Why must we live a holy life as Christians and believers? I am sure that you have asked yourself such a question at some point in your Christian life and this is what this post will discuss today.
There are many reasons why you must be holy and live a holy life. The Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament tells us the same message on the importance of holiness.
Without wasting your precious time let’s look at today’s vital question on,” why must we live a holy life as Christians?” So that you can understand why holiness and holy living is vital in your Christian living.
11 Reasons For Holy Living.
Below are the 11 major reasons why you need to live a life of holiness and righteousness to help you be a holy person who’s heaven-ready.
- It’s God’s Commandment.
- Jesus Christ Calls Us To Holiness.
- It Signals You Are God’s Child.
- It’s God’s Important Attribute.
- It’s A Requirement To Enter Heaven.
- It Shows You Are Truly Born Again.
- Holiness Attracts The Holy Spirit.
- Holy Living Glorifies God.
- Holiness Attracts God’s Blessings.
- Holy Living Shows You Are A True Christian.
- A Holy Life Is The Best Life.
1. It’s God’s Commandment.
One of the major reasons why you need to live a holy life as a Christian is because it’s God’s command. 1 Peter 1:15-17 tells us that we must be holy just as He’s holy.
Holiness is one of the most important attributes of God and it’s just common sense that He will ask us to do the same thing if we claim to be His children as we are created in His image.
Therefore as a truly saved Christian who’s born of God, you will also follow suit and reflect the same attributes of God of which holiness is one of them. Sadly, many think that you can’t be holy but that’s not true as God can’t ask us to do the impossible.
Related: 7 Major Characteristics Of A Holy Life [+ Nice Sermon].
2. Jesus Christ Calls Us To Holiness.
The other reason why you must be holy and live a life characterized by holiness and righteousness is that our Lord Jesus Christ has called us onto the high way of holiness.
God’s word in 1 Thessalonians 4:7 tells us that God has not called us unto uncleanness but to holiness, righteousness and sanctification.
So, if you claim to be God’s child, you need to shun sin at all costs and pursue the highway of holiness Jesus Christ has set before you. Otherwise, if you don’t do that, then you are not God’s child as all God’s children are holy and hate sin.
3. It Signals You Are God’s Child.
In 1 John 3:7, we are told that he who does righteousness is righteous even as He Jesus Christ Himself who’s called to righteousness and holiness is righteous.
Verse 8 of that same chapter goes on to say that if your practice sin you are of the devil just as he has sinned from the beginning. This is because you have the old nature of sin that’s still active in you making you love to sin.
You need to understand that you can’t say you are God’s child if you are still living in sin because if you are truly born of God ( 1 John 3:9), you won’t live a life of sin due to the new nature of Christ Jesus in you that enable you to be holy and not live a life of sin.
4. It’s God’s Important Attribute.
The other reason why God wants us to be holy is that it’s His important attribute and identity. Therefore, it follows that since He, the Holy Spirit, heavenly angels, His Son, Jesus Christ, and everything in heaven is all holy, we must be holy, too.
Without holiness, God wouldn’t be who He claims to be as holiness is what makes Him who He is and the other good attributes such as love, justice, etc. all stem from His holy character (Psalms 22:3).
So, if you are not holy, you are not His child because if you are His child you will also be holy and mirror this important attribute of God since you are born of Him when you got your salvation and eternal life through Christ Jesus when you gave your life to Him.
5. It’s A Requirement To Enter Heaven.
If you are to enter heaven, you need to be a holy person. Otherwise, you won’t be able to enter heaven without holiness and your Christian faith and Christianity will have been in vain all this time.
In Hebrews 12:14, we are told that we must follow peace with all men along with holiness of which without, none will see the Lord. Implying, no heaven for you without holiness.
It doesn’t matter how good and religious you may think you are, without the Christ imputed holiness and righteousness in you, forget about making heaven, dear. You just have to be holy if you want to spend eternity with God in heaven.
Related: How To Get To Heaven According To The Bible [+Sermon].
6. It Shows You Are Truly Born Again.
All genuinely born-again Christians who are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and have the new birth experience live lives characterized by holiness and righteousness due to the new nature of Christ in them Ephesians 4:24 talks about that is created in God’s likeness.
If you are not genuinely born again yet, even if you go to church every Sunday, just know that you won’t be able to live a holy life as the old sinful nature we are all born with that makes you love sin is still in you.
Only when you become truly born again by the water and the Spirit will you be able to live a holy life. The people who say you can’t be holy say so because they haven’t experienced the new birth and have no idea what it means to be truly born again.
Related: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of A Truly Born Again Christian.
7. Holiness Attracts The Holy Spirit.
Another reason why you need to be holy just as your Heavenly Father and all heavy inhabitants are is so that you can attract the presence of the Holy Spirit. Since He’s holy just like the Father and the Son, He can only dwell in the presence of holiness, not sin.
If you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit and attract His holy presence in your life, you need to live a life of holiness and shun sin as God’s Spirit can’t dwell in the presence of sin.
The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:16,17 that we are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in us as true believers. This is why you can’t afford to defile your body with sin if you don’t want the Holy Spirit to leave you.
Related: How To Regain The Holy Spirit If You Backslid? [+ Sermon].
8. Holy Living Glorifies God.
A person who lives a holy life that is above sin brings glory to God. There is nothing more pleasing to God than Him seeing you live a life of holiness that glorifies Him.
You need to understand that God hates sin, which is why He’s displeased if you are still living in sin and if you are, I encourage you to turn away from your sinful lifestyle and start living a life of holiness that brings glory to God.
If you are truly God’s child, you will always want to please Him by being a holy person who lives a holy life that attracts God’s glory and pleases Him as commanded in 1 Peter 1:16.
Related: 12 Practical Benefits Of Living A Holy Life [+Sermon].
9. Holiness Attracts God’s Blessings.
The other vital reason why you need to be holy as a believer who’s truly saved from sin is that holy living attracts God’s blessings upon your life due to your prayers being answered.
It is why Proverbs 20:7 tells us that a righteous person along with their children who walks in the integrity of righteousness and finds delight in God’s commandments will be blessed.
So, if you want your life to be filled with the blessings of the lord, you need to embrace holy living and have nothing to do with sin which just brings curses upon one’s life and eventually death (Romans 6:23).
Related: 12 Major Benefits Of Living A Godly Life [That’s Free From Sin].
10. Holy Living Shows You Are A True Christian.
Holiness is a mark that characterizes all believers who are truly saved and are on their way to heaven. You can’t say you are a real Christian if you still live in sin or still have the love of sin in your heart though you go to church every Sunday religiously.
Only fake Christians without the life of Christ in them live sinful lifestyles even if they claim there are Christians by going to church every Sunday.
You need to remember that holiness is one of the main foundations of true Christianity as, without that, your Christianity and faith are in vain as it won’t enable you to make heaven as only holy people with pure hearts washed from sin will enter there (Matthews 5:8).
Related: 15 Signs Of A True Christian Who’s Truly Saved From Sin.
11. A Holy Life Is The Best Life.
Last but not least, the other reason why you need to be holy which you can be by God’s grace is that a holy life is by far the best life you can ever live.
It is the best life because it attracts God’s blessings, and favor and most importantly prepares you for eternity so that you can spend eternity with God in heaven where you will see Him in all His glory wine it all is said and done.
Holy living is also good because it leads to the fullness of joy and pleasure found only in the Lord Jesus Christ (John10:10). A holy life is also the best life because you will no longer be filled with shame and guilt that sin brings on one’s life.
I hope the above post on,” why must we live a holy life as believers?” Has now helped you understand why you need to be holy if you want to make heaven in the end. In closing, if this post has edified you in some way, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.
Other Similar Posts.
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it’s been helpful to me God bless you
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