will you be able to raise a godly family with children who fear the Lord that will be a blessing and delight for both of you as Christian parents and not bring shame or regret to you as to why you had children in the first place.
4. Procreation & Intimacy.
Another goal of marriage according to God’s original plan is for procreation and physical intimacy between a husband and a wife within marital boundaries.
It’s why in Genesis 1:28 the Lord told both Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply which is what they exactly did albeit after their fall in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit.
In the above bible verse, we see God wanted Adam and Even to have children and this original purpose hasn’t changed one bit even today.
This is why having children out of wedlock is wrong for Christians as that entails having sex outside marriage that God forbids. If you want children the right way, go get married instead of burning with lust.
On the second part of this point, God also created marriage so that husband and wife can have physical intimacy for them to bond together in marriage.
It’s just a matter of fact physical intimacy between husband and wife in a biblical marriage brings them closer together which is why you must not shy away from it as 1 Corinthians 7:5 tells us.
Therefore, never deprive your spouse sexually for no reason as that’s sinful and one of the most hurtful and selfish things you can ever do to the spouse you claim to love. If you deny your spouse sex, you are breaking your vows.
5. Protection.
Last but not least, God also created marriage for protection which is relevant today considering how adultery and fornication have become commonplace in this fallen society we live in.
This is why sexual relations are only to be practiced between a man and a woman who are lawfully married to each other in holy matrimony.
Implying that as a married godly man, you must not seek sexual fulfillment in any other woman other than your wife. Don’t let any other woman other than your wife discover your nakedness and receive your seed.
Conversely, as a godly wife and woman, only your husband is authorized to see your nakedness. Don’t carelessly spread your legs wide open to every man out there who’s not your spouse.
A Christian marriage between two true believers will help protect you from being tempted to sin sexually or commit adultery. This is why you must have a healthy sex life so that you don’t get tempted to go outside.
If you have a healthy sex life as a Christian married couple in your marriage relationship, there is no way you will want to cheat on your spouse sexually by giving yourself to a person who’s not your lawfully wedded spouse.
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I hope the above 5 goals of a godly marriage have helped you finally understand what marriage is all about so that you don’t marry for the wrong reasons.
May what you have read above help you be the spouse God has always desired you to be so that you can be a blessing to your partner and enrich their life on your marriage journey.
In closing, if this post has blessed you, comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave using the right share icon. Stay blessed and wish you a happy prosperous marriage.
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