Let Go And Let God Meaning [With Video Illustrations.]

The question of, “let go and let God meaning,” is the question that is asked by most Christians, and this post today will discuss what it truly means to let go and let God.

Naturally, we find it so hard to let go and let God take full charge of our lives because we want to be in control of everything and do things our own way due to our sinful selves.

Letting go can be a difficult thing to do in our Christian life due to our need and desire for control and to do things our own way that pleases the flesh which is against God’s will that tells us to fully submit to Him and let go of our self-will.

Since our fall, we have always wanted to do things our own way instead of God’s as self hates submitting to God’s will. Consequently, we find it hard when it comes to letting go of the control of our lives and allowing God to take full charge of our lives.

However, many benefits such as peace of mind come when you choose to trust and surrender your life to God by letting go of your self-will and allowing our Lord Jesus Christ to take full charge of our lives who can’t lead you astray.

With that said, to answer our main question today on,” let go and let God meaning,” we will first begin by defining what letting go and letting God means with reference to bible verses in both the old testament and the new testament.

What Does It Mean To Let Go And Let God?

The Christian faith has never been about making your life more comfortable or improving your situation in this world. It is about letting go of the things you can’t control and trusting God to work out his plan for your life.

Living the life that the Lord Jesus Christ expects us to live is all about surrendering and letting go of our self-will that hinders us from serving Him the way we ought to.

This is why He says in Luke 9:23 that anyone who desires to come after Him must deny themselves by taking up their crosses daily to follow Him.

Denying yourself for the sake of Christ Jesus requires you to let go of your self-will and fully yield yourself to Christ so that Him and not you take full charge of your life.

Sadly, this is the thing that most professing Christians find hard to do but Jesus Christ made it clear in Luke 14:26-33 that if we can’t let go of self by denying it to follow Him, we can’t be Hid disciples at all.

Letting God Means Surrendering To God.

Letting go of your fears, worries, and desires means putting yourself in God’s hands. It’s a hard thing to do because it means removing all control from yourself and choosing to trust Him with your life.

You don’t have to be afraid anymore because your fear is in God’s hands, not yours. Letting Go and Letting God also means that we need to stop trying to control others and ourselves, instead we can only control what we do with our own lives.

We cannot control others nor should we try. We must let go of any attempts to control others or ourselves and allow God to be in control of our lives.

It also means that we fully surrender our lives to God’s will and purpose for our lives by faith even if we are uncertain about where it may lead (Proverbs 3:5,6).

Many times, we find ourselves trying to want to control everything that happens in our lives but when we let go, we let go of the need to control our lives as we realize that God is in control.

By so doing, you fully realize that the Lord is sovereign over our lives and that there is no need to try to control what happens in our lives as God’s will and purpose for our lives will always prevail.

Related: 7 Signs Of A Surrendered Life [ That’s Fully Yielded To Christ]

Letting Go And Letting God Also Means.

  • Fully Surrendering To God’s Will.
  • Dying To Self Daily.
  • Fully Submitting To God’s Will.

(i). Fully Surrendering To God’s Will.

In addition to the above-mentioned points on letting go and letting God, when you say you have let go and let God in your life, it means that you have fully surrendered your life, fears, dreams, will, desires, etc. to God.

It means that you no longer let self govern and rule your life but the indwelling Holy Spirit of God is now what directs and controls your life as Romans 8:14 tells us if we become children of God.

When you fully surrender your life to God’s will and purpose for your life, it implies that you now no longer live for yourself but for Him who has called you unto holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7) who is no other than Jesus Christ.

Therefore, if you are living a surrendered life, you just can’t live how you want like the heathens who know not God nor can you just do whatever you want that makes your flesh feel good at the expense of obeying God.

To fully surrender to God, you need to let go of your self-will that makes you want to do things your own way rather than God’s way that requires that you fully yield yourself to Him and live for Him all the days of your life.

(ii). Dying To Self Daily.

When you choose to let go and trust God with your life, it also means that you choose to die to yourself daily, which hinders you from fully yielding yourself to Christ.

The bible in Galatians 5:24 tells us that if you belong to Christ Jesus, you will crucify your flesh daily along with its sinful passions and desires that make you commit sin or love to sin.

If you are not dead to your sinful self, you will find it impossible to let go of the sinful lifestyle you may think you are enjoying but is just ruining you in the end.

However, when you chose to die to self daily, it means that you choose to obey and follow Jesus Christ even when it’s uncomfortable for the flesh. It also means losing your life so that you can find it in Him through eternal life (Matthews 10:39).

Dying to your old sinful self is crucial for God to take full control of your life through the new nature He imparts to you through His Son Jesus Christ when you choose to give your life to Him by relinquishing and crucifying your sinful self daily in Him.

Related: How To Crucify The Flesh Daily [In 7 Simple Steps].

(iii). Fully Submitting To God’s Will.

Last but not least, letting go also means that you fully surrender your life to God’s will and purpose for your life even when you don’t fully understand it momentarily.

Many times, we think that what we are doing is God’s will for our lives but that is usually not the case as God’s will and purpose for our lives are very different from what we think.

Isaiah 55:8,9 tells us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts nor are our ways His ways. This implies that God’s will and purpose for our lives will not be always what we may have envisioned in our minds.

Sometimes, obeying God’s will for our lives can be difficult because naturally, we want to live the way we please and see fit even when it doesn’t conform to what God wants out of our lives.

But when you let go, you choose God’s will over your own even when obeying the former makes you uncomfortable at the moment or makes you make less money e.g. God calls from being a banker to full-time ministry or being a street preacher to be a fisher of men.

Related: 7 Major Benefits Of Surrendering To God Fully [+ Sermon]


I hope the above article on let go and let God meaning, the question most Christian ask has helped you understand what it truly means to let God and let God be the captain of your life.

Always remember that you have nothing to lose when you choose to let God take charge of your life, which brings peace and frees you from worry and anxiety.

In closing, if this post edified you, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave for others to benefit, too. Stay blessed and let God take charge of your life.

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