In this post, you will find out the 5 major consequences of not waiting on God that you will face if you are impatient in your life and rely on your own wisdom thinking you know better.
Waiting upon the Lord is very crucial in the life of every believer and if a believer lacks patience in their Christian life, they will miss the best God has to offer.
In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, we see many horrible consequences that happened to those who were impatient and wanted to rush things with God.
Not waiting upon the Lord is one of the major reasons why the lives of many believers are in shambles be it in the area of marriage, career finances, etc.
If you want the best the Lord has to offer to all those who wait upon Him, learn to be patient and don’t be in a hurry lest you crash.
With that said, let’s look at the 5 major consequences of not waiting on God that you will face if you try to rush things with God like a Lion chasing you.
5 Consequences Of Not Waiting On The Lord.
Below are the 5 consequences of not waiting on the Lord that will remind you that rushing things with God isn’t always a good idea.
- You Will Miss The Best God Has To Offer.
- You Won’t Fulfil Your Purpose.
- The Lord Will Ultimately Reject You.
- You End Up Wrecking Your Faith.
- You Won’t Enter Heaven.
1. You Will Miss The Best God Has To Offer.
One of the major consequences that happen when you don’t wait upon the Lord is that you won’t receive the best the Lord has to offer especially in the area of marriage, career, finances, ministry, etc.
The consequences of not waiting on the Lord for the right time can be seen in the case of King Saul in the Old Testament who failed to heed the instructions of the Lord through Prophet Samuel not to offer sacrifices in 1 Samuel 13:1-10.
Sadly, King Saul due to impatience and the fear of man ended up offering sacrifices he was not supposed to offer that only prophets were allowed to make. Consequently, the Lord ended up not making Kings Saul the King of Israel.
The same will apply to you if you are impatient with the Lord in that you will miss out on the best blessings the Lord has to offer if you aren’t willing to wait on Him. Impatience is the reason many have not received the best God has to offer.
God only gives His greatest blessings and the best He has to offer to those who wait on Him. If you don’t want to miss the best the Lord has to offer, stay patient.
2. You Won’t Fulfil Your Purpose.
Another horrific consequence that comes if you don’t wait on the Lord is you will miss God’s will and purpose for your life just as others did when they tried to rush things with God.
If you are to fulfill God’s purpose and destiny for your life, you need to be patient and wait for God’s perfect timing and direction for your life, which may not come at the time you expect it to.
Moreover, if you don’t wait on the Lord to reveal to you His purpose but instead trust your own ways, you will miss your purpose like King Saul did due to his impatience and ended up not being king of Israel as he was rejected in the end as we see in 1 Samuel 15:22,23.
All the people in the bible who lived and fulfilled their God-given purpose such as Abraham, Joseph, Ruth, etc. did so as they were patient and didn’t rush things with God even if things seemed to take longer to come to pass.
Just look around at people who tried to rush things with God, especially in the area of marriage, employment, or career, and how miserable they are now. That must serve as a lesson to you as to why rushing things with God isn’t always a good idea.
Related: 5 Major Hindrances To Fulfilling God’s Purpose (To Avoid).
3. The Lord Will Ultimately Reject You.
Not waiting on God’s timing in your life will also result in God ultimately rejecting you as He did to King Saul in 1 Samuel 16:1 by not making Him king of Israel.
This is especially true in the area of ministry as that’s an area most would-be pastors mess up big time as they want to appoint themselves as ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ in ministry even if God hasn’t called them, yet.
Just as the Lord rejected King Saul from being king of Israel and made Kind David king instead, He will disqualify you also if you are not patient with Him from inheriting certain blessings that only come by waiting upon Him.
Yes, waiting on the Lord when your pressing prayer requests you desperately want to be answered can be challenging. But you need to remember that God’s ways are different from ours and He doesn’t work according to our timeline.
So, if you don’t want the Lord to reject you in the end in any area of your life, don’t be in a hurry. Be patient, trust God’s timing, and at the right time, God will fulfill all that He’s promised to fulfill in your life be it in the area of marriage or career life.
4. You End Up Wrecking Your Faith.
The other thing that happens if you have impatience in your Christian life is that you will wreck your Christian faith and be a former shell of your old self as many have.
This is especially true if you start getting frustrated when your prayer request isn’t being answered at the time you expect. For example, you have been praying for a job but it seems jobs aren’t forthcoming.
In such situations, it’s easy to become impatient and start losing your faith in God thinking that He isn’t answering your prayers. Instead, due to your impatience, you resort to shortcuts and doing the wrong things to get a job at any cost.
I am sure you have seen in your life the once strong-standing Christians who are no longer standing due to impatience that made the wreck their Christian faith due to delayed answers in their prayers.
You need to understand that as Lamentations 3:25 tells us, the Lord is good to those who wait on Him and only those who wait on Him get the best from Him. Without patience, you won’t last long in Christianity.
Related: 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith That’s Christ-Based.
5. You Won’t Enter Heaven.
Last but not least, another consequence perhaps the worst one that will happen if you are not patient with the Lord is you will ultimately end up missing heaven.
The reason for this is Christianity is a marathon, not a sprint where the finish line is only a mere 100 meters away. There are many trials of faith, hardships, sufferings, inconveniences, etc. you need to patiently endure before you finally enter heaven.
However, if you lack patience which is one of the vital fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:223, talks about, you won’t finish your Christian race with joy as you will quit mid-way when things get too hard to continue.
It is why Jesus Christ tells us in Matthews 24:13 that only those who patiently endure to the end and finish their race will ultimately make heaven and end up being eternally saved from eternal ruin.
You need to understand that Christianity isn’t for the impatient and those who are impatient can never finish this race with joy. Only those who patiently run their Christian race set before them will inherit the promise of entering heaven at last.
Related: How To Be A True Believer (Who’s Heaven-Ready Today?)
The above 5 consequences of not waiting on God are just among many out there that happen if you try to rush things with God like you are being chased by a Lion.
My prayer is that may what you have read above help you understand the value of patience and waiting on the Lord and why rushing things with God isn’t always a good idea.
In closing, if this post edified you to be more patient in life, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.
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