12 Practical Benefits Of Living A Holy Life [+Sermon].

There are many benefits of living a holy life that the bible talks about both in the old testament and the new testament that makes holy living a blessing.

Sadly, this topic on living a holy life and the manifold blessings that come with it is rarely taught in many churches today which is very dangerous indeed.

But this post will show you the 12 major benefits of living a holy life and why holiness is a must in your life if you want to spend eternity with God in heaven when you die.

Why Is Holiness Important?

Holiness is important in the life of all believers because it’s the only thing that will make you enter heaven when you die as Hebrews 12:14 wonderfully put it.

Without holiness in your life, you won’t have the hope of spending eternity in heaven with God, his holy angels, Jesus Christ and the redeemed saints of all ages.

Also, holiness is important in one’s life as it attracts God’s presence. Without it, forget about God’s presence being in your life as He can’t dwell in the midst of sin.

Related: 7 Major Characteristics Of A Holy Life [+ Nice Sermon].

12 Important Benefits Of Living A Holy Life.

Below are the 12 practical benefits of living a holy life that pleases the Lord that will encourage holy living in your life.

  • Glorifies God.
  • Attracts God’s Presence.
  • Helps You Overcome Sin.
  • Attracts Good Health.
  • Attracts The Holy Spirit.
  • Brings Blessings.
  • Enables You To Spend Eternity With God.
  • Partaker Of God’s Divine Nature.
  • Attracts Grace.
  • Filled With Peace.
  • Intimacy With God.
  • Makes You Desire Righteousness.

1. Glorifies God.

If you live a life of holiness, you will attract God’s glory in your life because the glory of God cannot dwell in the presence of sin.

Remember, one of the primary purposes God created us was to give glory to Him which is only possible when you live a life that’s pleasing to Him I.e. Holy without sin.

This is why Isaiah 43:21 says that the Lord has formed us for Himself so that we can show Him praise and glory which only happens if we are living lives that glorify Him and one of the things that glorify God the most is the life of holiness which is the reflection of His innate nature.

2. Attracts God’s Presence.

Living the life of holiness will always attract God’s presence in one’s life. So, if you want God to be present in your life, live a holy life that’s above sin and have nothing to do with sin.

Since God is light and in him there is no darkness according to 1 John 1:5, it, therefore, follows that if you want God’s presence in your life, you must be holy as He’s holy which represents light and not entertain sin in your life which represents darkens.

So, if you feel that God’s presence is missing in your life, check your lifestyle if there is any sin that may be in your life that’s hindering God’s presence to be in your life.

3. Helps You Overcome Sin.

If God’s holiness is in your life imputed in you by the Lord Jesus Christ, you will find it easier to overcome sin and the evil desires of the flesh due to the Holy Spirit indwelling in you and the new nature of Christ in you.

It’s this new holy nature of Christ Jesus in you which you receive after becoming truly born again is what will enable you to hate and overcome sin and since our Lord Jesus Christ is holy, it, therefore, follows that you will be holy, too.

But if you are not living a holy life, it clearly shows that you have not yet partaken God’s divine nature 2 Peter 1:3,4 talks about which is why living a holy life for you seems impossible as you still have the old sinful nature active in you controlling your life and making you sin.

Related: How To Have Power Over Sin In 7 Simple Steps (Video Sermon).

4. Attracts Good Health.

Believe it or not, good health is one of the benefits of living a holy life that pleases and Glorifies God. How is that possible? You may ask.

See, if you embrace holy living in your life, you will certainly not indulge yourself in immoral activities such as sexual immorality which is rampant among many young people and youths today.

And it’s this sexual immorality that has given rise to many STDs and other incurable diseases which is why 1 Corinthians 6:18 tells us to flee sexual immorality as it destroys you in the end and give you diseases which is why the benefit of living a holy life comes into the picture.

5. Attracts The Holy Spirit.

If you are living a holy life, you will also attract the presence of the Holy Spirit is in your life that will dwell with your spirit within you since our bodies are His temple which is why we must not defile them with sin (1 Corinthians 6:19,20).

Since the Holy Spirit is holy just as the Father and the Son is, it, therefore, follows like the other two, the Holy Spirit can’t dwell in the presence of sin or in a person that hasn’t yet been transformed and renewed by Him from the inside (Titus 3:5-7).

On the other hand, if you embrace sin in your life, you won’t have the Holy Spirit in you to help you live a life of righteousness instead another spirit will be in you which is from the devil that will make you do bad and evil things that you even wonder sometimes.

6. Brings Blessings.

Another benefit that comes with living a holy life is that you will attract God’s blessing in your life that are unique to those who live a holy Christian life that unsaved sinners cannot have.

Psalms 32:8,9 tells us that those who have the right relationship with the Lord will receive his blessings upon their life and this right relationship here is the holy relationship with the Lord which is only possible if you embrace holy living in your life.

But if you are not living a life of holiness, you won’t attract God’s blessings that are specifically meant for those who embrace holiness in their lives and shun sin as sin drives away God’s blessings and bring curses instead (Deuteronomy 28:45-68).

7. Enables You To Spend Eternity With God.

One of the greatest benefits of living a holy life or being a holy person in this present evil world is that you will spend eternity with God in heaven when all is said and done. Won’t that be beautiful?

This is why we are told in Hebrews 12:14 that we must follow peace with all men with holiness of which without, no man shall see the Lord. In short, not holiness, no seeing God or spending eternity with Him in heaven.

So, if you want to make it for heaven and spent eternity with God, our Lord Jesus Christ and the redeemed saints of all the ages, live a holy life and have nothing to do with sin because only those with a holy and pure heart will enter heaven on the last day and see God (Matthews 5:8).

8. Partaker Of God’s Divine Nature.

A holy person who lives a holy life that is free and above sin will also partake of God’s divine nature 2 Peter 1:3,4 talks about which make one live godly in the first place.

When you partake of God’s divine nature, your life will be filled with grace, faith, hope, peace, love and joy that can only come from God and cannot be found anywhere else.

But if you are not living a godly life that’s filled with holiness, this divine nature of the Lord Jesus Christ won’t be in you as you won’t partake of it due to the presence of sin and evil in your life.

Related: 15 Signs Of A True Christian [With The New Birth Experience].

9. Attracts Grace.

If you practice holiness in your Christian life, you will also attract God’s grace in your life that Titus 2:11 talks about which bring salvation and has appeared to everyone.

And with this grace in your life, you will be able to deny all forms of ungodliness and worldly lusts that make it hard for you to live a holy life pleasing unto the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

But if you live a life of sin, this divine grace from above will nowhere to be seen in your life which is why you will find it difficult to overcome sin and any sinful addiction that is slowly destroying you from the inside.

Related: 63 God’s Grace Quotes To Uplift Your Spirit (+ Sermon).

10. Filled With Peace.

If you are a holy person living a life of godliness and righteousness, your life will also be filled with the peace the Lord Jesus Christ promises in John 14:27 that surpasses all human understanding that this present evil world simply cannot give you.

And it’s this peace that only God through His Son, Jesus Christ can give that will truly satisfy your soul and make you calm and peaceful in all situations. It’s also the kind of peace that will make you be at peace with God.

But if you are not holy or practising holy living in your life, you won’t have this peace that satisfies the human soul as Isaiah 48:22 tells us that there is no peace for the wicked.

11. Intimacy With God.

Living a holy life also enables you to have a personal and intimate relationship with God which isn’t possible if you are still living in sin as sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

And the taste of this wonderful relationship can be seen in the garden of Eden between Adam and Eve before they fell when they enjoyed a wonderful time in God’s presence.

Remember, you can’t have a personal intimate relationship with God if you are not living a holy life as God can’t dwell in the presence of sin as there is a great chasm that sin creates between a person and God so that He won’t hear us.

12. Makes You Desire Righteousness.

Last and not least, you will thirst and desire to follow after righteousness if you are living a holy life due to the nature of Christ in you.

Jesus Christ said in Matthews 5:6 that if you hunger and thirst after righteousness, you are blessed indeed and you will be filled with it.

But if sin is present in your life, you won’t desire to follow after righteousness due to the old sinful nature that’s still present in your life that makes you follow your sinful and evil desire of the flesh.

Related: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of A Born Again Christian.


Did you find the above benefits of living a holy life edifying and helpful to you? If so, kindly let me know in the comments below along with any questions you may have on what you have read. Sat blessed and please don’t forget to share.

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9 thoughts on “12 Practical Benefits Of Living A Holy Life [+Sermon].”

  1. Thank you so much. This was very very beneficial to me and I deeply appreciate everything. May the Good Lord continue to guide you and use you mightily in His Vineyard. You have saved a soul by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
    God bless you.

    • Thanks for your very kind words and the LOrd bless your family as well. I M glad that you were ministered to by this post which is always my prayer that through my posts, God will save many souls before the time is up. God bless

    • Glad you enjoyed the post. Indeed share with others as it’s what God wants us to do as His children to share His word to edify each other to be better believers. God Bless.


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