Now that you have become truly born again by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, what’s the next thing you must do as a new babe in Christ?
This is what this post will cover today. I am sure if you are a new convert, you are wondering about the same question but don’t lose heart as that will be sorted today.
Without wasting your valuable time, let’s look at the 7 vital things you must do after getting truly born again that will help you remain in the Lord and not go back to sin.
7 Things To Do After Getting Born Again.
1. Prioritize Prayer.
The first thing you must do as a new excited babe in Christ is you need to prioritize prayer in your life, especially as a new Christian.
Prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual weapons you have, and it will help you become a strong believer and convert. So, make great use of prayer by setting aside time for it in your prayer closet.
Being prayerful, especially as a new believer which you should if you just got saved is what will help you overcome temptations to go back to your sinful past.
You need to know just because you have become a Christian doesn’t mean the devil has given up on you yet. Not at all. He still wants to destroy your life with sin so that you end up in hell.
This is why you must fully deploy prayer in your life and not shy away from it. Being prayerless in your life will make it easy for the devil to defeat you with temptations.
Not making daily prayer a priority is the reason why many new converts backslide and go back to their former sinful life and vomit they renounced on the altar call. If you don’t want to backside, prayer is a must in your life.
2. Get Baptized.
Secondly, now that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, you need to get baptized so that you can receive the Holy Ghost in full as commanded in Acts 2:38-41.
You must get baptized as a new Christian because Jesus commands it and will symbolize you are now dead and raised with Christ and that you are alive in Him but dead to your sinful past.
Baptism on its own of course isn’t what saves you from sin. It’s why you need to be genuinely born again first before even thinking of being baptized.
If you get baptized while you are unsaved and still living in sin, it means nothing because you haven’t experienced the new birth yet which makes you a new creature.
But if you have had a genuine salvation experience and you know it in your heart you are truly born again, you can proceed to get baptized by full water immersion as Jesus commands in your local church.
3. Study The Bible Regularly.
The Bible is God’s Word and the primary way He speaks to us. Now that you have become a born-again Christian, you need to prioritize reading God’s word daily during your quiet time.
Doing so will help you grow spiritually and establish you in the things of the Lord. Reading God’s word is what will also help you discover God’s will and purpose for your life.
Additionally, reading the Bible regularly will help you get grounded in your faith and stay away from sin as His word is hidden in your heart as David wonderfully puts it in Psalms 119:10.
As a new convert, understand that God’s word is a lamp to your feet lighting up your paths ahead of you so that you don’t stumble and get led astray by Satan with his deceptions rampant today.
Commit yourself to reading the Bible at least for 15-30 minutes daily, starting with the Gospels, to learn more about Jesus’ life and teachings and apply them to your life.
Avoid being lazy and wasting time on social media endlessly scrolling things that won’t help you grow spiritually. Maintain spiritual discipline if you want to grow in the Lord as a new convert.
4. Pray For Sanctification.
Praying for sanctification after becoming truly born of God is another vital thing you need to do as being sanctified is what will help you live a consistent Christian life.
Being a sanctified new convert will also help you not go back to your former sins and will make it easy for you to overcome sin, self, the world, and the flesh as sanctification sets you apart from God (1 Cor 7:14).
However, if you lack sanctification, you will find it hard to live a holy life that’s free from sin as your Adamic nature is still active in your life making you desire to sin and go back to your old vomit.
On the other hand, if you get sanctified, you will find it easy to love God with all your heart and to live the holy life God expects of you now that you are in His kingdom.
All the past sins and the world you once loved will be no more. It’s why sin and the things of this world like worldly fashions and dress codes will no longer be attractive to you anymore.
This will be so because when you get sanctified, a spiritual operation takes place in your life that uproots that Adamic nature you were born with which makes you inherently sinful and do bad things.
Check: 10 Vital Benefits That Come With True Sanctification Of The Heart.
5. Find A Bible Believing Church.
Finding a bible believing church where the truth and full counsel of God’s word is taught is another thing that must be on your priority list now that you’ve become a true believer.
Doing so will help you quickly get established in the things of the Lord and avoid being deceived by false doctrines rampant in many false churches today.
As a new believer, you must understand that all churches are not the same as most of them don’t teach sound doctrine but are full of damnable heresies leading many astray.
Avoid such churches like the worst plague known to mankind. Otherwise, if you go to such false churches where the truth isn’t taught, you will risk getting damned in hell with them.
This is especially relevant for you as a new convert as you can easily be deceived by their false teachings as you are not yet fully established in the knowledge and things of God.
Kindly pray earnestly so that God leads you to the right church that teaches the truth and will help you to finally make heaven when all is said and done with your earthly life.
6. Share Your Faith With Others
As a born-again Christian, you’re called to share the good news of Jesus with others and what He’s done in your life which is something you must endeavor to do.
You don’t have to be an expert or perfect. Just be genuine and share your testimony of what God has done in your life encouraging unsaved sinners that God loves them and wants them to be saved.
If you do that, it shows you truly have the love of God for others especially if you know the people you are sharing your salvation testimony with are unsaved.
Don’t be shy or feel ashamed of sharing the gospel because you will be greatly rewarded in heaven if you win many souls to Christ which is Christ’s great commission for all believers.
Share what God has done in your life and how becoming a Christian has changed you for the better. Be open by sharing how your past sinful life or addictions if you had any almost ruined your life.
Doing so will encourage others who may be struggling with the same sinful addictions you struggled with to come to God to set them free believing they can be free as well via your testimony.
Check: 5 Main Consequences Of Not Winning Souls To Christ.
7. Don’t Return To Your Old Vomit.
Lastly, seeing that you have now become born again and are now a bonafide child of God on your way to heaven, you must not dare to go back to your old vomit (John 8:11).
Implying that once you get saved, you must not desire to go back to your former sins you have renounced and forsaken when you gave your life to the Lord on the altar.
Sadly, many wannabe converts do the exact opposite by going back to their old vomit just minutes after repenting and confessing their sins.
But if you do that, it just simply shows you are not truly born again yet nor have you experienced the genuine encounter with the Lord yet to have that new birth experience.
I know this because I also used to be such a person but no more and I can recall many instances where I could repent on Sunday but minutes later, I relapse into my old sins again.
It’s a deadly cycle that only Jesus Christ can deliver you from if you truly repent and confess your sins to Him with all your heart especially if you have strong addictions like drugs, pornography, etc. ongoing in your life.
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I hope and pray what you have read above on the 7 crucial things you must do after becoming born again will be of great help to you on the new Christian journey you’ve started.
My encouragement to you on this new journey is to remain strong and steadfast in the Lord and don’t follow multitudes to do evil as you’ll stand before God alone to account for your life.
In closing, if this post has immensely blessed you, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share with others as you leave. God bless.
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