Are you a Christian wondering if God’s Spirit has departed from you? Then this post on the 12 signs the holy spirit has left you will be of great help to you.
Having God’s Spirit leave you as a Christian isn’t something good which is why you need to be on the alert to ensure that this doesn’t happen in your life by shunning sin.
Without wasting your precious time, let’s quickly dive into the 12 clear signs that will indicate the Holy Spirit is no longer in your life and has left you.
12 Signs That God’s Spirit Has Left You.
Below are the 12 signs to look out for if you suspect and worry that the Spirit of God may have left you so that you can do something about it.
1. No More Conviction When You Sin.
One of the signs that will show the Holy Spirit has left you is that the conviction you once had when you sinned will no longer be there which is why you will indulge in willful sin.
This is why even when another believer in Christ tries to warn you of your sinful lifestyle, it will no longer matter to you as you will see no issue with the kind of sinful lifestyle you are living in.
Instead, you will be filled in your own sinful ways as (Proverbs 14:14) wonderfully puts it as your heart is now hardened by sin.
It’s the Holy Spirit who is responsible for convicting us of our sins and acts as a watchman to help us not to stumble into sin.
But when that watchman is lost, you will have nothing to remind you that you have sinned and need repentance which is why you will continue in sin with impunity.
See Also: 7 Major Dangers Of Sin To Help You Stop Sinning (+Video Sermon).
2. No Fruit Of The Spirit In Your Life.
Another sign that will show the Holy Spirit has left a person is that the 9 fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about will be nowhere to be seen in the life of such a person who has fallen back into sin.
Instead, the works of the flesh found in Galatians 5:19-21 are what will now manifest in your life as a different spirit is now controlling your life that makes you walk after the sinful desires of your sinful flesh.
This will be so because the Holy Spirit that helps any believer to walk after the Spirit and not fulfill the sinful lustful desires of the flesh will no longer be there to help you do that.
All that you will do now is fulfill your sinful fleshy desires like there is no tomorrow because you are not Spirit-filled anymore.
See Also: 13 Characteristics Of The New Nature Of Christ [+ Sermon].
3. Evidence Of The Works Of The Flesh.
The works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21 talks about are what will now manifest if God’s Spirit is no longer present in your life to help you walk after the Spirit and not the flesh.
This is why you will now indulge in all manner of sins such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, strife, lasciviousness, and so on, which you never indulged yourself in when the Holy Spirit was still present in your life.
Remember, you can only overcome the works of the flesh by the power of the Holy Ghost and not by your own strength,
It’s why you will find it impossible to live a godly life that’s above sin if the Holy Spirit has departed from you because of your backsliding into sin.
Check: 15 Traits of The Old Nature Of Sin All Sinners Have.
4. Loss Of God’s Presence.
You will also lose the presence of God in your life if the Holy Spirit is no longer present in your life because it’s God’s Spirit that is responsible for attracting God’s presence in the life of any believer.
Since God’s presence cannot dwell amid sin just like the Holy Spirit, it, therefore, follows that when the Holy Spirit leaves a person due to the presence of sin in the life of that person, the Holy Spirit will leave, too.
This is why 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost that is why you must not defile your body with sin.
That is if you don’t want the Holy Ghost to abandon you because the Holy Ghost cannot dwell in bodies that are defiled by sin.
5. You’ll Perfectly Summarize Proverbs 14:14.
The above Old Testament verse will now become a reality in your life once the Spirit of God is no longer in your life to guide and lead you into the right path of light.
Instead, as that verse says, you will now be filled with your sinful ways explaining why you will see nothing wrong with committing the sins you once forsook when you were saved.
Since you are filled with your own crooked ways in your heart, you will have no interest in obeying God’s word which will now be an offense for you to obey.
On the contrary, doing evil things that satisfy your evil backslidden heart and the flesh is what will interest you now. The sinful pleasures of this world are what you will now love doing.
It will explain why you will now feel empty and think your life has no meaning because you have turned your back on the Lord who’s responsible for giving you that meaning to your life.
6. Galatians 5:22,23 Will No Longer Apply In Your Life.
The 9 fruits of the Spirit the above chapter talks about will be nowhere to be seen in your life once the Holy Spirit leaves and is no longer in your life due to sin.
Instead, the works of the flesh found in Galatians 5:19-21 are what will manifest in your life because a different spirit is now controlling your life making you fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
This will be so because the Holy Spirit that helps any believer to walk after the Spirit and not fulfill the evil lustful desires of the flesh will no longer be there to help you do that.
As a result, you will now find yourself doing immoral and abominable things that you never did before and justify them as they make your flesh feel good when you do them.
If you realize this is the case with you and want to repent, you can do so today and the Lord will help you defeat your flesh responsible for your backsliding and returning to your old vomit.
Check: 7 Effective Ways Of Overcoming The Sinful Lusts Of The Flesh.
7. Apathetic To Spiritual Things.
When God’s Spirit is present in your life, you will have deep passion and enthusiasm for the spiritual things of God that advance His Kingdom and bring glory to Him.
Nevertheless, if the holy Spirit leaves your life as a believer, you will now become apathetic to the spiritual things of the Lord that will help you grow spiritually.
It’s why you will no longer be interested in prayer, doing God’s work, going to church, and reading God’s word which will now be boring as hell for you to do as the flesh hates spiritual things.
Consequently, your spiritual life will now be stagnant and you will no longer pursue the spiritual growth you once passionately pursued when you were a Spirit-filled believer.
Instead, you will now only be interested in doing meaningless things that please self, and the flesh which have no eternal value but you will care less about that at this point.
8. Unwilling To Be Corrected When Wrong
The Holy Spirit is responsible for correcting and leading all true believers into all truth as Jesus said in John 16:13 when they go astray or sin unintentionally.
If you are A Spirit-filled person, you will be humble and receptive to the gentle godly correction the Spirit, godly church leaders, and bellow brethren in Christ give you.
However, if God’s Spirit is no longer in your life, you will become stubborn, resistant to correction, and offended when a fellow brother or sister tries to correct you from the scriptures.
Even when what your concerned brother or sister in the Lord clearly shows you from God’s word that what you are doing or the path you are taking is wrong, it won’t mean anything to you.
Instead, you will retaliate with pride and arrogance that there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing. You will even falsely accuse those trying to help you of being judgmental by throwing the,” don’t judge card.”
9. You’ll Hate The Truth And Sound Doctrine.
If you are a spirit-filled person, you will love the truth of the Bible while simultaneously hating falsehood and false teachings that have become commonplace in many churches today.
On the other hand, if the Holy Spirit of truth has departed from your life, you will no longer love the truth and sound doctrine of the Bible you once loved so dearly.
Instead, you will now love false teachings from false teachers in false churches that don’t teach sound doctrine and the whole truth of God’s word but only talk about money.
Since you no longer have the love of the truth in your heart due to the absence of God’s Spirit in your life as 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 tells us, you will now be under strong delusions.
It’s why you will now love listening to lies and hate the truth of God’s word that talks about sin explaining why you will avoid churches that boldly teach the whole truth, and go to churches that are just there to make your flesh feel good.
Check: 7 Clear Signs You Are Truly In The Wrong Unhealthy Church.
10. No Desire For God’s Word Anymore.
A Spirit-filled Christian with a healthy spiritual life will have a thirst and hunger for God’s Word and a desire to grow in the knowledge of the Lord at all times.
When the Spirit is present in your life as a believer, you will have a burning desire to soak yourself in God’s word to know more about Him and understand the Scriptures.
But if you no longer find joy or purpose in spending quality time reading God’s word to help you grow spiritually, it means the Spirit’s influence and presence in your life has left you.
Rather, the Bible will just become another book to you, and the desire to align your life with its teachings and values will be no more. You will now go as far as to say the Bible doesn’t make sense and is full of contradictions.
Yes, this will be so as God’s Spirit to help you appreciate God’s word and decode scriptures in a way that’s understandable to you is absent as natural man can’t discern spiritual things.
11. Prayer Will Now Be A Burden.
Prayer is one of the important backbones of every Christian as prayer is what helps you grow spiritual growth as a Christian and win spiritual battles against the enemy.
You must remember that it’s God’s Spirit that helps every believer pray according to His will as He’s the one who gives utterance (Romans 8;26,27).
Nevertheless, if you are no longer Spirit-filled, prayer will no longer be attractive in your life anymore, as you will find it burdensome.
For instance, if you used to pray for one hour daily, it will now be zero as you no longer have the Holy Ghost in you to energize you in prayer.
You will now prefer aimlessly scrolling on social media and watching mundane worldly TV shows for hours on end that won’t even help you with your spiritual life or help you get to heaven.
12. Spiritual Blindness
Lastly, spiritual blindness especially to the spiritual things of God that are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14-16) will just be another symptom showing that you no longer have the Holy Spirit in your life.
Because of that, spiritual things of God will now not make sense to you and will be foolish unto you as you are no longer Spirit-filled to decode and appreciate spiritual things.
Since you are now spiritually blind, it will explain why you will also be prone to many new age deceptions out there deceiving and leading many gullible people astray, far from one true God.
God’s Spirit is what’s responsible for a person especially a real Christian to have spiritual eyes that will help that person to see the spiritual deceptions of the enemy and appreciate spiritual things.
But if you are no longer Spirit-filled, you will be blind spiritually which will make you an easy target for Satan’s deceptions rampant these days and leading many people to hell.
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There you have it, the 12 signs that will help you know the Holy Spirit has left you I had to share with you in this post and I hope you learned something from them.
If you feel convicted after reading this post and want to make things right, you can return to the Lord in true repentance this very moment and His lost presence will be fully restored.
In closing, if this post has blessed you greatly, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share as you leave using the right share icon. God bless.
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