Living a godly life as a youth or teenager in this time of age with sin everywhere can be challenging. If you are a youth who wants to know how to live a godly life as a youth, then, you are in the right place.
To live a godly life as a youth who is a true Christian requires holiness and purity of heart so that you can flee various sinful contemporary vices that many youths indulge themselves in.
You need to understand as a youth or teenager that you are the number one target of the devil, which is why sin and moral perversion is very rampant among young people in our generation today.
For instance, you can see how sexual immorality or fornication is now commonplace among many youths today, which has led to many unwanted pregnancies and abortions all due to obeying the sinful desires of the flesh.
If you are a youth reading this today, you need to purpose in your heart that you won’t be like the rest or follow the multitude to do evil. You need to be like Joseph of old who said no to sexual immorality.
With that said, let’s look at how to live a godly life as a youth with references to bible verses both in the old testament and the new testament that will help you live for Jesus Christ and not the world.
7 Ways To Live A Godly Life As A Youth.
Below are the 7 ways to live a godly life of holiness and godliness as a youth or young person that will enable you to be unspotted from this crooked world.
- Read God’s Word Daily.
- Flee Youthful Lusts.
- Flee Sexual Immorality.
- Pray For Sanctification.
- Abstain From All Appearances Of Evil.
- Have A Strong Prayer Life.
- Be Truly Born Again.
1. Read God’s Word Daily.
One of the things you can do as a youth if you want to live a holy life of godliness and righteousness is that you need to read God’s word daily that helps your Christian faith to strengthen day by day.
Reading God’s word daily will help you be established in Him. When God’s word is hidden in your heart you will find it easy to avoid sin as His word is acting as a guide in your life reminding you not to sin.
This is why the Psalmist David said in Psalms 119:11 that he has hid God’s word in his heart so that he doesn’t sin against Him. As a youth, you need to be diligent in reading God’s word daily rather than wasting your time on social media.
Sadly, many youths today are too lazy to read God’s word, which explains why many of them are susceptible to temptations and easily fall into sin.
If you have been a lazy youth in reading God’s word, you need to stop being spiritually lazy and wasting your time on social media or watching worldly T.V shows that just promote sin and don’t help you grow spiritually.
Related: How To Overcome Laziness Biblically As A Christian [In 5 Easy Steps].
2. Flee Youthful Lusts.
The other thing you need to do as a youth if you want to live a godly life that pleases our Lord Jesus Christ is that you need to flee all youthful lusts and pursue righteousness and holiness instead as the apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:22.
The above verse is very relevant for youths today as many of our youths today indulge themselves in various youthful lusts of the flesh that promote sin and immorality.
By definition, youthful lusts are simple evil and carnal desires common among many youths such as those of sexual immorality, lust for money, inordinate desires for the opposite gender, pride, love of pleasure, etc.
As a young Christian youth who wants to maintain holiness in your Christian life, you need to say no to these things of the flesh many youths today indulge themselves in.
If you don’t flee youthful lusts as a young person, you won’t be able to live a godly life that pleases God. By saying no to youthful lust, you also mean that you can’t be involved in illicit and immoral girlfriend and boyfriend relationships common among many youths today.
Related: How To Have Victory Over The Flesh [In 12 Simple Steps.]
3. Flee Sexual Immorality.
The other thing you need to do as a youth if you are to live a godly life in this evil and polluted world of sin is that you need to flee all forms of sexual immorality.
1 Corinthians 6:18 tells us that you need to flee sexual immorality because if you commit a sexual sin that is unlike other sins done outside the body, you are sinning against your own body and dishonoring it.
This implies that as a youth who wants to maintain holiness in your Christian living, you need to avoid immoral girlfriend and boyfriend relationships, which are the main reason why many young people indulge in premarital sex.
If you look around, almost everyone including many so-called Christian youths is in immoral girlfriend and boyfriend relationships and sees nothing wrong with that. But if you are a godly youth, you can’t follow such sinful trends.
As a youth, you need to understand that you are a human being with feelings that can be easily aroused under certain situations. That is why as a youth, you can’t afford to be careless with the opposite sex.
Related: How To Overcome The Lust Of The Flesh In 7 Easy Steps
4. Pray For Sanctification.
If you are to live a godly life as a youth, you need to urgently pray for sanctification so that God sanctifies your heart and mind so that you don’t have the sinful inclination to do evil by fulfilling the sinful desires of the flesh.
Being sanctified is what will help you flee from all youthful lusts that many youths are tangled up in and avoid many sexual temptations to commit sexual sin with the opposite sex as sanctification sets you apart for God and holy living.
Sanctification is important in your life as a youth because it helps you get rid of the sinful Adamic nature you are born with that makes you prone to sin and replaces it with the new nature of Christ Jesus that makes you desire holiness and hate sin.
If you are not sanctified, you will find it hard to live godly in this present evil world which will explain why your struggle with certain sins or sinful addictions in your life.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 tells us that it’s God’s will through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit that we are sanctified and avoid sexual immorality. Sanctification is what will help you avoid sexual sin that is hard for the sinful flesh to do.
5. Abstain From All Appearances Of Evil.
You also need to abstain from all appearances of evil as a youth that entices you to sin as 1 Thessalonians 5:22 tell us to do.
The above bible verse is for all believers that remind us we need to have no interest in beholding evil and immoral things with our eyes, which sadly, most young people like to do due to the lust of the eyes.
Some of the common evil appearances you need to abstain from as a Christian youth that will defile you are watching immoral T.V shows, pornography, going to parties where there is sin, etc.
Unfortunately, not many youths choose to abstain from all appearances of evil, which explains why most are addicted to pornography and watching immoral T.V shows that promote sexual immorality.
However, if you are to live a life of godliness in this evil and perverse generation, you need to abstain from all appearances of evil that will defile your garment of righteousness.
Related: How To Overcome The Lust Of The Eyes In 10 Easy Steps.
6. Have A Strong Prayer Life.
As a youth desiring to live a godly life that pleases our Lord Jesus Christ who has called us to a high standard of holiness, you need to incorporate daily prayer into your Christian life without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Prayer is very important in the life of every teenager or youth because prayer is what will help you not fall into every temptation Satan brings your way. It’s what will give you the grace to overcome the flesh and its carnal desires.
As a young person, you are faced with many temptations in the world be it those of sexual immorality, drunkenness, evil association, etc. that entice your flesh to want to sin which is why you can’t afford to be prayerless.
Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 22:46 that we must pray so that we don’t enter into temptation and get overcome by it. Sadly, many youths are too lazy to pray even for just 30 minutes daily but can be on social media for hours on end.
If you have a weak prayer life as a youth, you will find it hard to resist sinful temptations and youthful lusts of the flesh, which you will succumb to like many have due to lack of prayer.
Related: Why Is Prayer Important To Christians? [+ Animation]
7. Be Truly Born Again.
Last but not least, you need to be truly born again and have the new nature of Christ in you that Ephesians 4:24 talks about that is in the likeness of God that will help you to live righteously.
If you are not genuinely born again yet, this new nature of Christ to help you not fulfill the sinful desires of the flesh will be absent in your life which will explain why you still live in sin even if you go to church every Sunday.
You need to understand that you can’t live a godly life that is above sin as a youth or young person if you are not yet truly born again with the new birth experience that makes you a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Being born again is vital in your life because it’s what enables you to have a new heart, transformed life, and helps you to become a new person in Christ. Only when you are truly born again will the old sinful self that makes you love sin die.
If you are not born again yet, you can’t enter heaven and you need to be so today if you don’t want to spend eternity in hell with the devil when you die. Kindly check out the post below for more information on how to be truly born again.
- What Happens When You Become Born Again Truly?
- How To Be Born Again In 7 Simple Steps (+Video Sermon).
- 17 (Must-Have) Characteristics Of A Born Again Christian.
I hope the above post on how to live a godly life as a youth or teenager will help you live a life of godliness that pleases God and not a life of sin that displeases him. In closing, if this post edified you, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave. Stay godly.
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