7 Vital Lessons From Rahab’s Transformative Life.

The story of Rahab in the Bible is one of the most important stories in the Old Testament and in this post, we shall look at the 7 vital lessons from Rahab we as believers can learn from Her story.

There are many moral lessons the story of Rahab has to tell us that we as New Testament believers can apply in our lives today and how God operates in people.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s look at the 7 lessons from Rahab that we can apply in our Lives as Christians today.

7 Vital Lessons Form Rehab’s Story.

Below are the 7 moral lessons we can get from Rahab’s story in the bible that will help you be a better Christian today and remind you that God can use you despite your ugly past.

  • It Pays To Have Faith In God.
  • God Can Use Anyone Despite Their Past.
  • None Is Beyond God’s Redemptive Grace.
  • It Pays To Trust God.
  • Your Past Can’t Hinder God’s Purpose.
  • Anyone Can Be Saved.
  • God Has No Favorites.

1. It Pays To Have Faith In God.

One of the vital lessons we can get from Rahab’s story is that real unwavering faith in God pays off big time especially in times of uncertainty as we see in the case of Rahab.

Rahab chose to have faith in the one true God the Israelites’ spies served by choosing to hide them in her house despite knowing her life was at risk by doing so. Due to this, her life and her entire family were saved in the end (Joshua 6:25).

Rahab’s faith in the God the spies of Israel served must also encourage you to have unshakable faith in God, especially in uncertain times. When you do that, I can promise you that your faith will pay dividends in the end.

Related: 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith That Moves Mountains.

2. God Can Use Anyone Despite Their Past.

The second lesson we can get from Rehab’s story is that God can use anyone who willingly gives themselves to Him despite their ugly sinful past. Rahab despite being a prostitute ended up being used mightily but God to fulfill His divine purpose.

Consequently, she ended up being part of the bloodline of our Lord Jesus Christ despite her shameful past most would write off.

In like manner, God can still use you mightily for His divine purpose despite your ugly sinful past only if you willingly surrender and submit your life to Him and decide that you want nothing to do with sin anymore.

3. None Is Beyond God’s Redemptive Grace.

The third lesson we can learn from the story of Rahab the prostitute is that none is beyond the redemptive grace of God. Implying that any person regardless of their sinful condition can be saved by God’s grace and made anew in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Rahab despite being a harlot was able to partake of God’s redemptive grace that made her one of the most important women in bible history who was part of God’s master plan of Man’s redemption from sin through Christ Jesus.

If God was able to use and redeem Rahab despite her shameful sinful past, you as well can be redeemed, too, and be used by God today especially if you relate to Raheb’s story of being a prostitute.

4. It Pays To Trust God.

The fourth Lesson we can learn from Rahab’s fascinating story is that it pays to trust God with all your heart, especially in times of uncertainty.

Rahab and her house were able to be saved as Rahab chose to trust the one true God the Israelite spies served by accommodating the spies in her house despite knowing that could cost her life (Joshua 2:6).

Just as Rahab trusted God in difficult times, you as well must learn to trust God with all your heart if you want Him to direct your paths as Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us. If you do so, I can promise that you will see God’s move in your life in miraculous ways.

Related: 12 Benefits Of Trusting God [To Help You Trust Him More].

5. Your Past Can’t Hinder God’s Purpose.

The fifth lesson we can get from Rahab’s story is that your ugly sinful past cannot hinder God from accomplishing what He’s divinely purposed in your life.

In the case of Rahab, the non-Israelite Moabite woman, her ugly shameful past of being a harlot didn’t hinder God from using her to save the spies of Israel and later alone being part of the bloodline of Jesus Christ who died for our sins so that we can have salvation.

So, if you are a person with an ugly past or a story similar to Rahab, and think that God can’t use you, I am here to tell you the good news that God can still use you even if you have an ugly past if you give your life to Him today.

6. Anyone Can Be Saved.

The sixth lesson Rahab’s story tells us is that none is beyond salvation despite their ugly past. Rahab despite being a Canaanite prostitute was able to partake of the salvation that was meant for the Israelites despite being a non-Israelite woman.

Since God’s love and mercy is undeserved, you as well as have an ugly sinful past are not exempted from receiving salvation and eternal life as Christ died for everyone as 2 Corinthians 5:15 tells us. No sin is greater than God’s love and mercy.

Rahab’s redemption though she was a Canaanite prostitute who served false gods at some point in her life is a testimony that anyone can be saved regardless of the gravity of sin if such people come to Christ in repentance.

Related: 13 Attributes Of Salvation That Make Salvation Priceless.

7. God Has No Favorites.

Last but not least, another lesson we can see from Rehab’s story is that God doesn’t play favorites or practice favoritism as He shows goodness, kindness, grace, and mercy to anyone who commits themselves to Him regardless of their sinful past.

Under normal circumstances, Rahab was never supposed to inherit the undeserved kindness, mercy, blessing, and grace that were meant for the Israelites.

Since God is fair, He made Rahab inherit the blessings meant for Israel as she showed an interest in serving Him. You as well if you show interest in serving God despite your past, will inherit God’s promises and blessings meant for His children.


I hope the above 7 lessons from Rahab in the bible have helped you learn one or two things that you can apply in your Christian life as a believer.

In closing, if this post has been a blessing to you, let me know in the comments below how this post has ministered to you. God bless.

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