Are you a Christian and wondering why few Christians will enter heaven? If so, then, this post on 7 major reasons why few will enter heaven will give you the answers you have been looking for.
It’s indeed a sad state of affairs that only a few believers will ultimately make heaven. I hope and pray you will be one of them after reading this post.
With that said, let’s kindly discuss the 7 primary reasons why few will enter heaven in the end despite God wanting everyone to be saved and not go to hell in the end.
7 Reasons Why Many Will Not Enter Heaven.
1. Lack Of Genuine Salvation Experience.
The first major reason as to why few Christians will enter heaven is many so-called Christians lack a definite salvation experience which is mandatory for one to enter heaven.
Salvation is what saves a sinner from sin and its horrible consequences which is eternal damnation in hell fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41).
Therefore, it just makes perfect sense if you don’t have this definite salvation experience even if you are a churchgoer who goes to church every Sunday, you won’t enter heaven.
It’s so sad that many so-called religious Christians don’t know what it truly means to be genuinely saved which explains the sad state of affairs of many believers in the church today.
Many think that if they go to church every Sunday and do a few superficial good works by being a good person they will enter heaven which couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you are reading this now and wondering if you have a genuine salvation experience, you can genuinely repent and give your life to Christ right now and you will be truly saved with a genuine assurance of salvation you never had before.
Check: 10 Sure Signs That Your Salvation Is Genuine.
2. The Love Of This World.
The second reason why many will not make it to heaven including fake religious Christians is the love of the world and the things of this world that 1 John 2:15-17 talks about.
This explains why many church-going Christians are no different from worldly people be it in the way they dress, act, or behave. Just look around the way many so-called Christians especially women dress and are caught up in worldly fashions.
It’s so sad that many carnal Christian ladies see nothing wrong with dressing immodestly in church and exposing their sensitive body parts that only their lawfully wedded husbands are meant to see.
Most of the time you will see these ladies in immodest dresses and artificial makeup they have applied to themselves like Jezebel in the bible. When you try to confront these ladies, they say there is nothing wrong and that God only looks at the heart.
However, as a genuinely saved Christian especially as a woman, you must understand that worldly dressing, fashion, and artificial makeup have no room in your life unless you want to play religion and are not serious about making heaven.
If you are serious about going to heaven, you need to leave the aforementioned things like immodest dressing, worldly makeups, fashions, and anything that make you look like worldly people behind.
The fact that many so-called Christian women are into worldly fashions and dressing, shows they love the world more than God which explains why such people will be left behind when Christ Jesus returns to collect His own.
Check: 11 Clear Signs That You Are A Worldly Person Without Christ.
3. The Love Of Sin.
Thirdly, the love of sin in the hearts of many people including churchgoers is another reason why many will not enter heaven as nothing unclean and which defileth itself will ever enter there (Rev 21:27).
Due to our fallen sinful nature, we are inclined to do bad things which is why sin is very attractive and intoxicating even to try to resist for a second if you are unregenerated by Christ.
The love of sin is the reason why many, including religious Sunday church-going Christians, think living a holy life that’s free from sin is impossible. If that were the case, then God would not ask us to be holy just as He is in 1 Peter 1:15.
So, if you think living a living holy life is impossible it’s because you love your sins like no man’s business and the thought of you departing from them seems like the end of the world.
Moreover, you need to understand that heaven is not a place for unregenerated sinners but a holy place for only redeemed saints who’ve been washed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and lived a spotless holy life while on earth.
If you love your sins and filth such as sex before marriage, drunkenness, womanizing, lasciviousness, and other fleshy works mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21 just know heaven is not for you and rightfully so.
It’s so sad that many people are willing to miss heaven just for momentarily sinful pleasures of this present evil world and eternally damn themselves in hell which isn’t worth it if you ask me. I pray you aren’t such a dumb person.
4. Not Living A Holy Life.
It’s just a matter of fact that holiness and righteousness are a must-have requirement to enter heaven as Hebrews 12:14 reminds us which many so-called Christians think it’s not a big deal.
As a bonafide true believer, you need to understand that only Christ’s imputed holiness and righteousness in you will qualify you to enter heaven on that final day of separation where there will be weeping and wailing.
Without His holiness, no matter the good works you have done in this world, you can forget about entering heaven.
Instead, you will be greeted by these dreadful words Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “I never knew you, depart from me you worker of iniquity.”
I am sure a believer, these aren’t the dreadful words you want to hear when the roll calls up yonder and the time is no more. Most religious believers who never understood what true Christian living was all about will meet this fate.
It’s why if you are a true Christian, you can’t afford to play around with sin and think you will go to heaven if secret sin is still present in your life. Sadly, many are still living in secret sin and if you are such a person, you need to repent today.
The good news is you can truly repent today and start living a holy life that’s above sin and the moral pollutions of this fallen world we live in.
Don’t be among the many fake believers and wicked people who will perish in hell due to their unrepentant sins.
No matter what, my dear brother and sister in the Lord, strive to live a holy life and don’t follow multitudes to do evil. You will be eternally grateful if you heed this advice when all is said and done.
Check: 7 Main Obstacles To Living A Holy Life Most Believers Face.
5. The Love Of Self.
Another reason why many people including carnal Christians will not enter heaven is because they love their sinful self too much like there is no tomorrow more than they love God.
The love of self is one of the major reasons why many are unwilling to deny themselves by taking up their crosses to follow our Lord Jesus Christ fully. Due to this, many will miss heaven because of self.
If you love your sinful self too much, you will find it impossible to be a true follower of Christ and deny the sinful pleasures of this world many are drunk in as being a true follower of Christ requires you to fully deny yourself.
It’s why Jesus said in Luke 9:23 that anyone who desires to come after Him must fully deny themselves and take up their crosses to follow Him.
Otherwise, if you are unwilling to deny yourself, forget about being Christ’s follower later alone making heaven.
You must understand that you can’t serve both self and Christ simultaneously as these two things are in direct conflict with each other with clashing conflicts of interests.
Your sinful self will always want you to please your flesh and do things contrary to God’s word. On the other hand, Jesus wants all of you to surrender yourself fully to Him so that no conflicts of interest between yourself and Him get in the way.
6. False Religions.
Another interesting and obvious reason why only a few will enter heaven is the presence of many false religions in the world strategically set up by Satan to lead many astray as possible to their eternal doom in hell.
I am sure you well know that there are tens of thousands of false religions in the world that promise different things to their followers which isn’t eternal life for sure.
If you are a true Christian or any ordinary person reading this, you must understand that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. You will only enter heaven by accepting Jesus in your life and trusting in His finished works on the cross.
Sadly, many people deceived by the false religions of this world think will enter heaven by doing good works and being a good person notwithstanding that salvation is found in no other name other than Jesus (Acts 4:12).
But you may wonder why Jesus is the only way to heaven and that is why there are not many ways to heaven as many deceived people and unbelievers try to suggest.
The simple answer to that question is that only Jesus Christ truly loved you enough to die for your sins so that you don’t go to hell. All these other false religions and their founders can’t claim the same thing Christ did.
Henceforth, many will not enter heaven as they rejected Christ out of their volition and trusted vain and false religions of this world that can’t give them salvation and eternal life Christ has freely made available to us via His death and resurrection.
7. Not Understanding True Christianity.
Lastly, few will enter heaven because only a few believers understand what true Christianity is all about which is more than just merely going to church every Sunday and singing empty praise songs in church.
You need to look no further and just look around in many churches how many so-called religious Christians live their lives. There is no difference between them and the people of the world.
Talk about sexual immorality, drunkenness, homosexuality, lesbianism and all manner of moral perversions are all present among fake church-going Christians which is sad indeed and ought not to be so.
This is happening because many don’t understand what being a true bonafide heaven-ready Christian is all about as many think they can freely live in secret sin, be of this world, and still go to heaven.
Kindly understand that only true-born gain Christians with a genuine salvation experience and a new nature of Christ Ephesians 4:24 talks about living a holy life that’s unspotted from this present evil world will enter heaven.
If you are a hypocrite who claims to be a Christian, yet you live in sin, you will not enter heaven unless you repent and turn from your wicked ways which you must do if you are not truly born again yet while there’s time.
Check: 11 Clear Signs You Are A Fake Unsaved Christian.
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I hope the above post on 7 reasons why few will enter heaven has finally made you understand why few Christians will ever get there where whereas many will end up in hell.
After reading this, I pray that you will follow the narrow path to life by living a holy life that is separated from the world, not the broad path that leads many to hell.
In closing, if this post has blessed you, comment below, and don’t forget to share using the right share icon as you leave. God bless, and please make heaven your priority.
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