10 Vital Dating Tips Christian Ladies Must Follow.

Are you a young Christian lady looking for godly dating tips? If so, this post is for you as it will show you the 10 helpful dating tips Christian ladies must follow to marry right.

As a Christian woman desiring to get married, I have some vital dating advice I will share with you here and the pitfalls to avoid if you want to have a happy Christian marriage.

Having said that, let’s quickly dive into the 10 important godly dating tips for single ladies that you must follow as a young Christian lady so that you date according to God’s will.

10 Godly Dating Tips For Single Ladies.

  • Seek God’s Will.
  • Don’t Ignore Red Flags Please.
  • Date A Godly Man.
  • Don’t Tolerate Abuse.
  • Flee Sexual Immorality.
  • Let God Lead You.
  • Date A Man With The Same Values As Yours.
  • Don’t Rush Things Please.
  • Pray For Discernment.
  • Avoid Situation Ships.

1. Seek God’s Will.

The first dating tip and arguably the most important one I can give you as your fellow brother in Christ Jesus is always to seek God’s will while you are dating or courting.

I know it’s very easy to get carried away by emotions and feelings especially if you have strong feelings for someone and you are young. But, you must not allow feelings as a Christian lady to override your common sense.

Let God guide you on whom to date and court as you desire to be in a godly relationship that you wish to turn into a future marriage.

Doing so will help avoid a lot of unnecessary heartbreaks many immature Christian women have gone through due to a lack of discipline and self-control.

Check: 7 Easy Ways You Can Know God’s Will In Your Relationship. 

2. Don’t Ignore Red Flags Please.

The second Christian dating advice and tip I can give you if you are a young Christian woman is don’t ignore red flags, no matter how handsome and charming the guy may be.

You need to understand that if the guy you are dating or in a romantic relationship with is abusing you from the onset, it’s very likely that he’ll abuse you when you get married.

Stop thinking that you can change the guy by being nice to him. This is sadly a common mistake many young and naive Christian ladies make which has ended them into trouble.

If God shows you red flags don’t ignore them and take action immediately. Don’t ever think you can change a man God hasn’t even changed yet.

Check: 10 Vital Red Flags You Mustn’t Ignore During Dating.

3. Date A Godly Man.

The third tip I can give you as you seek true love from the right godly man is to date a man who’s godly as doing so will make things much easier for you.

On the other hand, if you date an unbeliever who you don’t share the same Christian values and faith with, things will be much harder for you due to the unequal yoke.

As a Christian woman desiring a godly marriage, dating a godly man will help you avoid marrying a man who’s abusive to you as a Christian man will never be abusive to you in any form, no matter what.

Check: 10 Signs You’re Truly Being Pursuing By A Godly Man.

4. Don’t Tolerate Abuse.

Another godly dating advice I need to give you as a young Christian woman who desires to be in love is don’t tolerate any form of abuse in any way as true love doesn’t hurt.

Regardless of how you may be emotionally attached to the so-called abusive Christian guy you may be dating out of desperation, you need to end that relationship if things get worse.

Otherwise, you will end up in an abusive marriage. Don’t say you love the guy too much to break up with him while he destroys you from the inside with his devilish abuse.

God will never give or lead you an abusive partner to marry because what He gives is perfect as James 1:17 tells us.

Check: 11 Relationship Deal Breakers That’ll Indicate It’s All Over.

5. Flee Sexual Immorality.

As a Christian woman, you need to flee sexual immorality and avoid physical intimacy before marriage as commanded in 1 Corinthians 6:18 in the New Testament.

Sadly, many Christian ladies who are desperate to be in a relationship and to be loved by a man have ignored this vital Christian dating advice and have played a harlot with their bodies with men who don’t even love them.

If you are not married, young lady, don’t spread your legs wide open to any Jim and Jack that comes to you promising they will marry you if you give yourself to them. Save sex for marriage and keep your legs closed for now, please.

Check: 5 Easy Ways Of Overcoming Sexual Sin For Good. 

6. Let God Lead You.

As you date for marriage as an aspiring future Christian wife to your dream Christian husband you envision in your life, you need to let God take the lead in choosing a life partner.

You must not allow the flesh and infatuation you may have for a particular guy to be the deciding factor in whom to marry.

Remember, your flesh and emotions can deceive you. It’s why many women end up with abusive partners as they let emotions lead them.

If you let God lead you to the right person to marry during your dating period, you will have a happy and blissful Christian marriage you have always prayed for and desired since childhood.

7. Date A Man With The Same Values As Yours.

Dating or courting a godly man who has the same Christian values and shares the same faith with you is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a young Christian lady desiring a Christian husband.

As Amos 3:2 reminds us two people can’t be together except they agree. Likewise, your Christian relationship will only last if two of you are in agreement with each other especially when it comes to shared values.

If you court a man who doesn’t share the same values and faith with you, problems will soon surface in your relationship that will make it hard for you to be together which will lead to a breakup eventually.

8. Don’t Rush Things Please.

Another vital dating advice I will give you if you are a young Christian woman who’s excited to be in a romantic relationship to get married is don’t rush things, period.

This implies that you must not think of dating or courtship if you are not yet ready or have a lot of maturity and growing up to do. Otherwise, if you rush, you are setting yourself up for failure.

You need to be patient and wait on God if you want to marry the right person who won’t be a prayer point later on in your marriage. Understand that God’s timing is the best if you want to marry right.

9. Pray For Discernment.

Prayer is also a vital thing you need to do if you are in courtship so that the Lord can lead you to the right person to marry. If you don’t pray, your flesh will mislead you on who to marry.

You need to remember that only God knows the person who’s just the right fit for you to marry and who will complement your weaknesses perfectly.

If you pray for discernment, you will avoid many pitfalls many Christian women have ended up in due to carelessness and lack of spiritual discernement.

Remember, only the Lord knows what’s hidden in a man’s heart as many are good pretenders during dating and bait switch when you marry.

10. Avoid Situation Ships.

Last but not least, you need to avoid situations as they are just a waste of time especially if you are a lady who desires to have children as soon as possible.

Bear in mind as a woman, you have a biological clock you need to account for. A godly man who’s truly in love with you and is serious about marrying you will not waste your time.

It’s so sad that many Christian women end up wasting time with men who don’t even want them even when those men have clearly said no by their intentions.

I hear and see many ladies spend more than 5 years in a relationship hoping he’ll propose. If you are in that situation, you need to wake up before it’s too late.


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I hope and pray the above 10 Christian dating tips for ladies in romantic relationships will greatly help you as a young lady to date wisely as you look forward to marriage.

That’s all I had to share with you. If this post has blessed you, comment below, and don’t forget to share using the share icon to your right. God bless.

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