10 Sure Signs Your Salvation Is True Beyond Any Doubt.

Greeting dear saints of Ya. In this post today, we will discuss the 10 sure signs that will indicate if your salvation is genuine or not.

If you are a believer who’s wondering if your salvation is genuine or not, then this post will give you the assurance you need to know if you are truly saved or not.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s quickly dive into the 10 clear signs your salvation is true to help you know for sure your salvation is real.

10 Signs Of Genuine Salvation.

Take your time to carefully and diligently read the 10 signs below to look out for if you want to know your salvation is real.

1. Genuine Encounter With Christ.

To begin with, if you are truly saved, you will have a genuine unforgettable encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, the author of our precious eternal salvation.

This encounter with Christ will leave an unforgettable experience in your life and will mark a new chapter in your new Christian walk with Him.

And there is no way you can remain the same and still struggle with your old sins once you have had this genuine encounter.

Without this divine encounter with the Lord, it’s virtually impossible to get saved from sin because once you have encountered Christ, you can’t be the same anymore.

Check: 5 Easy Ways To know If You Are Saved By Jesus For Sure.

2. You’ll Produce Fruits Of Repentance.

Secondly, if your salvation is genuine beyond any reasonable doubt, you will also produce genuine fruits of repentance John the Baptist talks about in Matthew 3:8.

You can’t say salvation is in your life if you are still living in your old sinful ways because if you are truly saved, you will produce good fruits of repentance.

Once you get truly saved and have that unforgettable encounter with Christ, you will no longer desire your former sins nor desire to fulfill the desires of the flesh.

Conversely, if genuine salvation is absent in your life, you won’t produce the genuine fruits of repentance that always go hand in hand with the former.

Check: 7 Vital Fruits Of Repentance That’ll Show You’re Truly Saved.

3. It’ll Lead To Sanctification.

Thirdly, if your salvation is real in your Christian life, it will naturally lead to sanctification, a spiritual act where God removes the Adamic nature in you that makes you want to sin.

Sanctification which can only happen if you are genuinely saved from sin is what will enable you to live a consistent Christian life that’s pure and spotless from the evils and moral pollutions of this fallen world.

Once you experience sanctification, you will have this new and deep passionate love for God you never had before. This explains why you will desire to spend more time with God through prayer and soaking yourself with His word.

Additionally, living a life of holiness and righteousness free from all manner of sinful addictions you once struggled with will be now easy to do. It’s a wonderful experience you can’t afford to miss as a Christian.

Check: What Is Biblical Sanctification And Why It Matters To You?

4. You’ll No Longer Love The World.

The other thing that will help you know that you have real salvation that leads to eternal life is you will no longer love the world you once passionately loved like there’s no tomorrow.

This includes the things of this world and its lusts such as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life which aren’t of God.

If you are a new convert in the Lord, know that you are not to love this world nor the things therein as 1 John 2:15-17 tells us because if you do, your salvation is highly questionable.

Since Jesus Christ isn’t of this fallen crooked world we live in, you as well dear brother and sister in Christ need not be of this world as there’s nothing good in it compared to your priceless salvation.

Check: How To Avoid Worldly Things Of The Flesh As A Christian?

5. You’ll Be A New Creature.

It’s just a matter of fact dear brother and sister out there reading this now if your salvation is true you will be a new creation in Christ as 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us.

Implying that the old things and past sinful life you lived are now the things of the past once the Lord makes all things new in your life.

This is why you can no longer return to your former sinful life and claim to be saved. Otherwise, if you do so, you are merely deceiving yourself.

Once you become a new creature, something else amazing happens in that you also inherit the new nature of Christ Jesus which will now make you desire to follow after righteousness all the days of thy life.

Check: 13 Traits Of The New Nature Of Christ All Real Believers Have.

6. Assurance Of Salvation.

The assurance of salvation is perhaps the most important indicator that will help you know you are truly saved beyond any reasonable doubt.

And this salvation assurance comes when God’s Spirit bears witness with your own spirit that you are truly God’s child as Romans 8:16 tells us.

You will only have this witness and confirmation from the Holy Spirit if you have had a genuine salvation experience in your life. Otherwise, if your salvation is questionable this assurance will not be there.

This will explain why you will doubt if you are saved or not as this witness of the Spirit to validate you as God’s bonafide son or daughter is simply not there.

7. You’ll No Longer Desire Sin.

If your salvation is truly genuine, you will no longer desire the sins you once loved in your unsaved sinful state. Instead, holiness is what you will now desire as God’s new creation.

For instance, if you used to indulge in fornication, drugs, drunkenness, and all the other moral pollutions of this world, you will no longer do those things once you become saved for real.

All the past sins you once loved will now be detestable to you as you have the new nature of Christ in you which makes you hate sin and delight in living a holy life pleasing unto the Lord.

Conversely, if your salvation is fake, you will still love your sins and return to them even after repenting countless times on the altar call as the old sinful nature is still active in your life.

8. Freedom From Sin.

I know the above point is a bit controversial for most so-called Christians who think you can’t be free from sin which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Nonetheless, you need to know that freedom from sin and any sinful addictions without exceptions you may currently be struggling with is 100% possible today and right now.

This will be the case if you have a genuine and definite salvation experience in your life. Yes, freedom from sin dear struggling brother and sister in the Lord is possible.

Jesus Christ came for this reason to set you free from sin because when He sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36). If being free from sin wasn’t possible then, His death was in vain.

9. You’ll Live A New Life.

Once you become a new and genuine convert with a genuine encounter with Christ at Calvary, you will also live a new life characterized by holiness, obedience, and righteousness.

Implying that you will no longer live the old life of sin you once lived while unsaved and lost. If you were a smoker, drug addict, or person who lived in sexual immorality, you will no longer do those things.

It’s so sad that many people who claim to be Christians as still slaves to their sinful desires and fleshly lusts which isn’t consistent with a person who has had a real salvation experience.

You can’t claim to be saved if you are still indulging in your sinful vomit because once you truly encounter Christ at Calvary you will no longer want anything to do with the old sins you once loved.

10. You’ll Have The Blessed Hope.

Lastly, if you have the genuine salvation experience, you will have the blessed hope of one day being taken to heaven in rapture when the Lord comes to collect His own.

Remember as a real Christian, heaven is where your real home is and Jesus will come to collect His own at His appointed time during rapture.

That is why I encourage you to remain steadfast and unmovable in your faith as you leave so that you don’t miss the rapture or heaven which will be very tragic if you do due to carelessness.

Don’t allow the mundane things of the world to derail you from this blessed hope of finally leaving this wicked world and reuniting with our Lord and redeemed saints of all times in heaven.


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I hope the above 10 signs that your salvation is genuine will now help you know whether you are truly saved or not and make necessary corrections in your life if needed.

If you doubt your salvation, you can pray to the Lord at this very moment, and He will grant you genuine salvation, provided you mean it in your heart.

In closing, if this post has immensely blessed you, comment below and share it with others who truly need this message. God bless.

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