5 Effective Ways Of Praying For Someone Who Hates You.

In this post, you will find out the 5 effective ways of praying for someone who hates you for no reason so that God can change the hearts of those who hate you to no longer do so.

It’s just a matter of fact that you will encounter people who hate you for no reason which can be hard to stomach even as a Christian sometimes regardless of how good you may be.

However, one thing you need to understand is in this fallen world we live in, you can’t please everyone and not everyone will like you, no matter how good-hearted you are.

If you are dealing with situations of people hating you for no reason, you need to remember that Jesus Christ tells us to love and pray for those who hate us in Luke 6:24-27.

Having said that, let’s look at the 5 effective ways of praying for someone who hates you for no reason as our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to as believers.

5 Ways Of Praying For People Who Hate You.

Below are the 5 practical ways you can pray for haters who hate you including your enemies who seek to do you harm.

  • Pray For God To Change Their Hearts.
  • Pray For God To Open Their Eyes.
  • Pray For Their Healing.
  • Pray For Them To Come To Christ.
  • Pray For Their Forgiveness.

1. Pray For God To Change Their Hearts.

One of the effective ways you can pray for your enemy or a person who hates you is praying for God to change their evil heart causing these people to be filled with hate, anger, and bitterness towards you for no reason.

You need to remember as a Christian, you are to love your enemies and pray for those who hate you as our Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 6:27 as only He can change their evil hearts that are filled with hatred.

Avoid praying dangerous prayers of bitterness and asking for God to destroy your enemies and those who hate you as that’s not a spirit Christ Jesus expects of us if we claim to be His true followers.

Just as Jesus Christ loved and prayed for His enemies including those who were filled with hatred towards Him for no reason, you as well are to love and pray for your enemy and people who hate you.

I know it can be hard to pray for a person who hates you for no reason and seeks to do you harm and evil but you need to follow Christ’s perfect examples who showed us how to treat those who hate us.

Related: 7 Must-Have Qualities Of A Person Who Truly Loves God.

2. Pray For God To Open Their Eyes.

The second effective way you can pray for a person or enemy who hates you and seeks to do you evil regardless of how good and loving you are to such a person is praying for God to open their eyes to the evil hatred they have towards you.

You need to understand that the reason why a person chooses to hate you for no reason is that they have been blinded by Satan, the father of all hate as we know it.

Since Satan hates us with passionate hatred and one of the ways he chooses to manifest this hate and anger towards you especially if you are a true Christian is via people who hate you and want to do bad things to you.

However, as a true believer in Christ Jesus, you must not seek to repay evil with evil. Rather, repay evil with good by praying for God to change the hearts of those who hate you as Romans 12:17-21 tells us.

Once their eyes are opened through your prayer request, they will realize and come to their senses that what there are doing is evil and be ashamed of themselves as to why they chose to be blinded by Satan’s hate to hate you for no reason.

3. Pray For Their Healing.

It’s just a matter of fact that hurt and broken people will seek to hurt others with their hate and desire to do bad things to others. Praying for such people can go a long way in helping these people to heal.

You need to understand that one of the reasons people may choose to hate you for no reason especially if you are happy while there are miserable, is due to the hidden hurt they haven’t healed from in the past.

Since these people are hurting, it will be natural for them to desire to hurt you by doing bad things to you to sabotage the real happiness, peace, and joy you have.

In such situations, all you can do is pray for their healing as it’s not your problem that these people are hurt for them to hate you for no reason as Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 6:27.

When these people get healed from the hurt they had, via your prayer requests, they will realize with deep sorrow and regret that all the hatred they showed you was their problem which had nothing to do with you.

4. Pray For Them To Come To Christ.

Praying for a person who hates you or your enemy to come to the serving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ for them to receive mercy and forgiveness for their sins is the best thing you can ever do for anyone who hates you.

Once the people who hate you come to know Christ personally, they will no longer be filled with the hatred they once had towards you as now they have a new spirit and new nature in them that won’t tolerate any hate in them.

Since God is love as 1 John 4:7 tells us, when your haters or enemies who were once filled with anger, hate, and bitterness towards you for no reason encounter Christ, they will also be filled with God’s love that you have.

You need to understand as a Christian, the reason your enemies and persecutors hate you is that there are still children of the devil with the spirit of hatred controlling them as God’s children don’t hate others.

However, when the people who hate you come to know Christ, the hate they once had will be replaced by God’s love that will now reign in them explaining why they will no longer hate you the way they did as they are no longer under Satan’s control.

5. Pray For Their Forgiveness.

Last but not least, you can also pray for grace and forgiveness to be shown to a person who hates you which will clearly indicate you are a real Christian just as Christ did in Luke 23:34 saying,” Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do.”

Yes, it can be hard to forgive haters who seek to do bad things to you for no reason. Moreover, you need to understand, that you don’t have the same spirit of hate, anger, and bitterness your haters have caused them to act the way they do.

Since the Spirit of Christ, which is love, controls you, pray for their forgiveness so that the Lord may show mercy to their souls similar to what King David did in the Old Testament to Saul who was after his life.

Additionally, you must also pray for the grace to forgive and show the love and kindness Christ expects of you, as His child (Matthews 5:7) even if you think your enemies and haters don’t deserve it.

Doing so will make some of those who hate you for no reason come to their senses and even ask you how you find it possible to love the unlovable so that they also can have the love you have and no longer hate other people for no reason.

Related: Why Is Forgiveness Important In Christianity? [+ Sermon].


I hope the above 5 effective ways of praying for someone who hates you will now help you pray for your enemies and those who seek to do you harm, the right way.

One key takeaway you need to get from what you have read above is as a Christian, you are to pray for your enemies and wish them well as it will show you are truly God’s child.

In closing, if the above post has been of great help to you in helping to pray for those who hate you, comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.

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