No matter how far we’ve gone, or how long we’ve been away from God, it’s never too late to come back as this post on how to get right with God after backsliding will show you.
The Bible both in the Old Testament and the New Testament is full of stories of people who walked with God, then fell away from Him in sin and rebellion but came back to God and were restored by His grace after repenting of their backsliding.
One such example is King David in the Old Testament who fell into the sin of adultery after He slept with Uriah’s wife, which was a grievous sin indeed.
The good news is that David was fully restored after he fully repented of his sin of adultery as He recounts in Psalms 51:1-5 after falling from grace.
Peter is also another example in the New Testament who backslid by denying Jesus Christ 3 times but later repented and was fully restored as well.
All the above examples clearly tell us that when you sincerely repent from your heart and return to Him, the Lord will forgive you and restore the relationship with Him you lost due to backsliding.
Below are the 5 steps on how to get right with God after backsliding you will ever need to take to get right with God again if you backslid.
5 Things To Do To Get Right With God.
If you are a backslidden sinner wanting to be restored, the 5 steps below are all you need to do to be fully restored unto the Lord.
- Admit Your Sins And Repent.
- Confess The Sins You Fell Into.
- Pray For Forgiveness.
- Start Reading The Bible Daily.
- Go And Sin No More.
1. Admit Your Sins And Repent.
The first thing you need to do if you want to get right with God after backsliding or falling into sin is admit your sin of backsliding and repent of that sin.
To repent here simply means that you need to change your mind regarding your sinful backslidden condition and realize that you need grace and restoration.
Implying that you must be willing to forsake the sins you backslid into if you are a backslidden Christian because only when you do that will you obtain mercy and forgiveness for your sins and backsliding (Proverbs 28:13).
Sadly, most backsliders due to their sinful pride and unrepentant heart are not willing to admit their sin of backsliding and repent of it, which explains why such people are difficult to restore not because they can’t be restored, but because of their pride.
However, if you want full restoration, you need to swallow your sinful pride and come to the Lord Jesus Christ in true repentance and He will once again restore you to where you were before even better so that your end is far better than your beginning.
See Also: Seven Fruits Of Repentance (That Signify Real Salvation.)
2. Confess The Sins You Fell Into.
After repenting of the sins and admitting your sinful backslidden condition, like the prodigal son who fell from grace Jesus Christ talked about in Luke 15:11-32 you need to fully confess all the sins you fell into.
Confessing your sins with all your heart will show that your repentance is genuine and that you are very sorry for what you did. On the other hand, if you are not willing to confess your sins, it shows that you are not truly repentant at all.
As we saw earlier in the above bible verse, the prodigal son was able to obtain forgiveness for his sins because he was truly sorry for his evil deeds and confessed them before his father so that he can be forgiven.
You as well will have your sin of backsliding forgiven if you do what the prodigal son did. But if you don’t confess your sins in prayer, it shows that you are not ready to stop sinning nor do you want full restoration.
1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive our sins as well as cleansing us from all unrighteousness that includes the sin of backsliding once and for all.
3. Pray For Forgiveness.
After doing the above two steps on your path to restoration, the next to you need to take to be restored after backsliding is to pray and ask for God’s forgiveness of the sins you confessed earlier on.
Praying for the forgiveness of the sins you earlier confessed is what will complete the restoration process. Remember, God will only forgive you of your sins if you ask Him to have He can’t force His forgiveness on you if you don’t want to or see the need of doing so.
I know you may be thinking that the sins you backslid into are too grievous to be forgiven but don’t forget that the old testament in the book of Psalms 136:1 tells us that the mercies of the Lord endure forever and are not in short supply.
So, if you are truly sorry for your backsliding and no longer want anything to do with sin anymore, God’s mercy is still available to you today despite how deep you may have fallen into sin.
Remember, there is no sin the Lord Jesus Christ won’t forgive if you truly repent from your heart as He has said Himself in John 6:37 that He will in no wise cast away anyone who truly come to Him in repentance for salvation.
4. Start Reading The Bible Daily.
Another thing you need to do to be fully restored to where you were before is to read God’s word daily so that your Christian faith and spiritual life can be strengthened not just when you go to church on Sunday.
By this time after following the above 3 steps, you should have fully repented and have your sins forgiven by now and this time all you need to start growing in the things of the Lord to establish your faith so that you don’t backside again.
And the only way you can do that is by reading your Bible every day and supplementing your daily bible reading with prayer during your quiet time.
Reading God’s word daily will help and keep you from stumbling and falling into sin as it will act as a lamp to your feet and will direct all your paths so that you don’t sin against the Lord as the Psalmist David wonderfully puts it in Psalms 119:11.
But if you don’t read the bible daily, your faith will be weak as you will not be established and grounded in the Lord and you will likely backside again if the temptation to do so becomes too much to resist due to your weak faith.
5. Go And Sin No More.
Last but not least, the last thing you must do to fully get right with God after backsliding is to go and sin no more implying no longer backsliding into the same sins you have been falling into over and over again.
This implies that you must not have the desire to go back to the sinful lifestyle you say you have repented of and forsaken. Otherwise, if you do so, you are just like a dog returning to its vomit as Proverbs 26:11 says.
Sadly, most people who want to be restored from their backsliding forget to do this important step in their restoration process which explains why they are always falling in and out of the same sin they repent daily.
And there are several reasons for that and some of them could be due to the love of sin still present in their lives hindering them from fully repenting and abandoning the sinful lifestyle they are clinging on to like super glue.
If you want full restoration so that you don’t backslide gain as a restored believer, you must be like the woman caught in adultery Jesus Christ forgave and told to sin no more in John 8:11. She was fully restored because she never went back to her old sinful lifestyle so must you, dear.
See Also: How To Stop Backsliding In 11 Simple Steps? [+ Sermon]
I hope the above post on how to get right with God after backsliding will now help you become fully restored with the help of the Holy Spirit if you backslid and abandoned your Christian faith at some point in your Christian life. In closing, if you found this post helpful let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.
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thank you. very helpful for me.
I am glad that you found this post helpful. Glory be to the Lord who brought you here and made you read this and I hope you will now be even a better Christian after reading this post. God bless.
its great i learned a lote from this
Glad you were blessed by this post dear sweet sis and God bless.
Very Helpful. Thank you God for the teaching
You are most welcome and God bless.