Are you having a wilderness season in your life and want to know how t overcome it? Then, this post on the 10 effective ways of overcoming your wilderness experiences is what you need.
The wilderness experience is one of the most important things you can experience as a Christian as it’s a moment where our faith is tested, perfected, and refined.
When you’re out in the wilderness, God will be there with you. You can trust Him, and He’ll always be faithful to get you through any situation. The best way to overcome your wilderness experiences is by trusting God and letting Him take care of everything for you.
With that said, here are 10 ways of overcoming your wilderness experiences as a Christian that will help you overcome your wilderness season with flying colors as you journey to the promised land.
10 Ways Of Overcoming Wilderness Seasons.
Take your time to read the 10 ways below that will help you overcome any wilderness experience in your life you may be facing.
- Pray For Patience.
- Remember, God Works Things For Your Good.
- Don’t Lose Faith.
- Ask For The Holy Spirit’s Presence.
- Understand God Hasn’t Forsaken You.
- Understand Wilderness Seasons Are Vital.
- Pray For Grace To Endure.
- Trust God With All Your Heart.
- Avoid Murmuring.
- Immerse Yourself In God’s Word.
1. Pray For Patience.
To overcome any wilderness experience in your life as a believer, you need to pray for patience so that you don’t get frustrated by situations that you cannot change right now.
But, know that God will intervene eventually if you are faithful in our prayers. This can help you stay calm while waiting on Him and know His plan may take time but He will never abandon us or leave us without hope.
Patience is one of the most important fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about what you need to have if you are to overcome any wilderness experience in your life. If you lack patience, you will give up mid-way.
2. Remember, God Works Things For Your Good.
Another thing that can help you overcome your wilderness season is by remembering that God works everything for our good if we are called according to His purpose as Romans 8:28 tells us in the New Testament.
Right now, you may not understand why you are having a wilderness experience in your life but once your wilderness season is over, you will understand and be thankful to God that He allowed you to go through a wilderness season.
You need to remember that to enter the Promised Land flowing with blessings or entering heaven, at last, you first need to go through the wilderness which will prepare you for the blessings that await you in the Promised Land.
3. Don’t Lose Faith.
If you are to overcome your current wilderness or desert experiences you may be having in your life be it spiritually or financially, you need to remain steadfast in your faith in God.
One of the worst things you can do as a person in the midst of a desert experience in your life is to lose faith and give up on God’s promises He’s promised to fulfill in your life.
God has promised us in Psalms 46:1 in the Old Testament that He’s always with us and ready to give us the strength and grace we need to overcome every trial or temptation we encounter in our wilderness season. So, don’t lose faith.
Related: 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith That Moves Mountains.
4. Ask For The Holy Spirit’s Presence.
You also need the presence of the Holy Spirit in your Christian life as a believer because the Holy Spirit is what will comfort you when you face discouragements when you are having a desert or a wilderness season in your life.
Our Lord Jesus Christ promises in John 14:26 that He will send us a comforter from our Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit who will be our faithful companion in times of trouble or trials of faith.
The Holy Spirit will help you not give up on God during hard times as you pass through your wilderness season by comforting you and reminding you that God is with you and hasn’t abandoned you to fend for yourself.
Related: How To Regain The Holy Spirit If You Backslid? [+ Sermon].
5. Understand God Hasn’t Forsaken You.
Remembering that God is still with you and that He hasn’t forsaken you during your wilderness season will help you cling to God and not give up along the way.
The Lord promises us in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave us nor forsake us in times of trouble when we need Him the most as He’s not like humans who can dump you without warning especially when you need them most.
It’s easy to feel that God has abandoned you if you are in a spiritual wilderness where it seems God is far from you or not hearing your prayer. However, that’s not true as He’s always with you to deliver you from all your troubles.
6. Understand Wilderness Seasons Are Vital.
The other thing that will help you overcome your wilderness experiences in your life as a Christian is understanding their importance in your Christian life. Without them, you won’t grow and mature spiritually as a believer.
As much as you may hate wilderness seasons in your life and the trials of faith they come with, they are essential, as they will help you grow spiritually in the Lord and mature your faith.
Knowing that will help you embrace any trial and temptation you encounter in your wilderness season with a positive mind as you know all will be well in the end and you will receive your eternal reward and crown of life if you overcome as James 1:12 tells us.
7. Pray For Grace To Endure.
Praying for grace to overcome and endure your wilderness season is one of the best things you can do as a Christian if you are in the midst of it.
You need to remember that with God’s grace and not your own strength you can overcome every trial, temptation and hardship you encounter during your wilderness season. Without God’s grace, you will perish in the wilderness.
The apostle Paul also reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient to make us overcomers and have victory over any wilderness experience we encounter in our lives as believers.
8. Trust God With All Your Heart.
Trusting God with all your heart and knowing that He can deliver you from the desert season in your life will give you the hope you need to cling to God while on your wilderness journey.
When you trust the Lord with all your heart, you will lean and depend upon His grace and strength to see you through the entire wilderness journey you may currently be in.
Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to trust the Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding as to why things are happening the way they are in our lives or think we can do it on ourselves without God which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Related: 12 Benefits Of Trusting God [To Help You Trust Him More].
9. Avoid Murmuring.
Another important thing you need to do when you are going through a wilderness experience in your life is to avoid murmuring against God as the Israelites did in Exodus 16:1-16, which made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years.
Murmuring is what made many Israelites perish in the wilderness as they didn’t fully trust and believe in God’s miraculous power despite all the miracles He did for them prior. The same will happen to you if you murmur.
If you murmur, it just shows how ungrateful you are to God and that’s not a good spirit you must condone in your life. Murmuring rather than trusting God is the worst thing you can do during your desert season in life.
10. Immerse Yourself In God’s Word.
Finally, after doing all the above things, you need to immerse yourself in God’s word and scripture that will encourage you to stand on God’s promises during trying times when your faith is being tested and refined in the wilderness.
If you read God’s word, you will be reminded of the promises God has made that will help you not give up hope. Reading God’s word during such a time is what will keep you going when others are perishing in the wilderness of life.
Exodus 15:2 tells us that God is our strength and He’s the one who gives victory and strength to overcome. However, if you don’t read God’s word, that verse to encourage you to remain steadfast in the Lord will be unknown to you.
I hope the above 10 tips on overcoming your wilderness experiences will now help you overcome any wilderness season you may be going through in your life with flying colors. In closing, if this post has edified you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before your leave. Stay blessed.
Other Related Posts.
- What Is A Wilderness Season & Why Does God Allow It?
- 5 Clear Signs Of A Wilderness Season {& Why It’s Vital.}
- Purpose Of The Wilderness Experience {& Why It Matters?}
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your Biblical teachings have helped me to figure out things as God sees fit for wilderness
Glad to hear that. God bless.
I prayed for revelation and inspiration one hour ago and am amazed this was on my computer screen when I just sat down as it is exactly what I need!! I just turned 80 a few months ago and have been through many wildernesses and they’ve always led me to places I hadn’t imagined and worked out for my good. It’s just now in this last stage of my life that my patience and faith is again being tested as there are major promises God made me 50 years ago that have yet to come to pass…..but I will never ever give up BECAUSE MY GOD IS SO GREAT THAT EVEN WHEN HE’S LATE, HE’S JUST IN TIME!!
Thank you for your inspiration!!
Well-said dear sis in the Lord and glad to hear you are still strong in the Lord even all these years. My encouragement is don’t quit like others as you are near your finish line with a crown of life awaiting you in heaven if you persevere to the very end. God bless and may the Lord fulfil all your last wishes before He calls you Home.