Struggling To Surrender To God? [Here Is The Solution]

Are you struggling to surrender to God? If you are such a person, then this post is for you, which will show you the solution to this problem common among many Christians.

I often hear people say that they struggle with surrendering to God. They know they are supposed to, but they just can’t seem to do it.

One of the ways I have learned to surrender is through prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. When you talk to Him, He knows what’s on your mind and He knows what you need.

The Bible tells us that God has given us all things that we have (1 Corinthians 3:22). So if we are going through a hard time, we can talk to God about it and tell Him what we need from Him.

There are many reasons why many Christians struggle to surrender their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ such as sin, unbelief, or self and this article will look at what can be done about it.

Personally, I have also struggled to surrender my will to God in the time past. I know that I need to do it but at times, self just gets in the way, and find myself not doing it.

I am sure you can relate to this experience as well and this article will help you overcome the struggle of surrendering to God if you are still struggling to surrender to God in your Christian life.

See Also: 7 Major Benefits Of Surrendering To God Fully [+ Sermon].

The Struggle Of Surrender?

It is very common for Christians to struggle with surrendering to God. The reason for this is that we are made up of two parts: our spirit and our mind.

Our spirit is the part of us that can feel, sense, and respond directly to God’s presence in our lives. It is the part of us that wants what God wants, loves what He loves, feels what He feels, and hears what He has to say.

Our mind is another story. It is a very powerful force in our lives because it can be positive or negative depending on how we use it.

When we use our minds negatively, we tend to think about things that are not good for us, like fear or worry. We also tend to think about the past or future more than we should instead of being present at the moment with God and other people around us.

If you’re struggling to surrender to God, you need to understand that the reason for your struggle is mostly because you don’t believe God’s Word is true.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that we are to examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith. If you’re struggling with surrendering, it’s because you don’t believe it’s true.

To fully surrender all to God, you need to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who came here to do God’s will and not His own and fully submitted to it to the end.

However, it’s not always easy to surrender our lives to God’s will. We tend to want to control our own lives, even though we know that God has a better plan for us than we do.

Sometimes you might feel like you are struggling with surrendering your life to God’s will and the reason for this is that naturally, your sinful flesh doesn’t want to surrender to God’s will.

The reason for this is that our carnal sinful flesh will always desire to do things that please itself even if those things are contrary to God’s word.

As Romans 8:8 tells us that the flesh can’t please God as it’s against anything that God’s word says because God’s word deprives the flesh of its sinful desires it always wants to fulfill at all costs.

Why Many Christians Struggle With Surrender?

There are many reasons why many struggle with fully surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ and God’s will and plan for their lives though they know it’s what they need to do.

One of the first major reasons why most believers struggle with surrendering to God is they haven’t fully embraced the truth that they are no longer their own and have been bought with a price as 1 Corinthians 6:20 tells us.

One thing you need to realize as a Christian is that once you fully surrender your life to Jesus Christ is that you are no longer your own but you are now His.

This implies that you just can’t do what you want or live a carefree life that pleases you instead of your Master. Sadly, many professing Christians don’t seem to understand this and want to live the way they want to live.

If you claim to be a Christian or follower of Jesus Christ, you need to do what He wants you to do and not what your sinful self and the flesh want you to do which is an Achilles hill for many newbie believers.

The other reason why most Christians struggle to surrender to God’s will for their lives is self which hasn’t been denied yet. Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 9:23 that if we desire to come after Him, we must deny ourselves and take up our crosses to follow Him.

He further went on to say in Matthews 10:38 that if we can’t deny ourselves to take up our crosses to follow Him, then, we can’t be His disciples.

Self-denial is a big issue many Christian struggle with as the love of self is simply too much for them to fully surrender themselves to God.

You need to realize that our sinful self will always desire to do its own things that will always be contrary to God’s will for our lives.

So, if you still have the love of self in your life, you need to fully give it up to the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you will find it impossible to fully surrender to God due to the conflicts of interests between what self wants and what God wants.

Additionally, many people struggle with surrender because they think they’re in control of their own lives instead of God.

They believe that they can get whatever they want, whenever they want it whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or a new house. The problem is that we were never meant to be in control of our own destinies.

We are not our own; we belong to God and are temples of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us as 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 tells us. He has plans for our lives and He wants us to trust Him with those plans so that He can work through us (Jeremiah 29:11).

Also, most believers struggle with surrendering to God because they don’t understand the benefits of surrendering their lives completely to the Lord Jesus Christ that come when they fully surrender their lives to His will for their life.

God promises us many benefits when we surrender all to Him. One of these benefits is peace, hope, and joy (Romans 14:17). When we give up trying to control things on our own and allow God to control them instead, we experience these benefits more and more.

Sin is another reason why many people struggle to surrender to God because our sinful nature is always opposed to God’s will and purpose for our lives.

You see, when sin is active in your life and has not yet been dealt with by the blood of Jesus Christ, you will always do things that are contrary to God’s word and will.

See Also: 5 Blessings Of Surrendering To God [All Believers Enjoy].

How Do I completely Surrender To Jesus?

There are several things that you need to do if you want to completely surrender your life to Jesus Christ once and for all so that He becomes Lord over your life.

It’s usually not easy to surrender to Jesus because of our sinful self that wants to do its own sinful things. It takes a lot of courage, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and faith to turn your life over to Him. But it’s worth it in the end.

If you want to completely surrender your life to Jesus Christ today, here are some steps that will help you do it so that you can become a living sacrifice unto God that’s holy and acceptable:

1. Make the decision. You can’t just decide one day that you want to surrender your life to Christ Jesus today and expect it to happen automatically.

You have to decide to give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and believe that only He can save you from the horrific consequences of sin and give you eternal life (John 3:15).

This means that you need to be willing to repent of the current sinful lifestyle you may be living in and to live it behind to follow your new Master, Jesus who wants to live a holy and righteous life that’s above sin.

Making the decision to fully live for Jesus Christ all the days of your life, no matter what is the first important step to make in your Christian journey if you want to live a surrendered life that brings glory to God.

2. Pray for strength. God wants you to have the strength and courage necessary for living for Him and doing His work on earth but He won’t give you any more than you can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).

So when things get tough and your faith starts to waver, pray for strength from God so that you can deny the sinful self that always wants you to do things contrary to God’s will for your life instead of obeying Him.

Fervent prayer in your Christian life is what will help you to overcome self, the primary reason that makes it difficult for you to fully surrender your life to God due to the opposing conflicts of interest between it and God.

3. Read the Bible daily. The Bible is God’s Word and His thoughts are written down in His word so that we can know what He thinks about us, our lives, our problems, and everything else in this world (Psalm 119:105).

The more we read the Bible, the closer we’ll get to know God’s will for our lives and what He expects of us as His children who are called by His name.

Practicing the daily habit of reading God’s word daily is what will help you crucify your sinful self daily so that your life is conformed to Christ and subject to His will.

See Also: How To Crucify The Flesh Daily [In 7 Simple Steps].


If you have been struggling to surrender to God for a long time, I hope what you have read above will now help you overcome this problem with the help of the Holy Spirit so that you can now fully start living for God from today onwards. In closing, don’t forget to share this post if this post has been of great benefit to you.

Further Reading.

Sharing is caring.


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