Personal holiness is vital in the life of every truly born-again believer who’s on their way to heaven and today we will discuss 5 main reasons why holiness matters to all genuine believers.
The importance of holiness in the life of every Christian cannot be over-emphasized as it’s a vital trait every true Christian needs to have.
In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Lord consistently commands us to be holy just as He’s holy and righteous.
Sadly, many Christians don’t take personal holiness seriously and many erroneously think it’s not possible to live a holy life in this present evil world which isn’t true of course.
My prayer is after reading this post on why holiness matters, you will be convicted in your heart to embrace holy living if you want to make heaven in the end.
5 Reasons Holiness Matters To All Believers.
Below are the 5 reasons why holiness matters in the life of every true believer who professes to be a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- It’s God’s Command.
- It Attracts The Presence Of The Holy Spirit.
- It Shows You Are Truly Saved.
- We Are Called To Holiness.
- A Mandatory Requirement To Enter Heaven.
1. It’s God’s Command.
One of the first reasons you must live as holy as a believer is that God commands it. Since He commands it, you just have to be holy just as He is.
We see countless times in the Old Testament such as in Leviticus 11:45 where the Lord commanded the Israelites to be holy as the Lord they were serving is holy.
Since the Lord commands us to be holy, He knows that by His grace we can live a holy life that’s above and free from sin but you must make that deliberate effort to live a holy life.
I am sure you have heard countless fake Christians who say you can’t be holy but if that was the case, God wouldn’t have asked us to be so as He can’t tell us to do things He knows we can’t do.
The fact God commands us to be holy, therefore, means it’s possible. Only if you have the love of sin in your heart that many fake believers seem to have in these last days we are living will you find holy living an impossible task to do.
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2. It Attracts The Presence Of The Holy Spirit.
The second reason why personal holiness is of such importance in the Christian life of every truly born-again Christian is it attracts the presence of God and the Holy Spirit in one’s life (Psalms 5:12).
You need to understand that the Holy Spirit can only dwell in the life of a Christian who’s practicing holiness and living a holy life as He hates sin.
On the other hand, if you are living in secret sin, you will make God’s Spirit leave you as He can’t dwell in the life of a sinner defiled by sin since He’s holy by nature.
So, if you feel that the Holy Spirit has left you, check your life to see if there is any ongoing sin in your Christian life you haven’t repented of or let go of.
If you want the constant presence of God’s Spirit in your Christian life, maintain a life of holiness and righteousness and eschew evil at all costs.
Recommended: 7 Sure Signs The Holy Spirit Is Working In You.
3. It Shows You Are Truly Saved.
Another reason why holiness and righteousness matter in your Christian faith as a believer is it shows that you are truly saved and born again.
The presence of holiness in your life as a Christian will clearly show that you have experienced a new birth experience that makes you inherit the new nature of Christ Jesus Ephesians 4:24 talks about that makes you desire to be holy and hate sin.
If you are truly saved, you will no longer love the sinful lifestyle you once loved when you were unsaved. Instead, you will now have new desires that make you want to be holy and righteous.
Holy living is one of the vital litmus tests that will prove that you are genuinely saved and on your way to heaven as without that, you are just deceiving yourself into thinking you are saved.
On the contrary, if you are not truly saved yet, you will still have the love of sin in your heart which will explain why you find it hard to let go of certain sins or sinful habits in your life you may be wrestling with or still struggling with.
Recommended: How To Know If You Are Saved By Jesus {For Sure?}
4. We Are Called To Holiness.
Holiness also matters in the life of every true believer because our Lord Jesus Christ has called us unto the highway of holiness and righteousness, the narrow way that leads to life eternal.
We are told in 1 Thessalonians 4:7 in the New Testament that the Lord has not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness which is why as Christians washed in the blood have to pursue holiness in our Christian lives.
Since the Lord Jesus Christ has called us to holiness, we are to be holy in all our manner of conversations and lifestyles. Yes, the path to holiness is hard but by His grace, we can be holy and deny sin.
You can’t say you are a follower of Jesus Christ if you are not living a life of holiness and sanctification which is sadly the case with many so-called Christians.
Just know if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ, you are called to a life of holiness and obedience to your Master who demands you to be a holy person as He’s holy to begin with.
Recommended: Why Must We Live A Holy Life? (11 Major Reasons Why.)
5. A Mandatory Requirement To Enter Heaven.
Last but not least, holy living matters in the life of every Christian as personal holiness is what will enable you to make heaven or get raptured in the rapture at last when all is said and done with your earthly life.
We are told in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness, none will see the Lord. Implying that, if you are not holy or washed by the blood of the Lamb, you won’t enter heaven as nothing unclean will ever get there (Revelations 21:27).
Jesus Christ also tells us in Matthews 5:8 that only those who are pure in heart with their sins washed and cleansed by His blood will ever see God in heaven which will be marvelous indeed for all redeemed saints of all ages.
Otherwise, if you lack personal holiness, forget about making heaven when you die which will be very unfortunate for you. This is why I encourage you to start living a holy life free from sin if you haven’t been doing so by getting truly saved first if you are not.
Therefore, if you are serious about finally making it to heaven and wanting to spend eternity with God and the redeemed saints in everlasting joy in heaven, you need to be holy and be spotless from the sins of this evil world.
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I hope that the above 5 reasons as to why holiness matters to all true believers have now helped you understand why you need to live a holy life as a Christian.
If you have not been living a holy life unlit now, ask for God’s grace to help you embrace holy living as that’s what will qualify you for heaven when you die.
In closing, if this post, has edified you to desire holiness, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.
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