7 Sure Signs That You Are Truly In The Wrong Church.

Greetings dear saints of Ya. In this post today we will discuss the 7 signs that will indicate you are in the wrong unhealthy church which you need to leave ASAP.

As a real born-again Christian who wants to make heaven at last, the church you go to matters a lot, especially in the current times we live in where falsehood is everywhere.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s discuss the 7 signs that you are truly in the wrong church, which will help you know if that church you are currently in is of God or not.

7 Signs You Are in a Wrong Unhealthy Church.

Below are the 7 definitive signs to look for if you think the church, you are currently going to worship and congregate is unhealthy or the wrong one.

1. No Sound Doctrine.

The first thing that you will notice if you are not in the right church is that you will not hear sound doctrine or the whole truth and counsel of God’s word being taught.

Instead, you will only hear carnal and fleshly messages that are just designed to make you feel good and not to bear godly fruit in your Christian life.

This is especially true with over 95% of most of the churches nowadays that no longer preach about sin, hell, and holiness, one of the fundamental bible doctrines of true Christianity.

All you will hear in these false churches led by false pastors and charlatans who are just after your money is prosperity and fake prophesies such as,” I see you will have a nice Porsche car or house.”

Meanwhile, these charlatans are busy getting richer by cashing in on the offering you give them due to your gullibility as a seed while you remain poorer. I am sure you see this happen all the time around you.

The proliferation of these churches is because of what 2 Timothy 4:3 tells us that many will not endure sound doctrine, especially in these last days we live in due to itching ears. If you attend such false churches cease, now for your soul’s sake.

2. Worldliness Is Promoted.

Secondly, if you are in the wrong church, you will find that that church promotes worldliness and that there is no total separation from the world.

This explains why many so-called Christians in these fake churches are no different from worldly people in the way they look, conduct themselves, and dress.

Just look at how immodestly many so-called Christian women dress in church today. It’s not uncommon to see these worldly women put on miniskirts in church for that matter and exposing their panties.

What in God’s name is wrong with these supposedly so-called Christian women you may be wondering? Well, this is because a worldly Jezebel spirit has invaded these women which is why they dress the way they do.

Men are not exempted as well from this worldly spirit. If you are a Christian lady, there must be a definite difference in the way you dress that will differentiate you from worldly people.

If worldly people wear miniskirts, shorts that expose your thighs, pants meant for men, artificial makeup, etc. you must not do those things because you are not of this world.

Sadly, you won’t hear false churches preaching about modesty and against worldliness and ungodly dressing that has ravaged many women in the church. 

Instead, you will hear funny statements like, “God only looks at your heart not what you wear,” a direct misquote of what 1 Samuel 16:7 meant in the Old Testament.

As a bonafide son and daughter of Christ Jesus, you must know God cares how you dress and present yourself to the world. How will you bring the lost to Christ if you are no different from them in your lifestyle and dress code?

Check: 5 Examples Of Worldly Things Real Believers Must Avoid.

3. Holiness Is Not Encouraged.

Thirdly, if the church you are attending is the wrong one you shouldn’t be attending in the first place you will notice that holiness and separation from sin will not be preached at all.

Rather, you will hear false doctrines like,” We are all sinners and that no one in this world can be holy and live a holy life.” 

Yes, it’s true that we are all natural-born sinners who have sinned and fallen short of God’s grace (Rom 3:23) due to our first parents who first sinned in the Garden of Eden.

But to boldly say no one can be holy when God explicitly commands it in 1 Peter 1:15,16 simply shows you are not God’s child at all but a devil’s child instead. 

I know this is the harsh truth you may not want to hear as you are reading this but you must know that God doesn’t compromise on holiness and righteousness.

If you want to spend eternity with God in heaven when all is said and done, holiness is a must as without it, forget about entering the bright mansions beyond the blue filled with everlasting joy.

So, if a pastor is saying you can’t be holy, just know the pastor is telling gullible lies as God can’t ask of us things He knows we can’t do. The fact that He tells us to be holy because He knows by His grace it’s possible.

Check: 11 Main Reasons Why True Christians Must Live A Holy Life.)

4. Promotes False Doctrines.

Another sign that will surely indicate something is amiss with the church you may have been going to since your childhood is it will promote strange and false doctrines.

It will not be unusual that you will hear many false teachings from false teachers in these churches teaching damnable heresies that directly contradict God’s word (2 Peter 2:1-3).

If you are in a church that you know isn’t teaching the whole truth of God’s word, for the sake of your precious eternal soul, get out of that false church as soon as possible.

Because when you don’t your soul will be eternally lost in hell which isn’t worth it in the end. Have nothing to do with fake churches and preachers who don’t teach the truth.

Don’t be among the millions of gullible souls who will end up in hell because they were misled by their fake pastors who cared not about their soul’s well-being but their own pockets.

This lovely warning from God you are reading here is especially relevant in these end times we are living in where many false doctrines and fake preachers have become rampant.

Nonetheless, this must not surprise you as Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 24:11 that many false prophets and teachers via false churches will arise and deceive many especially those who don’t want to hear the truth.

Check: 10 Main Examples Of False Doctrines & Teachings To Avoid.

5. Sin Is Not Rebuked.

If you are in the wrong church that doesn’t care about your soul’s eternal well-being, you will notice that sin is often not rebuked but turned a blind eye on.

This is why you will find that in these fake churches, sin is not talked about but promoted under the guise that no one is perfect or that we all sin and no one can be holy.

The fact that many fake churches exist explains why sins such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, and moral perversions such as homosexuality and lesbianism have become acceptable in religious circles.

A true church will never be soft against sin but strongly preach against any sin and moral compromise that has eaten away many churches from within.

So, if you notice the church you are in is light on sin and only talks about money, know it’s not a genuine church that will help you make heaven in the end.

Going to church must help you prepare for eternity and to meet the Lord, not make you comfortable in your sins or help you go to hell. Otherwise, why waste your time going to church if heaven isn’t your goal?

6. You Will Get Cultish Vibes.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you are not in the right church whose foundation is built on Christ Jesus, will feel cultish to a certain extent.

This will be so as you will notice that the pastor will attract glory to himself rather than giving glory to God notwithstanding everything that the pastor can do is by God’s grace.

If you are in such a church, you will find yourself idolizing, prostrating, and worshipping the pastor like a god which you must not do in the first place by the way.

You are only supposed to give glory and worship that is due to God only, not any fallible human. Sadly, many deceived followers fear their pastors more than God.

They would rather listen to what their pastor is telling their itching ears without question even if what the pastor is saying clearly contradicts God’s word to the tee.

It’s why many get deceived by blindly trusting and following men. Yes, it’s okay to honor your pastor, God has placed over you to shepherd your soul, but it must end there, period. Nothing more, nothing less.

7. Focused On Earthy Gains.

Lastly, the other thing that will indicate you are truly in the wrong church is too much emphasis on earthly things rather than heavenly things.

In these churches, earthly fame, fancy cars, prosperity, gains, or riches will be highly prioritized over heavenly riches that are incorruptible.

In Colossians 3:2 we are told that our affections must be towards heavenly things, not earthy things that will one day pass away or be destroyed at the end of this world.

It’s why Jesus Christ also tells us in Matthew 6:19-21 that we must lay treasures in heaven where thieves cannot break in or rust and moth destroy.

You need to understand that this world is not your home everything you strive to accumulate here on earth will be left behind and meaningless once you cross over to eternity.

This is why you must choose to be in a heavenly-minded church that isn’t obsessed with earthly gains, riches, or fame that will fade away. Otherwise, what will it profit you in the end if you gain the whole world and lose your dear soul?


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Have the above 7 signs helped you know if you are truly in the wrong church or not? If so, put what you have read in this post into practice.

Remember, your soul is simply too precious to risk going to hell because of being in the wrong church that doesn’t help you get to heaven. Choose a church that teaches the truth.

In closing, if this post has blessed you, kindly let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share as you leave to those who truly need this message. God bless.

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