What is the mark of a true Christian according to the bible? I am sure you have also asked this question in your mind at one point in your Christian life as a believer.
There are many marks that will show you are a true Christian and are on your way to heaven where you will finally meet your savior Jesus Christ who saved you from sin and granted you salvation and eternal life. Won’t that be beautiful?
If you are wondering about what marks one needs to have to be a true Christian, then, this post is for you, which will show you the marks aver true Christian needs to have.
With that said, let’s answer today’s question, “what is the mark of a true Christian?” By looking at what the bible says on this subject with references to bible verses in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
What Does It Mean To Be A True Christian?
We are all familiar with the term “Christianity.” The word is often used to refer to a religion and its followers. But what does the word “Christian” actually mean? Or What does it mean to be a true Christian?
A true Christian believes in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. He or she believes that these three are one person (the Trinity). A true Christian also believes that God is perfect and that He created everything.
In fact, He created everything so perfectly (John1:3) that nothing can be added or taken away from what He has created without His permission.
A true Christian also believes that there is no sin in God’s eyes and He will not condemn anyone who trusts in Him by accepting His Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins on judgment day.
In short, a true Christian is simply a person who lives by God’s word and their Christian faith. He or she is genuinely saved and born again with the new nature of Christ in them that makes them live a new life that’s after holiness and righteousness.
Related: 15 Signs Of A True Christian [That Hypocrites Can’t Copy].
What Is The Mark Of A True Christian?
The mark of a true Christian is to be a believer in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Jesus is the only way to God and that unless we have faith in Him, we can never be saved (John 3:16).
A true Christian will live by faith in Jesus Christ, not by his or her own efforts or works. The Bible says that if we are saved by grace through faith, we will live for God and not for ourselves (Galatians 2:16).
This implies that if you are a true Christian, you will be genuinely saved with the new life of Christ Jesus in you and you will no longer live the old evil lifestyle of sin you once lived before you were saved.
A true Christian also has a close relationship with God through prayer and meditation on His Word (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12). This relationship gives us the power to do good works of righteousness that please God by His grace (Ephesians 2:10).
Also, the Bible teaches that true Christians and believers are to be marked by their love for God and their love for others. The apostle Paul says that the mark of a true Christian is not just the ability to perform miracles but rather the ability to do good.
Additionally, a true believer will also have all the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about as they are a must-have for every true believer who has genuine salvation in their life.
Related: 13 Major Characteristics Of A True Christian Who’s Truly Saved.
True Christians Show Practical Love.
In the book of James 2:15-17, we are told that we must be practical with love as faith without works is dead especially if our sister or brother in the Lord is in need. That chapter emphasizes how we must be practical with our love as believers.
Sadly, many people who claim to be Christians or believers don’t walk in practical love and only love by mere words and not actions. This ought not to be so.
Remember, if you are really a true Christian, you will selflessly love others as our Lord Jesus Christ first loved you (John 13:34) and you will exhibit the agape love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about.
God’s word also teaches that a true Christian lives his life in such a way that he can say with confidence that he has been marked by God as belonging to him.
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 2:4 that as true Christians we must live our lives that please God and not man or the world which will be the case if you are a true Christian.
True Christians live their lives according to these principles because they know that if they don’t, then their faith is in vain and will not make them acceptable to the Lord.
Related: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of True Love That’s From God.
How To Become A True Christian Today?
If you want to become a true Christian and make heaven in the end, there are several things you need to do that will help you be a bonafide true Christian recognized by God, which are.
1. Be Truly Saved:
To be a Christian, you have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and your personal Lord so that you can be saved and leave your evil sinful life behind.
You have to believe that He died on the cross for your sins and rose again from the dead so that He could give you salvation and eternal life. You have to have faith in God’s Word, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7-8).
Being saved or truly born again is vital as, without that, you won’t be able to be a true believer and live a life of holiness and righteousness which is only possible after having a definite salvation experience that makes you a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Related: How To Be Truly Saved According To The Bible Today.
2. Be Obedient.
The second thing that makes someone a Christian is obedience. An obedient person does what he or she says he will do, even if it means sacrificing their own desires for something greater than himself (Ephesians 5:9-10).
Implying that, you must live a life that’s in obedience to God’s word as all true Christians obey God’s commandments and live by them. You can’t be a true Christian if you don’t want to obey God’s word.
Real Christianity is all about living a life of obedience to our Master, Jesus Christ who has called you unto the highway of holiness and righteousness.
Related: 15 Characteristics Of A True Disciple [+ Nice Sermon].
3. Read Your Bible Regularly.
A True follower and disciple of Christ should read their Bible every day (Luke 4:4). This will help you grow your Christian faith and be established in the spiritual things of God.
Reading God’s word daily will also go a long way in helping you direct your paths and life decisions you have to make conserving your life so that you don’t make life choices you will regret later.
This will be so because God’s word will act as a lamp to your feet directing your paths so that you don’t stumble as the psalmist David tells us in Psalms 119:105.
Related: Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations].
4. Pray Daily.
Prayer is one of the most important things you can do as a follower of Jesus Christ because it keeps your mind focused on Him and his plans for your life (Philippians 4:6).
If your prayer life is weak in your Christian life, you will find it easy to fall into simple temptations Satan brings your way. Many believers fail to live consistent victorious Christian lives because their prayer lives are weak and are too lazy to pray even for 30 minutes daily.
So, you need to develop a habit of praying daily without ceasing as prayer is a very important spiritual weapon in your Christian arsenal that will help you pull the might spiritual strongholds of Satan in your life hindering progress in your life.
Related: Why Is Prayer Important To Christians? [+ Animation].
I hope the above post on,” what is the mark of a true Christian?” Has helped you fully understand the marks you need to have as a true believer that identifies you with Christ Jesus. In closing, if this post was beneficial to you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.
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