Greetings my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today’s post will discuss the 11 signs you are not a true Christian that will help you know where you stand in your Christian life.
I am sure you can agree that sometimes it can be hard to know whether you or someone else is a real Christian on your way to heaven, which is why this article has been written for you.
After reading all the 11 signs that you are not a true Christian, you will know whether you are a Christian or not so that you can correct your life where you need to. Let’s dive in.
11 Signs You Are Not A Real Christian.
1. You’ll Live Hypocritically.
The first sign that will show that you aren’t a real Christian even if you go to church every Sunday is that you will live a hypocritical life characterized by secret sin.
You must understand that a real believer in Christ Jesus never lives a life of hypocrisy. This implies you will not live in secret sin or under false pretenses to deceive people.
If you live a hypocritical life, claiming you are a Christian while your lifestyle says something else, you are just lying to yourself and there is no hope for you to enter heaven as no hypocrisy will ever get there.
It’s so sad that many people who claim to be Christians are only holy on Sunday but meet them any other week, they are worse than even heathens themselves who do know not God.
You will find these people committing all manner of sins be it sexual immorality, drunkenness, worldliness, and doing all the works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-22 talks about. If you are in that category, repent today and turn from your wicked ways.
2. You’ll Be Worldly.
Secondly, if you are a superficial Christian who isn’t serious about getting to heaven when the roll calls up yonder and the time is no more, you will be worldly and act like the people of the world.
This will show especially in your appearance, conduct, and dress code. It’s so amazing that many people who claim to be Christians especially so-called Christian women with a Jezebel spirit are no different from worldly people.
Especially in the way they dress and appear. Just look at the way many professing Christian women dress and appear in church. You can agree with me that it’s a disaster, especially as a brother in Christ.
The miniskirts and short skirts worldly women and prostitutes wear, you find them in church amongst the so-called daughters of Zion, hey. What do these women want to show?
If you are a Christian lady, you must understand that you are not to dress immodestly like worldly women who see no shame in exposing their nakedness such as legs or thighs out there for all to see.
Don’t play a harlot in your dressing. Dress in a feminine and dignified manner that will point others to Christ. Throw away worldly makeup and fashions; you are beautiful just as you are, dear sister.
Check: 4 Reasons Why You Must Dress Modestly As A Godly Woman.
3. You’ll Live In Habitual Sin.
Thirdly another indicator that will show you are a fake Christian who just plays religion is that you will constantly live in habitual sin year in and year out without any change.
The habitual sins may include, womanizing, pornography, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, and anything that defiles your heart from within as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 15:19.
It’s so sad that many Christians in the Christian community live in habitual sin especially young Christian men and women who now see no problem with sleeping around while unmarried.
This ought not to be so my dear brother and sister in the Lord as we ought to cleanse ourselves from anything uncle and that which defiles us so that we can be heaven-ready.
The good news is that if you are struggling with any habitual sins like pornography, sexual immorality, drinking, drug abuse, etc. like I used to do God can deliver you today right now if you truly repent and surrender your life to Him.
4. You’ll Have No Desire For Holiness.
It’s just a matter of fact that if you are not a real Christian or do not understand what true Christianity is all about you will have no desire to be holy doe the old sinful nature that’s still active in you.
Consequently, you will love sin in your heart and hate righteousness. This will explain why you will find going to church boring especially where they teach the truth and talk about sin.
Living in sin and being drunk in your sinful pleasures of the flesh is something you will not be willing to live without due to the intoxicating nature of sin to our sinful flesh.
Because your heart is unregenerated, holiness is something that will be bitter and impossible for you to do as you will think of the sinful pleasure you are enjoying that is just leading you to hell you aren’t willing to let go.
If you claim to be a genuine Christian and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, holiness is a mandatory requirement in your life. You will not enter heaven if you are not holy (Hebrews 12:14).
Check: 5 Major Reasons Why Holiness Matters To All True Christians.
5. You’ll Live An Immoral Lifestyle.
Living an immoral lifestyle such as adultery, fornication, and doing all manner of moral perversions that exist in this fallen world we live in will be a sign that you are far from being a Christian.
It’s so sad that we live in a morally degenerate world where moral perversions and decadence like homosexuality, lesbianism, drag queens, etc. are now celebrated and considered a human right.
These degenerate acts are the very things that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:24 and it seems people don’t learn a lesson from those two former wicked cities that were destroyed by fire.
Worst of all these perversions are even accepted in the church now, especially in Western liberal countries like the USA where these things have now gone out of hand.
But you need to remember as 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 tells us if you practice such perversions, you will not enter heaven and hell prepared for the devil and his angels will be where you will spend your eternity.
The good news is that if you practice these things, you can still be forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus if you truly repent in your heart and have no desire to sin again.
6. You’ll Love Your Sins.
The other sign that will show that you are not an authentic Christian is that you will love your sins and filth like there is no tomorrow just the way flies like sitting on poop.
I know that’s gross but that’s how God views you if you love your sins and hate righteousness. It’s why you will find sin intoxicatingly attractive to your flesh which you can’t just help to indulge in.
This will be so because of the active Adamic sinful nature in your life that naturally makes you desire to do bad things like drugs, fornication, adultery, and anything the bible condemns.
The love of sin in many people’s lives is the reason why wickedness is on the increase. It’s why many are no longer interested in going to church.
Nowadays if you live a holy life, you will be viewed as an outdated and old-fashioned person which is sad indeed. Sin is now the modern way of living for many so-called civilized sinners.
However, if you are a true Christian, the opposite will be the case as holiness and righteousness are the things you will desire due to the new nature of Christ in you. The sins you once loved will be an abhorrence to you.
7. No Interest In God’s Word.
If you call yourself a believer and have no interest in reading God’s word, something is wrong with your Christianity which isn’t taking you anywhere.
You can’t say you are a real follower of Jesus if you aren’t interested in reading and obeying His word which is a light and a lamp to every true born-again Christian on their way to heaven.
Reading God’s word regularly is what will help you grow especially if you are a new convert and help you avoid sin as Psalms 119:11 tells us in the Old Testament.
Reading God’s word is what will help you know what’s expected of you as a true bonafide follower of Christ. Conversely, if you have no interest in reading the Bible, your spiritual life will be weak.
This is why you will find it easy to fall into temptations the devil brings across as you are not firmly established in His word to help you eschew evil.
8. No New Birth.
If you are not a real Christian, the new birth that makes one a new creation in Christ, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, will simply not be present in your life.
This will explain why even if you go to church every Sunday and repent all the time, you will still find yourself relapsing and falling back to your old sins or vomit you claimed to forsake and repent of.
You must understand that you can’t be a true Christian who lives a victorious life of holiness that’s free from sin and the moral pollutions of this world if you don’t have this spiritual new birth experience.
Many believers struggle with sin because they haven’t yet experienced the new birth experience that transforms and regenerates a person from the inside into a new creation who no longer desires sin.
But if you are a true Christian, the new birth experience in your life will be unmistakable, and you will know it deep down your heart because of your changed nature, new heart, and new spirit.
9. No Fear Of The Lord.
Furthermore, if you are not yet a real Christian, you will have no fear of the Lord in you explaining why you will proudly live a prideful and disobedient sinful lifestyle that will doom you to hell if you don’t repent.
The fear of the Lord we are talking about is the fear that makes you depart from evil, not the fear most people think. Fearing the Lord doesn’t mean being scared of God like a Lion is chasing you in the bush.
But it’s that healthy fear that makes you revere the Lord and helps you depart from evil. As Proverbs 16:6 tells us, it’s by the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil and turn to righteousness.
If you are a true Christian, you will fear the Lord which is why you will not live a sinful life of rebellion to His word just to please your fleshly lusts which do no good to your soul.
It’s not enough to say you fear the Lord with your lips while you still indulge in your sinful pleasures like there is no tomorrow because if you truly fear God, sin is something you won’t want anything to do with.
10 No Fruits Of The Spirit.
If you are a fake Christian without genuine conversion, the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, etc. which Galatians 5:22, 23 talks about, will be nowhere to be seen in your life.
Instead, the sinful works of the flesh mentioned in verses 19-21 of the above chapter are what will characterize your life explaining why you will desire to please your flesh rather than God.
Having all the nine fruits of the Spirit mentioned in the above chapter of Galatians is a must-have for every genuine Christian who’s truly saved as it shows you have a new nature with you.
You can’t have the fruits of the Spirit as a fake Christian because you don’t have a new nature in you, which only comes when you experience true conversion and a genuine salvation experience.
Since all fake believers lack true conversion, they can’t have these fruits. Instead, the works of the flesh are what they will manifest in their lives which will apply to you if you are a hypocrite.
11. No Interest In Heavenly Things.
Lastly, another final sign that will surely indicate you are far from being a genuine Christian is you will have no interest in the heavenly things above.
Since heaven isn’t in your mind due to your carnal mind, the corruptible things of this world are what will occupy your mind and appeal to you.
Gaining mundane earthy riches is what will be more appealing to you than storing and laying treasures up for yourself in heaven that don’t perish as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:19-21.
It’s so sad that many Christians nowadays are more interested in gaining earthly fame and riches that will fade away than getting to heaven.
However, this will not be so if you are a true follower of Christ, as you will know that this fallen world isn’t your home and that you are just a pilgrim passing by to your real home, where your true riches are heaven.
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Check: 7 Main Reasons Why Many Christians Today Will Not Enter Heaven.
These are the 11 signs that you are not a true Christian that I had to share with you in this post. I hope they will help you correct things in your life if you are not a real Christian yet.
I pray that what you have read will help you become a better and more serious Christian who is heaven-ready and not a mere religious person who just plays with religion.
In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share using the right icon as you leave. God bless.
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