The question, “what does it mean to be truly saved,” is a question that is asked by most Christians who want to be sure of their salvation.
If you are such a person wondering about whether you are truly saved or not and are on your way to heaven, you are right to ask that question so that you don’t have any surprises when you close your eyes to death.
And this article today will help you answer the question of what does it mean to be truly saved by helping you understand what real salvation is all about as taught in God’s word. Let’s get started.
What Genuine Salvation Is All About?
Salvation is all about our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and all about being saved from the wrath to come as well as the penalty of sin which is eternal death, separation and eternal punishment in hell prepared for the devil and his angels
We are saved by grace through faith alone and not by good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus paid the full price for our salvation on the cross. We appropriate His sacrifice when we believe in Him as our Savior and Lord.
The Bible teaches that God’s grace is sufficient to save us even though we don’t deserve it (Romans 3:24). Salvation isn’t earned; it’s a free gift. It’s possible to be truly saved because God extends His grace to us out of love.
Salvation also brings about eternal life through Jesus Christ because sin brings death as Romans 6:23 tells us. Without salvation, you can’t have eternal life and later on make it to heaven when you close your eyes to death.
See Also: Am I really saved? 11 Ways To Surely Know(+ Video Sermon).
The Role Of The Holy Spirit In Our Salvation.
This post will be incomplete if I didn’t mention the important role the Holy Spirit plays in our eternal salvation and in saving us from sin.
To begin with, the Holy Spirit is what’s responsible for convicting a sinner of their sins as without that conviction, a sinner will see no need of repenting of their sins, consequently, they won’t be saved.
You repented of your sins and went on the altar call because you were convicted by the Holy Spirit to do so. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have done so if you were not convicted by Him.
The Holy Spirit is also the one responsible for the regeneration and renewing of our inner man due to the new spiritual birth made possible by Him so that we can be conformed to the image of Christ, which is holy as Titus 3:5 tells us.
See Also: How To Be Saved According To The Bible (+ Video Sermon).
Being Truly Saved Means:
- Saved From The Wrath To Come.
- Being Justified By Faith.
- Having Your Sins Forgiven.
- Having A New Birth.
- Having Eternal Life.
- Saved From The Penalty Of sin.
- To Go And Sin No More.
1. Saved From The Wrath To Come.
Being saved from the wrath to come by God’s grace is one of the most important things as to why salvation is important in your life (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
It’s what salvation is all about which is why Jesus Christ had to die a painful death on the cross just for your salvation so that you get saved from the wrath to come that will come upon every unrepentant sinner who didn’t accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior while on earth.
The wrath come here refers to the eternal punishment, judgment that will come upon every unrepentant sinner who died without their sins forgiven.
See Also: Importance Of Salvation And Why Care? (+ Video Sermon).
2. Being Justified By Faith.
Justification by faith is also another important aspect of salvation or being saved from sin. Justification by faith simply means that you can receive salvation and forgiveness of your sins only through faith and reliance on God’s grace alone and not your good works.
Paul tells us in Romans 5:1 that since we have been justified by faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ as sin makes us enemies of God and not to be at peace with Him due to the guilt and condemnation sin brings.
But when you get justified by faith what happens is that your sins get forgiven when you fully trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Also, the condemnation, guilt, and penalty of sin are removed by God’s grace which is what justification is all about.
See Also: 63 Salvation Quotes To Help You Become Truly Saved.
3. Having Your Sins Forgiven.
Another important aspect of being saved or obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ is that the forgiveness of our sins is made possible through salvation.
Without salvation, a sinner can’t have their sins forgiven nor be saved from the penalty sin brings on every unrepentant sinner as salvation is the only thing that makes the forgiveness of sins possible.
But when you get truly saved through genuine repentance, your sins get forgiven if you repent and confess them to Jesus Christ who died for you by shedding His blood on the cross (Hebrews 9:22).
See Also: 13 Signs Of True Repentance (Signifying Real Salvation.)
4. Having A New Birth.
Being truly saved also being having the new birth in Christ Jesus which brings about the new life when you become truly born again which makes you a new creation as 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us.
You can’t say you are a saved person without this new birth experience in your life. Otherwise, you are merely deceiving yourself as the new birth is one of the most important litmus tests that will manifest in your Christian life if you are truly saved.
However, if you are not genuinely saved or have a definite salvation experience in your life, this new birth will nowhere to be seen in your life which is why you will still be wallowing in your old sinful lifestyle even if you go to church every Sunday.
See Also: 13 Characteristics Of The New Nature Of Christ [+ Sermon].
5. Having Eternal Life.
A person who’s truly saved will also have eternal life or everlasting life as some bible verses put it which that person received when they believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as their personal Lord and savior.
I am sure just like myself you well know John 3:16 which says that God loved the world which is why He gave us His begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish and have everlasting life.
The eternal life which comes after salvation is very important in the lives of all true believers in Christ as it’s what will enable you to spend eternity in heaven with God, Jesus Christ, and the redeemed saints of all ages.
See Also: Importance Of Eternal Life & Why Care? (+ Video Sermon).
6. Saved From The Penalty Of sin.
The penalty of sin refers to the horrific consequences that come with sin which are spiritual death, eternal separation from God, and eternal punishment in hellfire ( Matthews 25:46).
God’s word in Romans 6:23 and John 3:16-18 list some of the penalties and consequences that come with sin that salvation saved us from.
Without being saved from the penalty of sin, you will be eternally doomed for hellfire as salvation is all about being saved from sin and the horrific consequences it brings upon a sinner that is why you must not postpone your salvation.
See Also: 11 Consequences Of Sin (To Help Avoid Sin All Costs.)
7. To Go And Sin No More.
Last but not least, being truly saved also means that you will go and sin no more because you can’t claim to be saved and yet still live in sin.
If you are truly saved, you will bear good fruits and not sin anymore Just as the woman who was caught in adultery did as Jesus Christ commanded her in John 8:11.
This is the same thing you will do as well if you are a true believer who has been genuinely saved through the saving faith and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if you go back to sin and claim to be saved, you are merely deceiving yourself, dear.
See Also: 11 Major Traits Of A Truly Saved Convert [+ Wonderful Sermon].
I hope the above post on the question of what does it mean to be truly saved has thoroughly answered your question so that you can be sure that you are saved and on your way to heaven and if not, be saved before it’s too late. In closing, if you found this post helpful, let me know in the comments below along with the questions you might have. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share.
Other Related Posts.
- 13 Awesome Benefits Of Being Born Again [Most Overlook]
- 13 Signs That You Are Saved (To Help You know For Sure)
- Can A Person Be Saved And Not Know It? [+ Sermon].
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