5 Sure Signs God Is Telling You To Wait On Someone {ASAP}

Many signs will show if God is telling you to keep waiting for someone when it comes to relationships and choosing a life partner you want to spend the rest of your life with.

This post will look at the 5 major signs God is telling you to wait on someone that will clearly show God doesn’t want you to rush things when it comes to choosing your future spouse.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s look at the 5 crucial signs God is telling you to wait on someone which will show God wants you to take your time in choosing a life partner.

5 Signs God Wants You To Wait For Someone.

Below are the 5 clear signs that will show God wants you to wait for someone He has in mind for you when it comes to choosing your future husband or future wife.

  • You’ll Hear God’s Still Voice.
  • The Peace Of Mind.
  • Timing.
  • Unresolved Issues.
  • More Time To Know Each Other.

5. You’ll Hear God’s Still Voice.

One of the first signs that will indicate God wants you to wait on someone is you will hear a clear audible and still voice in your spirit to not be with the person you thought was the one for you.

God will clearly tell you not to be in a hurry and to just be patient for a while so that He can reveal to you the right person for you who will bring out the best in you and help you accomplish His divine purpose for your life.

One of the major reasons why many fail to hear God’s voice clearly concerning the choice of their mate is many people are led by their flesh and lust and fail to discern God’s voice when it comes to choosing a marriage partner.

This explains why many end up with undesirable spouses in marriage God never really intended for them and are suffering now wishing they had listened to God’s still voice to be patient and not to let lust lead the way.

You need to understand that if God is telling you to wait for someone He has in mind for you that will complement your happiness and not subtract from it is that He will tell you not to rush things but to wait for the right time before saying, “I do.”

See Also: When God Says No To A Relationship. {Here’s What To Do.}

2. The Peace Of Mind.

The second sign that will show God wants you to wait for a marriage partner He has in mind for you is that you won’t have peace of mind if you choose to be with a person God doesn’t want you to be.

Yes, that person may be charming, handsome, beautiful like the rising sun, rich, etc. but if that person is not God’s plan and will for your life, you won’t feel at peace with being with that person.

For some strange reason, something won’t just feel right being with this person you think is the one for you. That peace of mind that comes when God reveals to you the right person to marry won’t just be there.

Instead, you will be troubled in your spirit when you are with a person God never intended for you. Having peace of mind in your heart when it comes to choosing a mate is one of the vital signs that will show God wants you to be with this person.

Otherwise, if you are not at peace in your heart when you are with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, it’s a clear sign from God that you need to wait and be patient for the right person He will reveal to you at the right time.

3. Timing.

The third sign that will show God wants you to wait for someone He has for you in mind will be the timing of the whole thing when it comes to choosing your future spouse.

If the timing isn’t right, you won’t be at peace when you try to rush things or get desperate to be in a relationship you hope will turn into a marriage as true love is patient and can’t be rushed (1 Corinthians 13:4).

This will explain why even if everything seems fine outside, you just won’t be at ease to be in a committed relationship if the time isn’t right or your heart isn’t yet ripe for love.

You need to understand that if the timing is right, your heart will be ready and ripe for love. Also, if God reveals your future spouse at His appointed time, you will be ready to receive that person with all your heart without second-guessing yourself.

God’s word tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11 in the Old Testament that He makes all things beautiful in His time as God doesn’t work according to human timelines.

So, if you are praying for a marriage partner, don’t rush things with God as that will just lead you into problems and make you miss God’s perfect will for your marriage.

4. Unresolved Issues.

The fourth sign, which will show God wants you to wait on someone, will be the presence of unresolved issues that you may currently have in your relationship.

Sometimes, when you are in a committed relationship, it’s easy to rush things and to want that relationship to turn into a marriage as soon as possible without waiting on God’s final say in the matter.

However, when God is signaling you to wait on someone, He will direct you to the unresolved issues that may be in your relationship, which will pose a serial issue when you get married.

Some of the issues that may make God want you to wait on someone and not rush things with that person too quickly will be certain character flaws in a person or issues relating to your Christian faith.

When such issues pop up in your relationship with that would-be special person you want to spend the rest of your life with, God may tell you to hold on until those issues are resolved to avoid future problems.

During such a time, it can be a time when God exposes you to potential relationship deal-breakers that must be resolved. Or else, you may need to end a relationship with that person if these non-negotiable issues aren’t resolved.

See Also: 11 Vital Things To Discuss In A Godly Relationship Before Marriage.

5. More Time To Know Each Other.

Last but not least, the other sign that will indicate God wants you to wait on someone is that He wants you to have more time to get to know the person you intend to marry.

Knowing someone you are about to marry during courtship is crucial if you don’t want to end up marrying a person who will bring nothing but misery to your life.

You need to understand that it takes time to truly know someone or the true character of a person considering that many people are good at pretending during courtship.

God making you wait on someone before taking your relationship to the next step may be a way of God letting you want to know more about the person you are considering your future spouse.

When it comes to choosing your mate, you first need to build a friendship with the person you want to share and spend your life with, and God making you wait on someone is a chance for you to build a friendship with the person you intend to marry.


I hope the above 5 signs God is telling you to wait on someone will help you have the patience you need when it comes to choosing your future spouse or a life partner.

Waiting on someone can be challenging at times but you need to understand that God’s timing is the best when it comes to choosing a godly spouse who’s a right fit for you.

In closing, if this post has been beneficial to you, share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before leaving. God bless.

Further Reading.

Sharing is caring.


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