There are many qualities that a person who truly loves God will show and this post will reveal 7 major qualities of a person who truly loves God that will show if one loves God.
Loving God with all your heart, soul and mind is the greatest commandment God has given us which is followed by loving our neighbors as ourselves.
The above statement of loving God with all your heart was mentioned by Jesus Christ in Mark 12:30,31 in the new testament which is the first golden rule.
With that said, let’s find out the 7 major qualities of a person who truly loves God that one will have if they love God as they claim.
7 Qualities Of A Person Who Loves God.
Below are the 7 major qualities that will show you truly love God with all your heart, soul, and mind in your Christian life.
- Obeying God’s Commandments.
- Loving Others As Yourself.
- You Will Be kind To Others.
- Easily Forgive Others.
- Hate Sin.
- Live A Holy Life.
- Gladly Serve God.
1. Obeying God’s Commandments.
One of the first major litmus tests that will show you truly love God is whether you will obey and keep His commandments. It’s why our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in John 14:15 that if we truly love Him, we will obey and keep His commandments.
Sadly, many so-called Christians aren’t observing the above commandment for Jesus Christ. Many claim to love God but their actions prove otherwise which is sad indeed. Many live disobedient lives contrary to God’s word, instead.
If you claim to love God but are unwilling to obey and keep His word, you are just lying to yourself and you are still not God’s child at all even if you go to church every Sunday or profess the Christian faith by mouth.
Otherwise, if you are a truly saved Christian that truly loves God wholeheartedly, you will obey and keep God’s commandments and God’s word won’t be grievous for you to obey. Obedience to God’s word is what true Christianity is based on.
Related: 15 Characteristics Of A True Disciple Of Christ.
2. Loving Others As Yourself.
The second quality that a person who truly loves God will also show is that they will love others as themselves with the selfless agape love 1 Corinthians 13:4-18 talks about that seeks to serve rather than being served.
Implying that you will truly love others not because of what you can benefit from them but will love others because you want to serve them and make their lives better due to God’s love that’s reigning supreme in your heart.
Unfortunately, many people who claim to be Christians aren’t practicing this selfless agape love Jesu Christ commands us in John 13:34 because many are selfish and self-centered full of themselves.
Nowadays, many people including so-called Christians are only willing to love you if you benefit them in some way or meet their needs. This isn’t the love that God expects of you if you claim to truly love Him. You are to love others as God first loved us.
Related: 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of True Love That’s Of God.
3. You Will Be kind To Others.
A person who truly loves God is also kind to others daily, even if nobody else notices or appreciates it at first glance. They will smile at strangers on the street and go out of their way to help anyone who needs assistance with their tasks around the house or workplace.
They treat everyone with kindness because they know how much kindness can mean in this world today and how important it is for people to know that there are still good people out there who care about others first before themselves.
Ephesians 4:32 tells us as believers professing the Christian faith, we must be kind and tenderhearted towards each other in the body of Christ as well as to others who aren’t in the body of Christ, yet.
If you don’t treat others with compassion and kindness but are rather rude to people without any reason, it shows God’s love is lacking in your life and you don’t know God yet nor understand what being a true Christian is all about.
4. Easily Forgive Others.
Another thing that a person who truly loves God will show is they will easily forgive others of their offenses knowing that none of us is perfect and that we all make mistakes and need grace.
Being able to forgive others of their offenses easily as Ephesians 4:32 commands us to will show God’s love is in you as God’s love is all about showing grace and mercy to others especially those who don’t deserve it.
Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 6:14,15 that we must forgive others if we want our Heavenly Father to forgive us. Otherwise, if we fail to forgive others who have wronged us, God will also not forgive us.
If you have a spirit of unforgiveness in your heart, it shows, God’s love is lacking in your life. You can’t claim to love God if you are holding grudges, bitterness, and unforgiveness towards those who did you wrong.
Related: Why Is Forgiveness Important In Christianity? [+ Sermon].
5. Hate Sin.
A person who truly loves God will also hate sin but love holiness and righteousness instead as that person knows sin is an offense to God due to the new nature of God in that person making the person hate the sin our sinful nature loves.
You can’t say you love God if you still have the love of sin in your heart which just implies you are still a child and servant of Satan as 1 John 3:8 tells us as you have his nature in you making you sin.
If you claim to love God and are a true Christian, you will hate sin and want nothing to do with it. The opposite is the case with many professing Christians, sadly.
If that’s the case with you, then you don’t love God as you can’t serve God and sin at the same time. You are either of God or of the devil especially if you are still practicing sin because if you are a true Christian, sin will not have any place in your Christian life.
6. Live A Holy Life.
Another thing that will help you know if a person loves the Lord is they will live a life characterized by holiness and righteousness as we are commanded in 1 Peter 1:15-17.
If you love God, you will practice holiness and have nothing to do with sin. Moreover, if you say, you love God but are still living in sin, you are merely lying to yourself and it shows you are not His at all.
Many say, you can’t live a holy life in this present evil world but that’s a lie from the pits of hell. These people say so not because they can’t be holy as commanded by God’s word but due to the love of sin in their hearts making them unwilling to leave their filth behind.
You need to understand that without holiness and righteousness in your Christian life, forget about making heaven as that place is only for holy people, not unsaved and unregenerated sinners who are still in love with their sinful lifestyles.
Related: Why Must We Live A Holy Life? (11 Major Reasons Why.)
7. Gladly Serve God.
Last but not least, another quality that a person who loves God will show is they will gladly serve Him wholeheartedly willingly, and not begrudgingly.
When you truly love the Lord, you will have this natural burning desire to serve Him in every area of life be it in the church where you can do various church activities or in ministry.
You will give your all to the Lord and His cause. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are called to fully give ourselves to our Master, Christ Jesus who demands full consecration of our lives and service to Him in all circumstances, good or bad.
It’s why Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 9:23 that we must fully deny ourselves if we are to come after Him as we won’t be able to fully serve Him the way we ought to if self is still active in our lives.
I hope the above 7 qualities of a person who truly loves God have now helped you understand what truly loving God is all about.
My prayer is after reading this; you will begin to love the Lord more the way you ought to as a believer as that is the most important commandment we’ve been given.
In closing, if this post has been a blessing to you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share it with others who need to see this. Stay blessed.
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thankyou God bless you for sharing this
You are most welcome and may the Lord bless you, too.