5 Practical Examples Of Truly Suffering For Christ’s Sake

There are many examples of suffering for Christ’s sake in the bible in the New Testament and this post will show you the 5 main examples of suffering for Christ’s sake.

It’s just a matter of fact that if you are a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, you just have to suffer for His sake as He suffered for you, too.

Sadly, many think and fall for the false gospel that when they become Christians all will be well and smooth sailing in their Christian lives, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

As a true believer, you must understand that suffering for Christ Jesus’s sake and for His righteousness’ sake is just part of the package you get when you become a Christian.

With that said, let’s look at the 5 major examples of suffering for Christ’s sake that will clearly show you are truly suffering for Him and for His glory.

5 Main Example Of Suffering For Christ Jesus.

Below are the 5 examples that will indicate that you are truly suffering for the sake of Jesus Christ and for His glory that is yet to be revealed to you.

  • Being Persecuted For Your Faith.
  • Being Hated For Christ’s Sake.
  • Enduring Hardships For Christ’s Sake.
  • Facing Death For Christ’s Sake.
  • Taking Up Your Cross Daily.

1. Being Persecuted For Your Faith.

One of the main signs that will show you are truly suffering for the sake of Jesus Christ is you will be persecuted for your Christian faith for no reason just as the early Christians were persecuted during the early church.

The apostle Paul is one such example in the bible who was persecuted and killed for His faith in the end knowing that great rewards await him in heaven after he died for Christ Jesus.

Paul in the bible is one of the many examples of Christians in the New Testament who were persecuted for their faith but didn’t give up even in the face of death so that they may partake of the resurrection of Christ.

Philippian 1:29 tells us that we must suffer persecution for Christ’s sake and if we do so, we will be partakers of His eternal glory in heaven for all eternity and receive crowns of life Jesus Christ promises to all those who believe in Him and endure to the end.

Even during our contemporary times, many true believers are being persecuted and killed for their faith in Jesus Christ, especially in the Middle East I am sure you have been persecuted, too for your faith but you must not give up in the face of persecution.

Related: What Does It Really Mean To Suffer For Christ As A Christian?

2. Being Hated For Christ’s Sake.

The other example of Christian persecution that will indicate you are suffering for Christ’s sake is you will be hated by the world and the people of this world for Jesus’s sake.

In fact, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 24:9 that we will be hated by all nations just because of Him which is why we are enemies of this world that will seek to persecute and kill you for Christ’s sake.

Moreover, as Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 5:11 we are blessed if we face persecution for His sake as our inheritance is heaven and eternal life, which can’t compare to the temporary earthly suffering all true believers experience in this present evil world.

Just look at how anti-God this world has become such that when you mention the name of Jesus Christ in public, you become an offense to the world and you will be canceled for mentioning Christ Jesus in public.

This is what has become of this world sadly, that views Christians as an offense who testify against the evil works of the world. It’s why this perverse world is against every true Christian and hates them by killing and persecuting them.

3. Enduring Hardships For Christ’s Sake.

The third common example that will show you are suffering for Christ’s sake in your Christian life is the hardships, trials, and tribulations you will experience due to you being a follower of Jesus Christ.

The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 4:5 that we must endure affliction by embracing all the hardships that come when we choose to be true followers of Jesus Christ if we are to be a partaker of Christ’s eternal glory in heaven when all is said and done.

If you are unwilling to endure hardships that come with being a true believer, then it clearly shows you don’t understand what being a true Christian is all about and you won’t partake of Christ’s eternal glory in heaven.

When you become a true believer, you will begin to notice many hardships, trials of faith of various kinds, and afflictions you never noticed before that will tempt you to give up on your Christian faith in your Christian life but you must persevere to the end.

You need to understand that all true believers will experience some form of hardships and suffering for Christ’s sake as long as they are in this present evil world. If you don’t want to lose your eternal reward in heaven, endure all hardships and finish your race.

Related: Wilderness Experiences In A Christian {& Why They Matter?}

4. Facing Death For Christ’s Sake.

Being willing to face death for the sake of Christ Jesus is another example that will show you are suffering for Christ’s sake but in this case, paying it with your dear life.

Jesus Christ tells us in John 12:25 that we must be willing to die for Him by hating our lives so that we may save our lives in the end by inheriting eternal life by being willing to die for Him when the opportunity to do so presents itself.

Implying that like the early Christians in the Old Testament and the New Testament like Stephen who were martyred for their Christian faith and died horrible deaths, you as well must be willing to do so if demanded of you.

If you are not willing to die for Christ’s sake, you risk losing your crown of life Jesus Christ promises in Revelations 2:10 if we are faithful to Him unto death and living with Him for all eternity in everlasting joy not yet known to humankind in heaven.

Many as you are reading this are being killed for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ but the question is,” are you willing to die for Christ or will you deny Him if death stares at you in your face?” only you can answer that question.

5. Taking Up Your Cross Daily.

Last but not least, taking up your cross daily by denying yourself of the pleasures of self as Christ tells us in Matthews 16:24 is another indicator that will show you are choosing to suffer for Christ’s sake by inconveniencing your flesh.

As believers, we are called to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses daily. Implying that you must be willing to give up all your desires and die to yourself by embracing the suffering and hardships that come with being a believer.

When you choose to take up your cross daily, which is naturally hard for us to do due to our sinful fallen flesh that desires pleasure and convenience, it means that you choose to deprive your flesh of its desires and passions.

It also means that you choose to be willing to suffer and bear all the afflictions that will come in your Christian life as a believer, no matter how inconvenient it may be to your flesh.

Otherwise, if you are not willing to give up self by taking up your cross daily even if it’s an inconvenience to the flesh and self, you can’t be a true follower of Christ as Luke 14:27 tells us as bearing your cross is part of true discipleship.

Related: 5 Examples Of Taking Up Your Cross Daily [Jesus Talked About].


I hope the above 5 examples of suffering For Christ’s sake have now made you understand what it truly means to suffer for Christ’s sake if you are to reign with Him in heaven.

My prayer is after reading this post, you be willing to suffer for Christ Jesus no matter the cost so that you can also partake of His glory when He returns to collect His own.

In closing, if this post has been edifying to you if you are suffering for Christ through many trials, comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.

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