7 Sure Signs That You Are Going To Heaven For Real.

Are you wondering if you are going to heaven or not and want to know if you are on your way there? Then this post on the 7 signs that you are going to heaven will greatly help you.

If you are a truly saved Christian, many signs will show in your Christian life that you are truly a bonafide heavenly candidate. Otherwise, the opposite is true if you are not a real believer.

With that said, let’s look at the 7 sure signs that you are going to heaven, which indicate that you are surely on your way there so that you can be sure you will make it when you die.

7 Signs That You Will Make It To Heaven.

1. Genuine Salvation Experience.

The first sign that will indicate you are on your way to heaven is that you will have a definite and genuine salvation experience all true believers who are truly saved have.

This genuine salvation experience will be unmistakable and the most special moment you will ever have in your life as a real born-again Christian.

Without this genuine salvation experience, you can forget about going to heaven as without salvation, you can’t go there as salvation is what saves us from sin.

If you think you don’t yet have this genuine salvation experience characterized by the joy of salvation and cessation of doing evil, the good news is you can have it today before it’s too late.

Jesus Christ loves you so much that He gave His life for you by dying on the cross for your sins knowing that you might not love Him back. If you aren’t saved yet be today this very moment as you read this.

Tell me of any sinful fallen human who can love you like that. No one which is why you can’t afford to reject this love gift of salvation today. Don’t let the love of sin hinder you from getting saved.

Check: 10 Sure Signs You Have Genuine Salvation Beyond Any Doubt.

2. You’ll Live A Holy Life.

Secondly, the other sign that will confirm that you are heaven-bound without any reasonable doubt as God’s son and daughter is you will now live a holy life after getting saved.

No longer will you desire the former sinful life you once loved. Instead, you will have no desire to live a holy and righteous life that’s free from sin and the moral pollution of this present evil world.

Hebrews 12:14 tells us that without holiness, we can’t see the Lord later alone enter heaven. If you desire to spend eternity with God, Jesus, saints, and the holy angels in heaven, have nothing to do with sin.

You must understand that living a holy life as a Christian is a must-have and not an option to enter heaven. Never mind the so-called fake Christians who say it’s not possible to be holy.

Remember, that God can’t ask us to do things He knows are impossible for us to do. The fact that He asks you to be holy and righteous as a Christian, He knows by His grace you can do it.

All you need to do on your part is have that burning desire in your heart to be holy and pure by saying no to Satan’s sinful temptations to indulge in temporary sinful pleasure of the flesh leading many to hell.

Check: 11 Major Reasons Why You Must Live A Holy Life As A Christian.

3. You’ll Not Love The World.

Thirdly, the other sign that will help you know that you are a heavenly citizen is you will not love the world nor the things that are of this world as commanded by 1 John 2:15-17.

You can’t say you are going to heaven if you still have the love of this world and the things of this world in your heart as you can’t serve two masters at once.

Implying that if you are truly on your way to heaven, the things of this world be it worldly dressing, parties, fashions, etc. that worldly people love will be of no interest to you.

Sadly, many Christians are so in love with the world that there’s no tomorrow which is why nowadays it’s hard to differentiate Christians from worldly people be it in dress code, lifestyle, etc.

However, if you are a real heavenly-minded believer, you must have nothing to do with this world be it its fashions, immodest dressing, parties, and anything that may steal your heart away from God.

Check: How To Avoid Worldly Things Of The Flesh As A Christian.

4. You’ll Be Heavenly Minded.

In Colossians 3:2, in the New Testament, we are told that our affections must be on heavenly things and not perishable mundane earthy things that will one day pass away.

It’s why our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:19-21 that we must lay our treasures in heaven where thieves can’t break in or moths destroy, unlike earthly things which can be broken in by thieves.

It’s so sad that many Christians are too focused on gaining earthly riches instead of focusing on storing more riches for themselves in heaven.

Ask yourself this question dear brother or sister in the Lord, “What will it profit me if I will have all the monies, successes, and houses of this world if I lose my soul,” Jesus Christ asked In Mark 8:36.

If your heart is so fixated on gaining worldly perishable riches instead of focusing on your incorruptible inheritance in the Kingdom of God, it shows that you aren’t heavenly-minded.

Remember, as Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, where your heart is, your treasure shall be. Let your heart’s treasure be on things in heaven and not perishable earthy riches or houses.

The fact that you are so much interested in gaining worldly riches rather than focusing on making heaven, shows your heart is in this world and that heaven is of no interest to you.

Check: 5 Easy Ways Of Investing In Imperishable Heavenly Treasures.

5. You’ll Have A Pure Heart.

Furthermore, if you are on your way to heaven, a place of everlasting joy and bliss where all redeemed saints of all ages will go you will have a pure heart.

Implying that your heart and its desires will be holy and righteous which will make you not desire the old sins and sinful lifestyle you once loved when you were unregenerated.

Now that your heart is regenerated with a new nature of Christ Jesus, you will now desire the things God desires which is why you will now find this world unattractive.

Sinful pleasures of this world will no longer interest you as they once did because your heart’s treasure and affections are now towards heaven and incorruptible mansions beyond the blue that won’t rust or gather dust.

Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 5:8 that only those with a pure heart undefiled from the moral pollutions of this present fallen world we live in will see God in heaven.

I am sure you long to see God in all His glory as a Christian when all is said and done which is why you must guard your heart with all diligence and keep it unspotted from the evils of this world corrupting many.

Check: 13 Traits Of A Regenerated Pure Heart That’s Heaven-Ready.

6. You’ll Be On The Narrow Way.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you are on your way to heaven, you will be on the straight and narrow way Jesus Christ talked about in Matthew 7:13,14 that leads to life where only few will find it.

This implies that if you are on the narrow way few true believers are in, you will be a true Christian and not a fake Christian who wants to just play with religion.

By being on the narrow way, you will live a disciplined Christian life of holiness and self-denial many so-called Christians aren’t willing to live.

It’s why you can’t afford to live a life of self-indulgence and pleasing yourself with sinful pleasures of this world like sexual immorality, drunkenness, etc. consuming many irresponsible fake believers.

You need to understand that a life of self-indulgence is for the fake Christians who are on the broad way many are in that leads to eternal destruction in hell fire which you aren’t part of.

Henceforth, dear brother and sister in the Lord I encourage you by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to strive to enter the narrow gate as many people including many so-called believers will try to enter but will be unable to.

Check: 7 Main Reasons Why Many Christians Will Fail To Enter Heaven.

7. You’ll Look Forward To Heaven.

Lastly, if you are on your way to heaven, your heart will yearn to finally be there with Jesus and you will be restless until you get there as you know heaven is your real home, not this world.

As a result, you will just yearn to finally be done with this present evil world just as I can’t wait to get there as well as I am tired of seeing the evils of this world and how degenerated it’s becoming daily.

Won’t that be wonderful dear saint of God to finally meet together and all the other saints who have lived in various dispensations since this world began?

If you are such a person, continue being steadfast in the Lord in your Christian Walk and don’t mind others who give up halfway there as going to heaven is strictly a personal affair you must decide for yourself.

Don’t allow the fake glamor, fame, glories, and riches of this world to distract you from where your true riches and inheritance are which is in heaven.

I hope and pray by God’s grace you will make it there and hope to finally meet you there as well. For now, just be steadfast and don’t give up like many have no matter how hard it may be.

Check: How To Be A Heaven-Ready True Believer Today?


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I hope the above 7 signs you are going to heaven have now given you the assurance you need to know if you are truly going to heaven or not.

If you feel like you are not heaven-ready, you can be today right now by rededicating your life to God and renouncing anything that may hinder you from getting there via genuine repentance.

In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share using the right share icon as you leave. God bless and remain heavenly-focused.

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