Spiritual Meaning Of Ruth & How Her Story Applies Today.

The book of Ruth in the Old Testament has a lot to tell us and has a lot of spiritual meaning that’s relevant for us new testament Christians today.

Today, we will discuss the spiritual meaning of Ruth in the bible and how Ruth’s story from the book of Ruth acted as a foreshadowing of the things to come.

There are many spiritual lessons that we can get from the book of Ruth that are very relevant to all Christians today and what Ruth’s story foreshadowed as you will discover in this post.

Without wasting much of your precious time, let’s look at the spiritual meaning of Ruth in the bible and what this Moabite woman of character has to teach us today.

The Spiritual Significance Of Ruth’s Story.

Below are the 5 spiritual lessons we can learn from the book of Ruth in the bible that foreshadowed the things to come including our redemption through Christ Jesus.

1. God Loves All.

One thing we can learn from the book of Ruth is that God loves everyone whether Jew or gentile and doesn’t segregate. This can be seen in the case of Ruth who was a Moabite woman.

Throughout the Old Testament, we can see that God had a special relationship with the children of Israel. However, the book of Ruth also tells us that anyone can have a special relationship with the Lord despite their background.

Ruth as we see in Ruth 1:1-10 wasn’t an Israelite, yet, she found favor in God’s eyes due to her commitment to follow the one true God Naomi served till the point of death. None is beyond God’s redemptive love even if you have an ugly past.

Due to her wise choice to serve the one true God of Israel her mother-in-law served, God richly rewarded her for her faithfulness, and ended up being part of our Lord Jesus Christ’s bloodline despite not being Jewish.

See Also: 12 Signs And Symbols Of God’s Love That’s Unconditional.

2. Underserved Grace.

The other spiritual significance we can see from the book of Ruth is the undeserved grace God shows to people despite their creed or past. In fact, the name, Ruth, means grace in the bible.

Ruth wasn’t an Israelite ( Ruth 1:1-5) and according to human standards, she wasn’t entitled to receive the special blessings that the Lord meant for the Children of Israel if they obeyed Him.

However, as we see, Ruth ended up partaking in the unmerited blessings, favor, and grace God meant only for the children of Israel despite being a Moabite woman from Moab where idol worshipping was rampant.

In like manner, you as well can partake of God’s unmerited grace today if you give your life to Him by accepting His son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. Remember, God never looks at your unworthiness to show you love and grace.

See Also: 63 God’s Grace Quotes To Uplift Your Spirit (+ Sermon).

3. God’s Divine Provision.

Ruth’s story in the book of Ruth also shows that God is our divine provider in times of need. Just as He was able to provide for Ruth when she least expected it, He will provide for you as well.

It is why the apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:19 that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

In the case of Ruth and Naomi, God was able to provide them food as we see in Ruth 2:3 when Ruth found the wheat fields of Boaz whom she ended up marrying later to glean and harvest.

Sometimes, God will put us in situations where we have to learn to depend upon Him for His provision. So, if you are in a situation where you want God to provide you with one thing or the other don’t despair as He will provide for all your needs.

4. God’s Faithfulness.

The other spiritual significance the book of Ruth reminds us of is God’s faithfulness, which can be seen, displayed in Ruth’s life and her mother-in-law.

Ruth’s story reminds us that the Lord is faithful and always rewards us for our faithfulness. Due to this, God rewarded Ruth’s faithfulness Ruth displayed towards her mother-in-law and Him in the end.

It’s God’s faithfulness that enabled Ruth to finally end up getting married to Boaz who played a crucial part in her redemption in Ruth 4:1-13 as God faithfully fulfilled what He divinely purposed in Ruth’s life.

God’s faithfulness hasn’t changed ever since the time of Ruth. I am sure you as well can witness God’s faithfulness in your life even when you aren’t faithful to Him at all times as that’s His trait after all (Deuteronomy 7:9).

5. The Redemption Of Christ.

Last but not least, the other important spiritual significance we can see from Ruth’s story is the foreshadowing of the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ who’s our redeemer.

The redemption of Ruth through Boaz she met and ended up marrying in Ruth 4:13 paints a good and clear picture of Christ’s redemption and how Christ came to save and redeem us from our sins and the horrible consequences they bring on one’s life.

Indeed, Jesus Christ being our only redeemer who can save us from our sins had to die on the cross for our salvation as only He could pay such a price.

Through Chris’s t redemption, which is similar to Ruth’s story, anyone today can be saved and have their sins forgiven despite their ugly past if one decides to surrender to Christ resolving that they don’t want to have anything to do with sin anymore.

See Also: How To Be Saved According To Jesus {In 5 Easy Steps?}


I hope the above post on the spiritual meaning of Ruth in the bible has helped you understand the spiritual significance Ruth’s story has for us believers today.

May the above post on Ruth’s story encourage you to decide to serve and give your life to Christ just as Ruth did in the past if you haven’t done that yet.

In closing, if this post has edified you spiritually, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. God bless.

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