7 Easy Ways To Heal From A Breakup As A Christian Fast.

In a previous post, I talked about the 7 ways to get over a breakup as a Christian, in this post, we will now discuss the 7 ways to heal from a breakup as a Christian.

If you have recently broken up with your ex as a Christian, this post will help you begin your healing journey today so that you can move on with your life finally.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s look at the 7 easy ways to heal from a breakup as a Christian that will help you get over your ex gracefully.

7 Fast Ways To Heal From A Breakup.

Below are the 7 effective ways that will help you heal from a relationship breakup with your Christian ex without incidence.

  • Pray For Your Ex.
  • Ask God To Heal Your Heart.
  • Put Your Ex In The Rearview Mirror.
  • Understand God’s Timing Is The Best.
  • Understand Loving Yourself Comes First.
  • Understand God Has Something Better For You.
  • Seek Christian Therapy.

1. Pray For Your Ex.

Yes, you hear me. One of the things that will help you heal fast from a breakup with your ex-Christian girlfriend or Christian boyfriend is to pray for them.

As much as you are heartbroken about the relationship ending, your ex is probably hurt also. Pray for both of you and your ex to heal from the heartbreak.

Doing so will show that the character of Christ is in you. When you do that, you will begin to heal sooner than you thought. You will also feel a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

You must understand that your ex doesn’t suddenly become your enemy just because you broke up with him or her. It’s just that you were not a good fit for each other in the end, that’s it.

Sadly, many Christians when they experience breakups pray dangerous prayers and which their exes are evil. But that’s not true Christianity which is all about love and forgiveness.

2. Ask God To Heal Your Heart.

Secondly, the next thing you must do that will help you begin healing from a bad breakup as a Christian is praying for God to heal your heart so that you can start anew.

Yes, heartbreaks caused by the betrayal of the person you thought was your one true love can be excruciatingly painful, but you can still heal from them with prayer.

You must remember, that the heartbreak you may be experiencing due to a relationship breakup is just for a season and soon your heartbreak will be a thing of the past.

God would rather let you experience a temporary heartbreak now than suffer for the rest of your life in a miserable marriage all because you chose your life partner wrongly.

If you are experiencing a gruesome heartbreak as you are doing this, just take it to the Lord in prayer who understands your pain better to heal you as He’s with you even in your heart.

Don’t let your heart bleed forever over an ex who was never meant for you and the one God never wanted you to be with in the first place.

3. Put Your Ex In The Rearview Mirror.

Thirdly, for you to heal from your Christian breakup of a Christian relationship that never turned out to be, you need to put your ex in the rearview mirror of your life if you are to move on.

Understand that your ex is an ex for a reason and it doesn’t make sense for you to fantasize your life about them months and even years after you have broken up with them.

It’s so sad many Christians have failed to move on with their lives as they still fantasize about their previous lives and the good times they had with their exes thinking nothing could be better than what they had previously romantically.

Nevertheless, if you are to finally fully heal from your breakup and move forward with your life which you have postponed because of your ex, you need to put your ex in the rearview mirror of your life.

Understand if your previous relationship was meant to be and was God’s will, a breakup wouldn’t have occurred in the first place as He has something better for you ahead.

No matter how good some people may look outwardly it doesn’t mean they are a good fit for you to be your future husband or future wife in a Christian marriage.

Related: 5 Vital Things To Do When God Says No To A Relationship.

4. Understand God’s Timing Is The Best.

Sometimes, the reason why we experience breakups even as Christian single couples relationship-wise is the wrong timing of that relationship as we begin dating and courting.

Remember, God doesn’t rush to do things and this is relevant when it comes to relationships. He doesn’t do things out of desperation but He operates according to His will and time.

Due to not being patient, we sometimes end up with partners in a relationship God doesn’t approve of as God will never want you to be with a person misaligned with His will and purpose for your life.

Henceforth, due to irreconcilable disagreements, differences, and fatal misalignment of certain vital core values, these rushed relationships end up failing big time.

When it comes to relationships, marriage, and choosing a suitable life partner to marry, remember, that God’s timing is the best. Wrong timing relationship-wise is a recipe for disaster.

If someone you thought was the right person to marry but didn’t turn out to be, don’t despair because, at the right time, you will meet the right person you were meant to marry and spend the rest of your life with.

Related: 10 Clear Signs He’s Not The One From God For Sure.

5. Understand Loving Yourself Comes First.

You may find the above point contradictory as a single Christian but it’s not what you think. Here I am saying that loving yourself must be your top priority before wanting to be loved by others in a romantic relationship.

The self-love I am talking about isn’t the selfish and self-centered love that harms others for one’s selfish interests. But the health self-love Jesus talked about in Mark 12:31,31.

It’s also the healthy self-love that reminds you that you are special and priceless in God’s sight, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image as Psalms 139:14 tells us.

As you may know, you can’t truly love others if you don’t love yourself as you can’t serve from an empty cup. You can only love your neighbor if you love yourself, too.

It’s so sad many people especially desperate Christian women looking for a man to love them think being loved by another person is more important than loving themselves.

If you don’t love yourself, no amount of love from any other person be it your romantic partner will ever be enough for you as it can’t feel the inner void in your heart that only healthy godly self-love can do.

6. Understand God Has Something Better For You.

Knowing that God has something way better for you in the future can help you in a long way in healing and getting over past your breakup with your ex.

Sometimes, it’s so surprising how many people cling to toxic and unhealthy relationships thinking there is nothing better than what they have but that’s a gullible lie from the devil.

At this moment, we think that there is nothing better than what our ex offered us in terms of love and romance. Hence, we remain stuck and obsessed with our ex instead of letting go and moving on.

You must remember that only God knows the best and right person for you to spend the rest of your life with who will complement you greatly and help you fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

Once you meet the one God meant you to be with, you will even wonder why you had to stoop too low and obsess about your ex who was at best subpar in your previous relationship which was unhealthy, anyway.

Related: 15 Clear Signs He’s The One From God To Marry ASAP.

7. Seek Christian Therapy.

Finally, as we conclude this post on ways to heal post-breakup, I need to mention sometimes, considering how deep your heartbreak is, therapy is sometimes needed to begin your healing journey.

I say this because I am sure just like me you have heard or witnessed people commit suicide because of a breakup which is unfortunate indeed.

If you have been greatly affected physiologically by a nasty breakup even as a Christian, go seek professional therapy from mature godly counselors who will help you navigate your emotions and the hurt you are currently experiencing,

Remember that, your life is more precious than the ex you broke up with who wasn’t a good fit for you to marry, anyway. Henceforth, why must you cut your life over an ex you can easily replace, dear?

Don’t let the selfish actions your ex made to break up with you be the reason why you end your life. If you do that, it means you hate yourself. Remember, you are loved by God which is way better than what your ex could offer.


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I hope the above 7 ways to heal from a breakup as a Christian will finally help your heart fully heal and recover from your past failed relationship with your ex who wasn’t the one for you.

As you heal post-breakup, always remember, that God wants the best for you and doesn’t want you to have a miserable marriage because of choosing the wrong person to marry.

As you leave, don’t forget to share this post with those who need this using the right share icon if you found this post helpful. Heal soon.

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