How A Christian Should Behave [In This Evil Word?]

The question of how a Christian should behave is the question that most Christians ask in many Christian circles today and that’s what this post will attempt to answer.

To answer the question of how should a Christian behave, we need to look at what the Bible has to say about this subject.

In this article, I will try to answer this question along with some advice on how a Christian should behave and how you should conduct yourself throughout the day.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament in the bible has clearly shown us how we should conduct ourselves as believers in this present evil world we live in and the Christian values we must adhere to.

And this post today on how a Christian should behave will show you 10 aspects of the right Christian conduct and behaviour all believers practising the Christian faith must have.

What Does It Mean To Behave As A Christian?

To behave as a Christian simply means to show the conduct and behavior that is befitting of a true Christian and not someone who is not a Christian or a hypocrite without Christ in their life.

Implying that if you claim to be a true Christian, you need to show it in your daily conduct, behaviour and actions not just by the word of mouth so that the name of the Lord isn’t blashpemed (Philippians 1:27).

By behaving as a Christian, you will reflect the life of Christ in you which will be different from the people of the world which sadly most professing Christians are not doing.

See Also: 15 Signs Of A True Christian [That Hypocrites Can’t Copy].

10 Conducts For Christian Living.

Below are the 10 conducts and guidelines for Christian living you need to practice if you profess to be a Christian or a follower of Jesus Christ.

  • We Must Live A Christ-like Life.
  • We Must Walk After The Spirit.
  • We Must Walk In Truth.
  • We Must Practice Honesty In All We Do.
  • We Must Submit To Authority.
  • We Must Follow After Righteousness.
  • We Must Practice Forgiveness.
  • We Must Practice Gentleness.
  • We Must Practice Kindness.
  • We Must Practice Holiness.

1. We Must Live A Christ-like Life.

If you are a true Christian and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must live a life that reflects Christ both in your Christian conduct and Christian behavior which is what true Christianity is all about, anyway.

The bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that we must not conform to this world but be renewed by the transforming and the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus.

You can’t live a Christ-like life if you are conformed to this world this is why as a Christian, you must have nothing to do with this world if you want to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.

2. We Must Walk After The Spirit.

As a Christian, you need to walk after the Spirit and not the flesh as Galatians 5:16 tells us. Walking after the Spirit must be your daily Christian conduct in your everyday Christian life.

This is why 2 Timothy 2:22 tells us to flee youthful lusts of the flesh and to pursue righteousness instead which most Christians find it hard to do as most still live in the flesh and not the Spirit.

To walk after the Spirit, you need the help of the Holy Spirit in your life because you can’t overcome your sinful flesh in your own strength which is constantly at war with your spirit.

See Also: 13 Major Traits Of A Spirit Man [With The New Birth.]

3. We Must Walk In Truth.

Part of your Christian conduct as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life is walking in the truth and not in falsehood as He who’s called you is truth and has no falsehood in Him.

To walk in the truth simply means that you live a life that conforms to God’s truth found in God’s word in the bible. It also means embracing God’s word in your life and letting it guide you in your everyday life.

1 Kings 2:4 in the old testament reminds us that we must walk before the Lord in truth with all our hearts and souls. If you walk in the truth, you won’t tolerate falsehood which is commonplace in many churches due to the Spirit of truth in you Jesus Christ talks about in John 16:13.

4. We Must Practice Honesty In All We Do.

A Christian should always be honest in everything they do. This means not only telling the truth at all times but also doing what you say you will do. By definition being honest simply means that you are sincere and don’t practice deceitfulness with others.

For example, if you promise to do something by a certain time, it must be done on time and if you don’t do it, make necessary apologies for not doing what you promised.

This is why Paul in Colossians 3:9 tells that we must not lie to each other seeing that we have crucified the old sinful self on the cross that makes us lie and be dishonest with others when we got saved.

5. We Must Submit To Authority.

Part of your daily Christian conduct as a true Christian is submitting to authorities that have rule over you as we are instructed in Romans 13:1 because God is the one who has put those in authority to watch over us

A Christian should also be respectful of authority whenever possible. This includes parents, teachers, church leaders, police officers and other people in positions of power even if those in authority do wrong things at times.

If this respect is given willingly and without resentment, then the person will gain future respect from others as well. You will also attract favour from the Lord if you submit and obey the authorities He has put in place.

6. We Must Follow After Righteousness.

The apostle Paul tells us in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 6:11 that we must pursue righteousness, faith, love, kindness, gentleness, steadfastness etc. and to flee from anything evil or unrighteous such as youthful lusts that defile us.

You will only be able to pursue righteousness and holiness of life if you are a true Christian with the virtue and nature of Jesus Christ in you imparted to you when you got saved. Following after righteousness must be your daily pursuit as a Christian.

However, if you are not a true believer, you won’t pursue and follow after righteousness because of the sinful nature that’s still active in your life that makes you love sin and hate anything concerning righteousness.

See Also: 11 Clear Signs Of A Fake Christian Who’s Unsaved (+ Powerful Sermon).

7. We Must Practice Forgiveness.

If you claim to be a true Christian, you are going to forgive others who have wronged or offended you in one way or the other as Ephesians 4:32 commands us because God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us too.

You will practice forgiveness to others because you know God, too has forgiven you and you will see no sense in holding grudges to those who have wronged you because you wrong and offend God in so many ways daily knowingly and unknowingly as well.

Moreover, Jesus Christ also says in Matthews 6:15 that if you don’t forgive others from your heart, neither will the Heavenly Father forgives you as well. If you struggle with forgiveness, ask for grace in that area.

8. We Must Practice Gentleness.

Part of your Christian behaviour you need to have as a true believer is gentleness which happens to be one of the most important fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about.

As a Christian, you need to be humble and practice gentleness and humility towards others and not be a person that is full of pride, self and strife.

This means that you must not view yourself as better than others and claim to be superior and better than others. If you are gentle, you will want to help others and you will esteem others better than yourself.

9. We Must Practice Kindness.

Kindness is one of the most important Christian values you need to have as a follower of Jesus Christ who Himself practised kindness to everyone when He was on earth.

Ephesians 4:32 tells us that we must be kind to one another, forgiving to one another just as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven us and shows love and kindness towards us daily even when we don’t deserve it.

This same kindness towards others must be in your daily Christian life as a believer. Implying that you must be kind to everyone not because they are kind to you but you are kind to them because it’s in your nature to do so as a Christian.

10. We Must Practice Holiness.

Last but not least, holiness must be part of your Christian living, this means that you must hate that which is evil and sinful and cling to holiness instead.

Holiness is very important in the life of a Christian because without it as Hebrews 12:14 tells us, we won’t see the Lord when we die which means not making it for heaven in short which will be tragic indeed.

This is why you must strive to live a holy life that’s above sin daily in this present evil world we live in and by the grace of the Lord, you can do it.

See Also: 7 Major Characteristics Of A Holy Life [+ Nice Sermon].

Closing Remarks.

I hope the above post on how a Christian should behave has given you the golden nuggets that will help you show the behavior befitting that of a true Christian. In closing, if you found this post edifying in some way, let me know in the comments below along with any questions you might have on what you have read. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share.

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