Finding it hard to tell if someone is a fake Christian or not? Then, this post on how to know if someone is a fake Christian is what you are looking for.
It’s just a matter of fact that we have a lot of fake Christians and believers in many evangelical churches today, especially in these last days we are living in but how can you spot such people?
There are many ways you can know if a person is a fake Christian or not and in this article, we will look at the 5 things that will show if a person is a fake Christian.
With that said, let’s look at how to know if someone is a fake Christian and not a true Christian on their way to heaven with the 5 litmus tests below.
5 Ways Of Spotting Fake Christians.
Below are the 5 ways to help you spot fake Christians from true Christians with a genuine relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Check Their Fruits.
- They Live In Sin.
- No Fruits Of The Spirit.
- Have A Form Of Godliness.
- No Definite Salvation Experience.
1. Check Their Fruits.
One of the easiest ways of knowing that someone is a fake Christian though they profess the Christian faith is by checking their fruits.
Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 7:15-20 that a tree is known by its fruits and that a good tree will produce good fruits while a bad and corrupt tree will bring forth bad fruits.
Therefore, if someone is a fake Christian, they will produce evil fruits that are consistent with their nature. Implying that these people will do all sorts of bad things even when such people go to church every Sunday.
Sadly, there are many fake evangelical Christians in the church today who just profess to know Christ Jesus but deny Him in their works as Titus 1:16 tells us in the New Testament.
A true Christian will produce good fruits of righteousness and good works. On the other hand, a fake Christian can’t produce good fruits because they are a corrupt tree with a corrupt seed of sin inwardly that’s still active in such people.
Related: 13 Signs Of A True Believer Who’s Truly Saved By Christ.
2. They Live In Sin.
Another thing that will help you differentiate fake Christians from true Christians is that the former will still live in sin be it secret or not while the latter will live a life characterized by holiness and righteousness that’s above sin.
A person who claims to be a true Christian and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ will never live a sinful lifestyle and try to justify their life of sin on the pretext of being under grace.
On the other hand, a fake Christian will live a life characterized by sin and will commit all sorts of sins be its sexual immorality, drunkenness, and all the works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21 talks about.
Unfortunately, we have many such fake Christians in the church today who claim to know Christ but are still in love with their sin or life of sin.
If you are such a person, the Lord is warning you to turn from your sin before it’s too late as no hypocrite or unrepentant sinner will inherit God’s kingdom as sin can’t be allowed there.
3. No Fruits Of The Spirit.
The third important thing that will help you know if someone is a genuine Christian or not is that the 9 essential fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talk about will nowhere to be seen in the life of a fake Christian.
This will be so because all fake Christians don’t have the new nature of Christ Jesus that is only imparted to a person when they become truly saved and born again resulting in the new birth.
You need to understand as you are reading this dear that, you can only produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your Christian life if you are a genuine Christian whose truly born again with the new nature of Christ in you.
Otherwise, if you are a fake Christian, you will instead produce the evil works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21 talks about because the old nature of sin is still active in you.
Having the fruits of the Spirit is very crucial in the life of every true believer professing that Christian faith as it’s one of the vital litmus tests that will help you clearly differentiate a real Christian from a fake Christian.
Related: How To Develop The Fruits Of The Spirit (In 5 Easy Steps)?
4. Have A Form Of Godliness.
Fake Christians will also have a form of godliness but will deny its power as 2 Timothy 3:5 tells us. Implying that a fake Christian will pretend to be very religious on the outside but inwardly, there are something else.
Yes, such people may even go to church every Sunday and sing in the choir but in reality, aren’t willing to fully obey and follow Jesus Christ’s teachings nor will they be willing to live a life that befits a Christian.
This is what the apostle Paul warned that in the last days, there will be many fake Christians who will only have a form of godliness outwardly but will not be willing to live lives characterized d by holiness due to the love of sin by such people.
A person with a form of godliness outwardly is never willing to live a holy life because the love of sin and the world is still in the heart of such a person.
Instead, a fake Christian will only go to church and profess the Christian faith for showbiz so that everyone may think that they are a very committed believer when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
5. No Definite Salvation Experience.
Last but not least, a fake Christian will lack the definite salvation experience that brings about eternal life and transforms a person from the inside which will explain why such people are still living in sin.
A person who hasn’t yet had a real salvation experience will not have the new birth that brings about the new nature Ephesians 4:24 talks about that is created in the likeness and righteousness of God.
You need to understand that you can only have the new nature of Christ Jesus in you that will help you not to sin anymore if you have had a new birth experience, which can only come when you have a real salvation experience.
Since fake Christians don’t have a real salvation experience, it explains why they are still living in sin and love with their sin as they haven’t had the new birth experience yet that only comes after one is truly saved.
So, if you are still struggling and living in sin while you claim to be a Christian, it clearly shows you are yet to have the new birth experience that brings about the new nature of Christ in a person enabling one to no longer live a life of sin anymore.
Related: How To Know If You Are Saved By Jesus {For Sure?}
I hope the above post on how to spot a fake Christian has now helped you understand the clear differences that exist between fake Christians without the life of Christ in them and true born-again Christians with the life of Christ that’s pleasing to the Lord. God bless.
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