10 Signs You Are Truly In A God-Ordained Relationship.

Are you wondering if you are in a godly relationship or not? Then, this post on the 10 signs you are truly in a God-ordained relationship will greatly help you.

If you desire to be in a Christian relationship that glorifies God and want to know if you are truly in one, there are several signs you must look for to confirm you are in such a relationship.

Without wasting your valuable time, let’s look at the 10 undeniable signs that will show you are in a relationship ordained by God.

10 Signs Your Relationship Is Godly.

Below are the 10 signs indicating your relationship is Godly and Christ-centered.

  • Desire To Serve God.
  • Desire To Glorify The lord.
  • Your Partner Helps You Do The Right Thing.
  • No Abuse Of Any Kind.
  • Godly Love.
  • You’ll Be Each Other’s Keeper.
  • No Sex Before Marriage.
  • Equal Yoke.
  • Total Alignment In Christian Core Values.
  • You’ll Practice Forgiveness.

1. Desire To Serve God.

One of the first signs that will show you are in a godly relationship is that as a couple you will desire to serve God with all your hearts as you look forward to marriage.

Serving the Lord together as a couple and encouraging each other to do so will help draw you closer together emotionally physically, spiritually, and above all to God.

This must be your aim if you desire a godly partner to serve the Lord with for all the days of your life that will later help you have a happy and successful Christian marriage.

2. Desire To Glorify The Lord.

Secondly, the second good indicator that will show you are in a Christian relationship is that both of you as a couple will desire to glorify and uplift the Lord Jesus Christ in your relationship.

You will do so by doing things that please the Lord in your relationship such as abstaining from all forms of fornication and sexual immorality as commanded in 1 Corinthians 6:18.

As a Christian couple desiring to please the Lord, you won’t indulge in things that please the flesh. Rather, you will do things that please God relationship-wise which must be your prayer and desire.

3. Your Partner Helps You Do The Right Thing.

Thirdly, if you are in a godly relationship with a godly partner, he or she will help you do the right thing and won’t want you to do wrong things that will displease the Lord.

Proverbs 27:17 tells us iron sharpens iron. If your relationship is godly, you will sharpen each other to do the right thing and not do wrong things like drugs or having sexual relations before marriage.

As a Christian, endeavor to help your partner do the right thing in your relationship and not be the reason why your partner stumbles and falls into sin like in worldly romantic relationships that are all about satisfying fleshly lusts.

4. No Abuse Of Any Kind.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you are in a healthy godly relationship, there will be no abuse of any kind be it physical, verbal, spiritual, or emotional.

You need to understand that true love from God isn’t abusive and doesn’t hurt the person it claims it loves wholeheartedly. So, if you notice abuse in your relationship, just know your partner doesn’t love you at all.

How can you say you love your potential soulmate or life partner if you are abusive to them early on before you even marry? It makes no sense.

Get out of any abusive relationships and stop defending your abuser in the name of love as that’s sick as God’s love doesn’t abuse but nourishes and makes you feel loved.

Check: 10 Signs That God Wants You To Leave A Relationship Fast.

5. Godly Love.

Godly love for each other as you date will be another true sign your relationship is godly and founded on God’s selfless love that doesn’t fail.

The godly agape love we are talking about here is the selfless love that seeks to serve the other rather than being served 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about. Best gifts for your loved ones

Not the selfish love built on lust found in worldly relationships that only seeks to take from the person rather than to give selflessly to the betterment of the other person relationship-wise.

If you are in a godly relationship, you will truly love each other selflessly and be passionate about each other not in a lustful way but in a way that seeks to put the needs of the other first above your own.

Check: 7 Clear Signs Your Relationship Has God’s Agape Love.

6. You’ll Be Each Other’s Keeper.

In Genesis 4:1-13 the bible talks about being each other’s keepers in helping each other not stumble into sin by edifying one another to pursue righteousness and to do good.

This will be the case if you are in a Christian relationship as you will desire to keep each other from falling into sexual sin by the way you interact with each other, especially in the times we live in.

As a Christian, you must not be the reason why your fellow single brother or sister in the Lord falls into sexual immorality by the way you dress, act, or talk. Be the reason why your fellow brother or sister doesn’t sin.

Sadly, many couples are not being each other’s keepers to be chaste and pure as they are making it easy for the other person to fall into sexual sin by how they dress or act. This out not to be so if you are a Christian.

7. No Sex Before Marriage.

Also, you won’t have any forms of physical intimacy or expose each other’s nakedness to each other if you are in a godly relationship while unmarried.

Sadly, many couples claiming to be Christians aren’t practicing abstinence thereby sinning with their bodies sexually instead of presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice that’s blameless as Romans 12:2 tells us.

If you are in a Christian relationship, sexual relations while unmarried must be a big no for you. Don’t mind others who aren’t honoring their bodies. Choose chastity and the Lord will reward your faithfulness.

Check: Why Sexual Immorality Is A Sin & A Big Deal To God?

8. Equal Yoke.

Another sign that will prove you are truly in a Christ-like relationship is you will be equally yoked with your partner in faith and many fundamental Christian core values.

2 Corinthians 6:14 in the New Testament tells us that we must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, especially when it comes to relationships and marriage.

Implying that as a single Christian woman or man, don’t date or court an unbeliever no matter how much you may love them if you don’t want to sign yourself up for a lifetime of marital misery which isn’t God’s will for you.

Check: 7 Main Dangers That Come With Unequally Yoked Relationships.

9. Total Alignment In Christian Core Values.

Being aligned as a couple on vital Christian core values is crucial for the success of any Christian relationship, and if you are in one, you will be totally aligned in this area.

Amos 3:2,3 reminds us that two people can’t be together unless they agree. You won’t last long if you are fatally misaligned early on vital Christian core values governing godly relationships as you date each other.

This is why, if you want your relationship to succeed, you must ensure that you align with your partner on vital Christian values early on, such as raising a family, your beliefs on certain things, expectations, etc.

10. You’ll Practice Forgiveness.

Last but not least, if both of you are in a godly relationship, you will forgive each other of the wrongs you do to each other as none is perfect and without flaws.

Forgiveness is crucial to every relationship and your future marriage if you want your relationship to last and stand the test of time. Practice love and forgiveness as you get to know each other during dating.

If you can’t forgive your partner as commanded in Ephesians 4:32, it clearly shows God’s love is not in your heart and that you don’t truly love your partner as you falsely claim.


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These are all the 10 signs that you are truly in a godly relationship I had to share with and I hope you have been blessed by them and learned something new.

Let the above signs motivate you to desire to be in a godly relationship that will please the Lord and not a worldly relationship that will only lead you into sexual sin and heartbreaks.

In conclusion, if you have been blessed by this post, comment below, and don’t forget to share as you leave using the right share button. God bless.

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