The question on how to regain the Holy Spirit especially after you have fallen from grace and gone back to sin is the question that most backslidden Christians who want restoration ask.
There are several reasons why the Holy Spirit can leave a person such as sin or backsliding as the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the presence of sin or in the life of a backslider.
As a Christian, you can at times backslide, fall from grace, or stop going to church due to carelessness and lose the Holy Spirit in the process. However, the good news is that if you have backslid, you can still regain the Holy Spirit back into your Christian life.
And this can be made possible through genuine repentance from your sins and turning back to God as this post will show you the 5 simple steps on how to regain the Holy Spirit especially if you backslide and went back into sin.
See Also: Can The Holy Spirit Leave A Backslider? [Click To Find Out].
Reasons The Holy Spirit Leaves A Person?
One of the major reasons as to why the Holy Spirit leaves someone is sin as earlier stated or when a person backslides, falls from grace and loses their salvation.
This is why Ephesians 4:30 say that we must not grieve the Holy Spirit of God as believers and one of the ways you can grieve the Holy Ghost as a believer is by indulging in sin and not listening to His warnings.
In addition, if you remain stubborn and adamant to the correction of the Holy Spirit, He will be grieved and end up leaving you eventually if you continue sinning despite being warned several times by Him.
See Also: 10 Dangers Of Backsliding [All Backsliders Needs To Know]
5 Steps To Take To Regain The Holy Spirit.
Below are 5 simple steps you need to take to regain the Holy Spirit in your life if you realize that He’s left you due to sin or backsliding.
- Repent.
- Confess Your Sins.
- Ask God To Fill You With His Spirit Again.
- Spend Time With Other Believers In Fellowship.
- Don’t Return To Your Old Sinful Ways.
1. Repent.
The first step you need to take to regain the Holy Spirit back into your life is to repent of your backsliding and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to restore you unto Himself (Acts 2:38).
If you want the Holy Ghost back into your life, you need to once again truly repent of your backsliding and the sins you may once again have fallen back into.
You need to go on your knees and ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of the sins you may have gotten back into knowing and unknowingly so that you can truly repent of them as well as confessing and forsaking them.
Remember, your repentance needs to be genuine if you want real restoration and if your repentance isn’t genuine and coming from the heart, full restoration won’t occur and you will still wallow in the sins you have fallen into.
Only then, will the Holy Spirit come back into your life and once again restore and renew you from the inside (Titus 3:5-7) so that you can become an even stronger Christian than you were at the beginning.
See Also:
- 13 Signs Of True Repentance (Signifying Real Salvation.)
- Seven Fruits Of Repentance (That Signify Real Salvation.)
2. Confess Your Sins.
The second step you must take to regain the Holy Spirit is to confess your sins as by confessing and forsaking your sins is how you obtain mercy and pardon for your sins ( Proverbs 28:13).
By confessing your sins, you show how truly sorry you are for the sins you have committed as sin grieves the Holy Ghost, which is one of the major reasons He leaves.
Remember, as 2 Corinthians 7:10 says, godly sorrow is what leads to true repentance which later leads you to genuine salvation. If you don’t confess your sins as well as forsake them, it clearly shows that you are not truly sorry for your sins but still take pleasure in them.
This is the reason that most believers have. A sinner’s prayer alone isn’t enough. You need to make a deliberate effort on your part to forsake your evil and sinful ways (Isaiah 55:7). Only then, will you receive pardon from the Lord Jesus Christ for your sins.
It’s only when genuine confession of your sins has taken place after truly repenting of your sins by changing your mind towards sin and returning to God will you fully be restored and regain the Holy Spirit you lost due to falling into sin.
See Also: Am I really saved? 11 Ways To Surely Know(+ Video Sermon).
3. Ask God To Fill You With His Spirit Again.
Another thing you need to do if you want the Holy Ghost back into your life after falling from grace or backsliding is that you need to ask Jesus Christ to impart a new spirit within you.
In Ezekiel 36:26, the Lord promises to give us a new spirit that will enable us to be like Him in character so that we can love Him and obey His word.
It’s only if you have been filled by His Spirit will obeying God’s word become possible and easy to do because you now be waking after the Spirit and not the flesh as our carnal sinful flesh cannot please God.
If you are not filled with the Spirit of Christ Jesus, you will please the flesh and not please the Holy Spirit, as you will be walking after the flesh due to your carnal nature that hasn’t been dealt with yet.
So, you need to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to fill you with His Spirit so that you don’t do sinful things that will make the Holy Spirit leave you as it’s His Spirit that will enable you to live a life of holiness that will attract His presence.
4. Spend Time With Other Believers In Fellowship.
If you want the presence of the Holy Spirit to be back in your Christian life, you need to spend time fellowshipping with other believers in Christ who will edify you in the things of the Lord.
Doing so will help you avoid the bad company of unbelievers and sinners who might want to make you stray from God and make you start practising the evil they are doing.
There are many ways you can fellowship with other believers in Christ and one of them is going to church where you can meet together and encourage each other in the things of God.
Remember, the Holy Spirit enjoys being in the presence of believers of the same Christian faith which is why we are told in Hebrews 10:25 that we must not forsake the assembling of one another as believers in Christ and the manner of some is.
Therefore, you need to find a church where you can congregate and fellowship with other believers in Christ Jesus who have the same faith as you because there are many benefits of doing so.
5. Don’t Return To Your Old Sinful Ways.
Last but not least, after doing the above four steps, you need to resolve and purpose in your heart just as Daniel did in the old testament in Daniel 1:8 that he will not defile himself with sin to not go back to your old sins.
You must remember that you can’t live in sin and have the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life at the same time as the two can’t co-exist because light and darkness can’t be together.
Sadly, most believers choose to return to their old sinful ways, which is why they can’t feel the presence of God’s Spirit in their lives.
If you want the presence of the Holy Spirit who guides one into all truth to be in your life, you need to keep sin as far away as possible from your Christian life after being restored and follow righteousness.
On the other hand, if you choose to abandon your Christian faith again and return to your old sins like a dog returning to its vomit even after repenting of them, He will have nothing to do with you.
See Also: 7 Major Dangers Of Sin To Help You Stop Sinning (+Video Sermon).
I hope the above post on how to regain the Holy Spirit after you have backslid will now help you come to repentance and salvation so that the presence of the Lord which departed from you when you went back into sin can be back again in your Christian life. In closing, if this post was beneficial to you, let me know in the comments below as well as the questions you might have on what you have read. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share.
See Also:
- How To Be Truly Born Again In 7 Simple Steps (+Video Sermon)
- 10 Characteristics Of A Backslider [Fallen From Grace]
- Can A Person Be Saved And Not Know It? [+ Sermon].
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