5 Characteristics Of Lydia That Made Her Truly Special.

The story of Lydia in the bible is one of the most inspiring stories in the bible that tells us a lot about the godly character of Lydia in the new testament who lived in Thyatira and sold purple cloth.

In this post, we will discuss the 5 major characteristics of Lydia in the bible that made her a special woman of God and useful in Paul’s ministry during the early church.

Lydia was a businesswoman who sold purple cloth, and a devout worshipper of God as Acts 16:12-15 tells us. She was one of the first women to convert to Christianity in Europe.

The godly character of Lydia must inspire you as a Christian woman of God to be like her and be a blessing to others. Lydia is mentioned in the bible because of her good character.

With that said, here are five characteristics of Lydia in the bible that will inspire you to be a better Christian woman who’s a blessing to everyone around you especially those in the Lord.

5 Inspiring Characteristics Of Lydia.

Below are the 5 main characteristics of Lydia that made her a woman worthy of admiration due to her good heart and faithfulness in what she had.

  • She Was A Woman Of Faith.
  • She Was A Woman Of Courage.
  • She Was A Woman Of Great Hospitality.
  • She Was A Woman Of Service.
  • She Was A Woman Of Good Influence.

1. She Was A Woman Of Faith.

One of the defining characteristics of Lydia as we see in Acts 16:13,14 is that she was a woman of great faith as she was a worshipper of God and believed in the God of Israel.

Due to her faith, though she was yet to experience true conversion and truly know Jesus Christ by heart, Lydia’s heart was open to hearing the gospel of salvation that transformed her life completely.

When Paul preached to her, she received Paul’s message with an open heart and immediately believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior.

Lydia was willing to change her life and follow Jesus, even if it would mean leaving her old way of life behind. As a result of her faith, she and her entire household was saved and got baptized as Acts 16:15 tells us.

We can learn from Lydia’s example that faith is vital in our Christian lives as believers. If we want to follow Jesus, we need to have faith in him and his teachings. We need to be willing to put our faith into action, even when it’s difficult just as Lydia did.

Recommended: 54 Strong Faith In God Quotes (That Will Motivate You.)

2. She Was A Woman Of Courage.

The second characteristic we can see that Lydia had is that she was a woman of great courage and was willing to stand up for what she believed in considering she was a gentile.

When she became a Christian and experienced true conversion we see in Acts 16:14,15, Lydia was not afraid to live her Christian faith even if it meant being persecuted or dying for her faith considering the times she lived in.

Due to her courage, she continued worshipping God and sharing the gospel with others through her hospitality considering that she was one of the earliest Christian converts in Europe at the time.

Lydia’s courage reminds us if we want to follow Jesus, we need to be willing to stand up for Him, even when it’s difficult. You as well especially if you are a Christian woman need to be courageous as Lydia was in her time.

We need to be willing to face persecution or lose our lives for Christi’s sake, if necessary because we are called to be courageous and not fear anything as the Lord is with us.

3. She Was A Woman Of Great Hospitality.

Hospitality and helping others were one of the most important traits Lydia had and probably the most she was known for which is seen when she gave Paul a place to lodge in (Acts 16:15).

Her hospitality can be seen in action when she welcomed Paul and his companions into her home and gave them food and a place to stay. She even invited them to stay with her for a long time.

As believers, we are called to hospitality as 1 Peter 4:9 tells us, especially to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We as well just like Lydia must be willing to help others who are in need.

We can see from Lydia’s example that hospitality is important. If we want to follow Jesus Christ, we need to be willing to open our homes and our hearts to others. Lydia’s hospitality made her entire household become saved.

When others see the good hospitable actions you show to others as a true believer, many will be encouraged to draw closer to God and be saved through your testimony of good works as was the case with Lydia.

Recommended: 10 Lists Of Godly Attitudes All True Christians Must Have.

4. She Was A Woman Of Service.

As we see in the book of Acts 16:13-15, Lydia was known for her service and didn’t live for herself in addition to the great hospitality and kindness she showed to others with her wealth.

Lydia used her resources to help others rather than enriching herself at the expense of others even if she was a rich businesswoman. She gave money to the church and also helped to support Paul’s ministry.

The story of Lydia’s service to others is a reminder to all of us as believers of how we must use our resources and wealth to bless others especially those in need.

You need to understand that as a Christian and believer, you are called and saved to serve others with what God has blessed you with be it wealth or money. We must be like Christ who came to serve and not to be served as Mark 10:45 tells us.

We can learn from Lydia’s example that service is important as it showcases God’s love in action. If we want to follow Christ Jesus, we need to be willing to use our resources to help and serve others just as He did.

5. She Was A Woman Of Good Influence.

Last but not least, we can also see that Lydia was a woman of good influence who positively influenced the lives of others around her.

As a result of her positive influence on others through her godly character and actions, she got her entire household saved due to her living testimony of positively influencing others around her.

Since Lydia was a businesswoman who was well-respected in her community, when she became a Christian, she used her influence to share the gospel with others.

She led her household to Christ as we see in Acts 16:15, and also helped to start a church in her city where all believers could come and worship the Lord.

You as well as a true believer of Christ are called to positively influence others through the life you live. Through the godly influence you have on the lives of others by your actions, many can also be saved and come to know the Lord as was in Lydia’s case.

Summary & Conclusion.

The above 5 characteristics of Lydia in the bible tell us Lydia was a remarkable godly woman who made a significant impact on the early church due to her good character.

Just as Lydia was able to use her wealth to serve others including Paul, let her life be an inspiration to you as well to use your resources and talents to serve others and God.

In closing, if this post has been a blessing to you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.

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