How To Stay Consistent With God {In 10 Easy Steps.}

In this post, you will discover how to stay consistent with God in 10 easy steps outlined below if you religiously follow them to the letter.

The importance of being consistent with God in your Christian life as a believer cannot be overemphasized if you are to make heaven in the end.

You need to understand that only those who stay consistent in their Christian living and Christian faith in the Lord Jesus Christ till the end are the ones who will ultimately enter heaven.

So, if you are struggling to be a consistent Christian, then this post on how to stay consistent with God is what you have been looking for which will outline the 10 easy ways to stay consistent with God that will keep you from backsliding.

10 Practical Ways To Be Consistent With God.

Take your time to read the 10 ways of being consistent with God below that will help you live a consistent Christian life characterized by holiness and righteousness.

  • Read Your Bible Daily.
  • Pray Daily.
  • Stop Living In Habitual Sin.
  • Don’t Love The World.
  • Look Unto Jesus.
  • Find Christian Mentors.
  • Go To Church Regularly.
  • Stand On God’s Promises.
  • Avoid Bad Company.
  • Keep Standing Till The End.

1. Read Your Bible Daily.

One of the first things you need to do if you want to be a consistent Christian who’s consistent in their Christian faith in God is you need to practice the habit of daily bible reading during your quiet time as it’s vital for your spiritual growth.

Reading God’s word daily will help you become established in the things of God and help you grow spiritually. If you don’t read God’s word daily, you will be spiritually malnourished and lack the spiritual stamina you need to be consistent with God.

2 Peter 3:18 in the new testament tells us that we need to continually grow in grace, wisdom, and things of Christ Jesus which will only be so if you nourish your inner man with daily doses of God’s word. If you have not been doing that, start today, ASAP.

2. Pray Daily.

The second important thing you need to do as a Christian in addition to daily bible reading who wants to stay consistent with God is to incorporate prayer in your daily Christian life during your quiet time.

Prayer is crucial in your Christian living as a believer as prayer is what will enable you to be spiritually strong and be able to overcome any temptations to backslide or compromise your faith Satan may bring your way.

Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 22:46 that we must pray so that we don’t fall into temptations. If your prayer life is weak, you will find it hard to stay consistent with God in your Christian walk and you will be spiritually underpowered to be steadfast in Him.

Related: Why Is Prayer Important To Christians? [+ Animation].

3. Stop Living In Habitual Sin.

Living in habitual sin can be a great hindrance to being a consistent Christian and many believers struggle to be consistent in their Christian walk with Christ due to the ongoing habitual sin in their lives.

Therefore, if there are habitual sins you may be struggling with such as pornography, sexual immorality, drunkenness, womanizing, etc., pray for God to give you the grace you need to break free from any habitual sins hindering you from being a consistent Christian.

Titus 2:11 tells us that the grace we need to deny all ungodliness, habitual sins, and worldly lusts hindering us from living consistent Christian lives of holiness and godliness has appeared to everyone. Just ask for this grace and you will be well and good.

Related: How To Have Power Over Sin In 7 Easy Steps (Video Sermon).

4. Don’t Love The World.

In 1 John 2:15-17, we are told that we must not love the world nor the things that are therein. If you do so, it shows that the love of the Father is absent in you.

There is no way you are going to stay consistent with God as a believer if your heart is still in the world. As a believer in Christ, you need to be completely divorced from the things of this world such as worldly fashions, dressing, lifestyle, etc.

Staying consistent with the Lord demands that you are completely separated from this present evil world and its systems. If you are not, you won’t stay consistent with God as you can’t serve two masters at once.

Related: How To Avoid Worldly Things [That Please The Flesh].

5. Look Unto Jesus.

The scripture of Hebrews 12:2 tells us we need to look unto Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of our faith if we are to remain steadfast in Him as He’s done it before when He endured the cross and shame for our sakes.

You need to keep your focus and eyes on Jesus Christ and look up to Him if you want consistency in your Christian walk with the Lord not marred by repeated backslidings year in and year out.

Looking unto Jesus is what will enable you to depend on Him for the grace you need to stay consistent on your Christian journey and consistently live a holy life that’s above sin or reproach.

6. Find Christian Mentors.

Another thing you can do to help you stay consistent with the Lord in your Christian living is to find mentors who can help you and encourage you in the things of the Lord, especially in times of trials.

Seeking Christian godly mentors who are rooted in God’s word and can help you stay on course by mentoring you in the Lord is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a believer who wants to maintain consistency with the Lord.

We all need Christian mentors and counselors who can encourage and counsel us by giving us tips and advice that will help us remain in the Lord. Proverbs 11:14 in the Old Testament tells us where there are counselors, safety abounds and people aren’t led astray.

7. Go To Church Regularly.

Attending church regularly in a bible believing church, where the full counsel of God’s word is taught, will go a long way in helping you stay consistent with God on your Christian journey.

Going to a church where you can meet with other believers of like faith will encourage you greatly to keep standing in the Lord through their edification and encouragement to continue in the Lord, especially during trials of faith.

Hebrews 10:25 tells us that we must not forsake the assembly of one another which is why you need to find a church where other believers come together and fellowship in the Lord. If you don’t go to church, you will find it hard to be consistent during trials.

8. Stand On God’s Promises.

You also need to stand on God’s promises and not lose faith, especially in times of delays in your Christian life if you are to remain steadfast in Him.

Standing on God’s promises that never fail will help you not give up or compromise your faith, especially during hardships or when your faith is being tested in one way or the other, as you know that God is always faithful to His word.

Hebrews 6:18 reminds us that God cannot lie and knowing that will even give you more confidence to remain steadfast in Him even in times of uncertainty. If you don’t stand on God’s promises, you will compromise your faith during hard times.

9. Avoid Bad Company.

Being in the bad company of ungodly and sinful friends who make it easy to compromise your faith in your Christian walk with Christ is one of the worst things you can do to yourself if you desire to be a consistent Christian.

1 Corinthians 15:33 reminds us that we must not be deceived as evil communication corrupts good manners. You can’t be consistent with God if you associate yourself with unbelievers which makes it easy for you to compromise your godly values.

If you are serious about being consistent in your Christian walk with God, cut off all ungodly friendships that make it easy for you to compromise your Christian values and fall into sin.

Related: 45 Christian Friendship Quotes For Choosing Godly Friends.

10. Keep Standing Till The End.

Last but not least, you finally need to keep standing and be steadfast always abounding in the Lord till the end as 1 Corinthians 15:58 tells us.

If you are not steadfast in the things of the lord, you will find it hard to live a consistent Christian lifestyle that is not marred and plagued by sin.

You need to remember, only consistency and steadfastness in the Lord are what will make you win this Christian race set before you with joy and make heaven at last. If you are not steadfast, heaven will be a pipe dream for you.

Related: 5 {Practical} Ways Of Living A Consistent Christian Life Till The End.


I hope the above post on how to stay consistent with God will now give you the discipline you need to live a consistent Christian life that is heaven ready all the time.

As believers, Jesus Christ calls us to a life of faithfulness, steadfastness, and obedience to Him if we are to make heaven in the end.

In closing, if this post, edified you to be a better Christian who’s consistent in the Lord, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.

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