In this post today, you are going to find out the 5 important lessons from Jesus in the wilderness that you need to apply in your life as a Christian and follower of Christ Jesus,
There are many lessons we as believers today need to learn from Jesus Christ being in the wilderness 40 days and 40 nights as Matthews 4:1-11 tells us.
Without wasting much of your time, let straight dive into the 5 major lessons from Jesus in the wilderness and how they apply to your Christian life as a believer.
5 Lessons From Jesus In The Wilderness.
Below are the 5 major lessons we can get from Jesus Christ being in the wilderness in the new testament where He was tempted.
- None Is Exempted From Temptation.
- Temptations Can Only Be Won With Scripture.
- Satan Is Good At Twisting Scripture.
- Importance Of Spiritual Discipline.
- Be Willing To Suffer For Christ’s Sake.
1. None Is Exempted From Temptation.
The first lesson we can get from Jesus Christ being in the wilderness after being led by the Holy Spirit there as Luke 4:1-13 tell us is none is exempt from temptations.
If Satan wasn’t afraid of tempting Christ Jesus with various temptations common to man, you as well aren’t exempt from being tempted.
In fact, the wilderness is a time of trial and temptation where your faith will be tested. As we see in the case of Jesus, He was able to overcome every temptation He face in the wilderness.
You need to remember that since Jesus overcame every temptation He faced during His 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness, you as well can overcome any temptation and trial that you face during your wilderness season.
As long as you live in this fallen world, temptations to sin will just be part of your life until you leave this world but by God’s grace, you can overcome them. This is what you need to do as a follower of Christ.
2. Temptations Can Only Be Won With Scripture.
Another vital bible lesson we can get from Jesus Christ being in the wilderness and being tempted there by Satan is that temptation can only be fought and overcome with scripture.
As you see in Matthews 4:3,4 when Satan came with a temptation to tell Jesus Christ to turn stones into bread, Jesus directly quoted scripture saying,” man shall not leave on bread alone but every word that comes from God’s mouth.”
The exact scripture and bible verse Jesus quoted above is Deuteronomy 8:3 found in the Old Testament that He used to defeat Satan’s temptation of food.
How many times have you been tempted by food in your life and been willing to sin just because of food? Sadly, many have succumbed to the temptation of food explaining why many are obese due to their bad healthy eating habits and lack of self-control.
Just as Jesus overcame every temptation He faced with scripture, you as well must use scripture to overcome every temptation to sin Satan brings your way in every area of your life. If you do that, you will be an overcomer.
3. Satan Is Good At Twisting Scripture.
The third lesson we see from Jesus being in the wilderness is the devil is pretty good at twisting scripture to accomplish his nefarious ends of wanting you to fall into sin.
We can clearly see this in the case of Jesus Christ where Satan took Him to a high place and told Jesus to jump as angels will protect Him and ensure that He doesn’t fall to the ground.
Jesus’s response was to immediately remind Satan that we must not put God to the test. The devil misquoted Psalms 91:11 in the Old Testament in this case to try to trap Jesus to fall into the sin of testing God.
In like manner, the devil will try to twist the scripture you are familiar with to try to make you feel comfortable with sin or to make you think there is nothing wrong with doing a certain thing God finds sinful.
One such common example of Satan twisting scripture in the lives of many believers is the hyper-grace doctrine that has made many think that since we live under grace as Romans 6:14 tells us, we are free to live as we please which is false of course.
4. Importance Of Spiritual Discipline.
Spiritual discipline is another vital lesson we get to learn from Jesus being in the wilderness given that He fasted 40 days and 40 nights as the beginning of Luke 4:1 tells us.
As a believer professing the Christian faith, you need to be spiritually disciplined and deny certain desires and cravings of the flesh, especially those cravings that are coming between you and your relationship with God.
Jesus Christ was able to deny the desire for food just to be alone with His father praying just as He was beginning His early ministry due to His spiritual discipline. You as well must do the same if you are to be like Christ.
Sadly, many Christians find it hard to even pray and fast for just a day in God’s presence as their desire and love for food is simply too much to make them even think of fasting for a minute.
However, Jesus being in the wilderness 40 days and 40 nights without food just to be in the Father’s presence must be a challenge to you as a believer to be spiritually disciplined if you are to grow in the things of the Lord.
See Also: 7 Major Causes Of Laziness In Many Christians Today.
5. Be Willing To Suffer For Christ’s Sake.
Last but not least, the final lesson we can get from Jesus being in the wilderness is we must be willing to suffer and inconvenience ourselves for His sake if we claim to be His followers.
As we see in Luke 1:10, Jesus was willing to endure hunger and being in the hot sun of the desert for a while just to be in His Father’s presence which wasn’t easy by any means.
In your case, you don’t have to fast for 40 days and 40 nights. However, there will be certain inconveniences unique to the wilderness season you find yourself in that you must be willing to endure for Christ’s sake.
For instance, you may find yourself facing many trials of faith, hardships, delayed answers to prayers, financial drought, etc. that may make your Christian journey uncomfortable for the flesh to endure.
In such situations, it’s easy to give up and take the easy road but if you are a true follower of Christ Jesus, you must be willing to endure every inconvenience and hardship you encoder on your Christian journey just as Christ did.
See Also: What Does It Mean To Suffer For Christ As A Christian?
I hope the above 5 lessons from Jesus in the wilderness have helped you learn one or two things you need to apply in your life so that you can become a better Christian.
In closing, if this post has blessed you in some way, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay blessed.
- Purpose Of The Wilderness In The Bible & Why It’s Vital.
- Wilderness Experiences In A Christian {& Why They Matter}?
- 10 Ways Of Overcoming Your Wilderness Experiences.
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