15 Sure Signs That You Are Truly Born Again For Real.

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. In this divinely inspired post, we will discuss the 15 sure signs that will tell you if you are a born-again Christian on your way to heaven.

If you are that person who wants to know for sure that you are truly saved and born again on your way to heaven beyond any reasonable doubt, this post is for you.

With that said, let’s look at the 15 signs that you are truly born again that will clearly prove you are God’s child and part of His royal priesthood.

15 Born Again Signs All True Believers Have.

1. A New Nature.

Firstly, when you become truly born again, you will have the new nature of Christ Ephesians 4:24 talks about birthed in God’s likeness that will make you desire to follow after righteousness.

This will explain why you will no longer be interested in your former sinful lifestyle you once loved like no man’s business nor will you be in love with your former lustful sinful deeds.

With this new nature in you due to you undergoing a new spiritual birth experience, something inside of you will just feel new and fresh.

Because of this new nature you now have, you will have this new heart and desire for God. You will find yourself spending more time with God reading His Word wanting to know more of Him.

Living a holy life that is above sin or the moral pollutions of this fallen world we live in is something you will now aspire to do daily and find sweet, as your desires have changed.

Check: 13 Major Traits Of The New Nature Of Christ True Christians Have.

2. A Full 360° Character Transformation.

Secondly, once you become genuinely born again, you will experience a full 360°-character transformation with will conform you to Christ’s likeness and nature.

The old sinful character, you once had that made you do bad things and be an unpleasant person to be with will no longer be in your life since you are a changed person inwardly.

You will now have a godly character that will make you want to do godly things and live a life that’s pleasing to the Lord, not the sinful flesh you once pleased in your former life.

Having a godly character is one of the most crucial traits you need to have as a real believer because, without character, you won’t go far in life or your Christian journey.

Since you have a new Christ-like character, you will be more aware of your actions, words, and how you treat others. You’ll now notice that you’re more patient, kind, and forgiving to others in situations where you used to be harsh or quick to anger.

3. You’ll Have A Meek Spirit.

Thirdly, having a meek and quiet spirit is one of the vital fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about which will be fully present in your life if you truly experience the spiritual new birth.

This lowly spirit in your heart will make you humble and gentle towards others as well as yourself. You will no longer be puffed up with the spirit of pride and arrogance you once had.

Meekness is one of the most vital traits every genuinely saved person inherits when they receive genuine salvation by fully accepting Christ in their heart as their Lord and personal Savior.

Since you have this sweet meek spirit from above, you will no longer be a contentious and quarrelsome person who always has an axe to grind with other people over useless things.

Conversely, if you find yourself constantly quarreling with other people for no reason, you need to critically examine your life if you are still standing in the Lord or backslidden.

4. You’ll Have A New Heart.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you truly get saved, a new heart talked about in Ezekiel 36:25,26 will be given to you by the Lord, making you a new person in Christ.

With this new heart given to you by the Lord, you will now find yourself loving the Lord like you never did before by wanting to obey His word and keeping His commandments.

Being obedient to God’s word is something you will now find easy to do because of the new heart of flesh you have as the stony sinful heart you had while unregenerated which made you rebellious towards God is no longer in you.

With this new heart in you, new desires will also come in your life that are holy and righteous explaining why the love and desire for sin you had before is simply no longer in your life.

Instead, you will now only desire holiness and to do things that please the Lord all the days of your life. All the stubbornness and rebellion you had towards God will be a thing of the past.

Check: 5 Traits Of A New Heart Of Flesh Only True Believers Have

5. You’ll Have A Genuine Salvation Experience.

Furthermore, another sign that will help you know that you are now truly born of God is that you will have an unmistakable genuine, and definite salvation experience in your life.

This experience is something that will be memorable to you and never forget while you live here on earth because it’s a very special experience and unlike anything.

Having a genuine salvation experience is crucial if you want to be a truly born-again believer as without it, getting genuinely born-again is impossible.

The lack of a definite and genuine salvation experience explains why we have a lot of fake Christians and hypocrites who have one foot in the church and the other in sin. This ought not to be so dear brothers and sisters in Christ. 

If you find yourself struggling with sin, you can pray and repent today so that you have this genuine salvation experience that will free you from the habitual sins you are enslaved to.

Check: 15 Signs That You Are Truly Saved And Heaven-Bound.

6. A New Perspective Towards Eternity.

Being truly born again will also shift your focus and affection from the mundane things of this world towards eternity and the heavenly things above where your heart will be now. 

Your outlook on life will no longer just be about enjoying the temporary pleasures, riches, fame, or achievements of this world as you now know his world isn’t your home but a wilderness.

With that in mind, you’ll live with the understanding you are just passing by and that no temporal pleasures of this world are worth sacrificing spending your eternity with God in heaven.

This eternal perspective you now have will change how you live your life and make choices. You find yourself more focused on what has lasting eternal value like your relationship with God and salvation.

You will no longer to too invested in accumulating perishable earthly riches for yourself that will fade away.  Your priorities will now be laying heavenly treasures for yourself as Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:19-21.

7. New Desire For Holiness.

Your new life and new birth you have received through Jesus Christ will now give birth to a new love for everything pertaining to holiness and righteousness.

Because God is holy and righteous and you are now born of Him, you will also become holy through Christ’s imputed righteousness in you as He’s holy.

Loving sin will be a thing of the past because you will now be in tune with God’s nature and you will no longer want to hurt Him by living in sin which is offensive to Him.

As such, sin will also become offensive to you and you will want nothing to do with your past sins you loved like crazy. Instead, will desire only to live a life of holiness all the days of your life.

If you still love your sin and go to church, it simply means you are not truly saved yet because if you are truly saved, you will love what God loves (righteousness) and hate What he hates (sin).

Check: 5 Main Reasons Why Holiness Matters To All True Believers

8. A Desire To Fellowship With Other Believers.

Being born again often brings a new desire for community and fellowship with other believers which will surely be the case with you as well when you become part of God’s spiritual family. 

If you become truly born of the Spirit, you will no longer desire to associate with your former sinful friends you enjoyed associating with and enjoying sinful pleasures of the world.

This will be so because you are now a new creation in Christ with new desires and different priorities that will be different from your old sinful friends you enjoyed being with.

Instead, you will now want to associate and congregate with your fellow believers in the Lord who you share the same faith with which will be very beneficial especially if you are a new convert.

It’s why as a Christian who’s newly born again, make it a habit of fellowshipping with your fellow Christian community of believers so that you can edify each other in Christ.

9. No Longer A Slave To Sin.

When you truly have the new birth experience, you will no longer be a slave to your former sins and sinful lusts of the flesh you were enslaved in when you were an unregenerated sinner.

Now that you are genuinely saved, you will no longer live in any habitual sins you once lived in but you will live a holy life that is free from your former sinful past and fleshy lusts.

If you are still struggling with certain sins in your life, it shows you are yet to have that memorable new birth experience which will make you a new creature in Christ with a new nature.

You must understand as you read this post, you can only have the new nature of Christ in you if you genuinely become born again by water and the Spirit as John 3:3-5 says.

But if you are just a mere religious person who goes to church every Sunday without this new spiritual birth experience, you will not be free from sin which you may be currently struggling with.

10. You’ll Live In Obedience.

Another unmistakable sign that will tell you now born again for real, no pun intended is you will live an obedient Christian life that is in full submission to God’s Word and His will.

As a person claiming to be God’s child, you need to remember that God has called you to obedience which is why you just can’t live however you want like worldly people.

If you are truly born gain, you won’t claim to be a Christian, meanwhile, you are being disobedient to God’s word by stubbornly living in sin as if the devil has cast a spell on you to sin.

Understand that true Christianity is all about living a practical Christian life that’s in full obedience and submission to God’s word without any provision for your flesh to sin.

Sadly, many Christians who claim to be born again are doing the exact opposite. Unfortunately, these people are merely deceiving themselves and wasting their time going to church every Sunday.

11. A Hunger For God’s Word.

When you get born again for real, the Bible will become more than just a book but God’s living word which will become alive and active in your life.

God’s word will become a source of life to you which is why you will desire more of it. It’s why you will now want to spend more time reading God’s word to understand God’s will and purpose for your life.

Since His word is now alive in your life, you won’t feel like reading a newspaper anymore as you once felt when reading it since God’s Spirit to help you make sense of His word is operating in your life.

You will no longer waste your valuable time endlessly scrolling on social media or watching vain TV shows that have no eternal value and won’t help you enter heaven like most do.

Like a newborn baby who desires sincere milk from its mother, likewise, you will now hunger and thirst for God’s word as you know it’s the spiritual sincere milk that will help you grow spiritually.

12. Separate From The World.

Additionally, if you are truly saved and born again, you will live a life that’s completely separated from the world and its evil systems.

It’s why you will no longer dress the way you used to dress nor covert the worldly fashions and makeups of this world you coveted when you were of this world.

Now that you are no longer of this world as Jesus tells us in John 17:16 even as He’s not of this fallen world we live in, the former worldly fashions, lifestyles, pleasures, and dress code won’t just appeal to you anymore.

Interestingly, many people who claim to be Christians sadly still behave and dress like the people of the world explaining why there is so much immodesty in the church today.

However, as a real bonafide Christian, you have no business with immodest dressing or wanting to make yourself appear like worldly people who want to change their appearances with their paintings or makeup.

13.  Selfless Love For Others.

Being able to selfless love and serve others with the selfless agape love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about will be another sign that you will you are truly born of God.

As a born-again believer, you will have a deep love and compassion for others, even for those who are hard to love. It’s why you will not find it hard to be loving and kind to those who least deserve it.

The love we are talking about here is the real love from God that’s more than just emotions and not selfish, unlike human love which is naturally selfish and self-centered. This explains why you will desire to serve others rather than be served.

Sadly, lack of genuine agape love is the problem the church today has as many are fakes and cheats only interested in loving you if they are getting something from you.

This explains why so many betrayals happen even among so-called brothers and sisters in the church who are out there ripping each other off for selfish gains.

Check: 7 Key Differences Between God’s Love & Human Love.

14. You’ll Be Born Of God.

Being born of God will also be evidential proof that you are truly born again and that you had a genuine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ at salvation.

As 1 John 3:9 tells us, since you are born of God, you will have His nature and seed in you which is why you will no longer live in sin or struggle with sin anymore.

Because you have the nature of God in you, living a holy life that’s above sin and the moral pollutions of this world is something that you won’t find hard to do.

People who say that living a holy life that’s free from sin is impossible to say so because they have not yet had a genuine encounter with Christ.

Henceforth, they say none can be holy and free from sin as these people don’t have the new birth experience in them that brings about the new nature that makes one no longer desire sin.

15. Heaven Will Be Your Primary Goal.

Lastly, when you become a new creation in Christ with a new heart and new spirit in you, heaven will now be your ultimate goal as you journey through this spiritual wilderness of the world.

You will no longer be obsessed with having or cluttering your life with perishable earthly riches at the expense of getting to heaven as you know heaven is where your true riches are.

Your heavenly inheritance is what you will desire to inherit when all is said and done with your earthly life. Consequently, your affections as Colossians 3:2 says will be on things above, not earthly things.

Surprisingly, many people including so-called believers are so obsessed with accumulating worldly riches that they won’t take them with them when they die.

This won’t be the case if you are a real believer as you will not covet the things of this world anymore knowing the unsearchable and incorruptible riches awaiting you in heaven when you die.

Check: 5 Ways Of Investing In Incorruptible Heavenly Treasures. 


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I hope the above 15 signs that you are truly born again will now help you know where you stand with the Lord on this matter as salvation is personal.

If you feel like something needs to change in your life and lack that assurance of salvation, you can come to the Lord now and ask Him to transform you inside out so that you are heaven-ready.

In closing, if this post has blessed you, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share using the right icon as you leave. God bless and make heaven your goal.

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