What are the characteristics of a pure heart? And how can you have a pure heart? These are the questions many people including Christians ask and this post today will address these questions.
There are many traits that one will show if the person has a pure heart that has been cleansed and washed by the blood of the Lamb.
And this post will discuss the 13 major characteristics of a pure heart that will show if a person is truly saved with the new nature of Christ in them and how you can have one. Let’s dive in.
What Is A Pure Heart? Biblical Definition.
The biblical definition of a pure heart is simply a clean heart that has been washed by the blood of the Lamb and has pure desires of righteousness and not sin.
Implying that a pure heart is free from all manner of guile, deceit, hypocrisy, evil thoughts, and so on and is blameless before God.
And this pure heart is only possible if you give your life to Jesus Christ who is responsible for cleansing and purifying our sinful hearts from all sin and evil desires we are born with.
How One Can Have A Pure Heart?
The simplest answer to the above question is simply surrendering your heart to Jesus Christ so that He can cleanse and purify it from all filthiness of the flesh, mind, and spirit.
In short, if you want to have a heart of purity that’s free from sinful desires, you need to be genuinely born again and be transformed from the inside.
This means that you need a new heart the Lord promises in Ezekiel 36:25,26 which only comes by when you experience genuine salvation in your life.
13 Characteristics Of A Pure Heart.
Below are the 13 characteristics of a pure heart that will show if someone is truly saved and washed by the cleansing power of the blood.
- Has Pure Desires.
- Circumcised.
- Washed By The Blood.
- Holy.
- Has Agape Love.
- Sanctified.
- Spirit-Led.
- Has Godly Contentment.
- Christ-Like.
- Temperate In All Things.
- Chaste.
- Good.
- Bears The 9 Fruits Of The Spirit.
1. Has Pure Desires.
A person with a pure heart that has been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses one from all sin has pure desires and no longer has evil desires which come with our sinful Adamic fallen nature.
And this heart of purity in a person with a purified heart is essential for one to enter heaven which is why Jesus Christ said in Matthews 5:8 that only those with a pure heart will finally see God in heaven. Won’t that be beautiful?
On the other hand, if your heart isn’t pure, it will be filled with all manner of evil sinful desires that will make you do all sorts of evil and bad things that you even wonder yourself.
Must Read: 13 Major Characteristics Of A Sinner (That Makes Them Who They Are.)
2. Circumcised.
Having a circumcised heart is among the major characteristics of a pure heart that one will show if that person’s heart has been purified by the Lord.
The idea of having a circumcised heart can be found in Romans 2:29 and it refers to having a heart of purity that is separated and consecrated unto God. And if your heart is pure, it will be circumcised.
No wonder the Lord said in Deuteronomy 30:6 that He will circumcise our hearts so that we can love Him wholeheartedly with a pure heart. A circumcised heart is also a heart that is sanctified and cleansed of its sinful Adamic nature that makes us sin in the first place.
3. Washed By The Blood.
A pure heart is washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, the only detergent that can cleanse man from his sins and sinful nature (Hebrews 10:22).
You can’t have a heart of purity if your heart isn’t washed and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb as our hearts are naturally sinful and filthy due to our fallen nature.
But if you have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ after obtaining your salvation, your heart will be pure and heaven ready as on those whose hearts have been washed and cleansed by the Blood will make it for heaven and I hope you are such a person.
4. Holy.
A pure heart will be holy as it has been made a partaker of God’s divine nature 2 Peter 1:3,4 talks about after it has been cleansed and washed by the bled at salvation.
Remember, you can’t be holy if your heart isn’t pure because our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked by nature (Jeremiah 17:9).
So, if your heart is pure, it, therefore, follows it will be holy as well as holiness also symbolizes purity but if your heart hasn’t yet been purified by the blood, it won’t be holy but filled with evil instead.
Must Reads:
- 13 Traits Of A Holy Person That Makes One Holy [+Sermon].
- 7 Major Characteristics Of A Holy Life [+ Nice Sermon]
5. Has Agape Love.
If you are a person with a heart of purity, you will also be filled with God’s pure agape love that will enable you to selfless love others without any selfish motives.
And this pure agape love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 imputed by Christ Jesus into your heart is what will set you apart from unsaved people whose selfish hearts have not been cleansed and purified by the blood of Christ.
As you know, we are all naturally selfish as humans and are incapable of truly loving others selflessly except if we have something to benefit from those we claim to love but if your heart has been purified, this selfish nature we are all born with will be removed from your heart.
Must Read: 54 Agape Love Quotes (To Help You Understand What True Love Is All About)
6. Sanctified.
A pure person with a pure heart will also have a sanctified heart and a sanctified heart here means a purified heart that has been cleansed of the evil Adamic nature that causes us to sin and set apart for God’s holy purpose.
Sanctification is very crucial if you want to have a heart of purity that is free from evil passion and desires as without it, having a pure heart will not be possible due to the sinful nature of our natural heart that loves sin and hates holiness.
This is why the Lord says in Leviticus 20:7, 8 in the old testament that we must sanctify ourselves by ridding ourselves from anything that defiles our hearts so that we can be holy because He’s holy in the first place.
7. Spirit-Led.
If your heart has been purified by the blood of Christ Jesus and is now filled with His holiness, it will also be led and guided by the Holy Spirit that renews your heart from the inside (Titus 3:5-7).
Remember, if your heart is Spirit-led, you won’t desire to sin but will desire to live a holy and pure life which will be the characteristic of your heart if it has been cleansed by the blood.
On the other hand, if your heart isn’t filled by the Holy Spirit, it will be led to do evil things instead as it will be ruled and controlled by all sorts of Satan’s filthy demonic spirits.
Must Read: 15 Major Signs Of A True Christian [That Show If One Is Truly Saved]
8. Has Godly Contentment.
We are told in 1 Timothy 6:6-10 that godliness with contentment is great gain because we come with nothing here on earth and it’s likely we won’t take anything with us when we die.
And if your heart is pure, it will be filled with godly contentment and be free from evil desires of covetousness and greed which make one discontent with what they have, no matter how much they do.
A heart that has godliness with contentment is content in all things and doesn’t seek contentment outside be it in the material things of this world or other people other than in Jesus Christ.
9. Christ-Like.
One of the major characteristics of a pure heart is that it will be Christ-like which means that a pure person with a heart of purity will have all the attributes of Jesus Christ in them.
Your heart will be Christ-like and conformed to his likeness if you have Christ in you who is responsible for giving new hearts as Ezekiel 36:26 wonderfully puts to genuine coverts.
On the other hand, your heart won’t be Christ-like if you haven’t yet experienced genuine salvation in your life which brings about the change and transformation of the heart.
Must Read: 11 Major Traits Of A True Convert [+ Wonderful Sermon].
10. Temperate In All Things.
Temperance is one of the major traits of a pure heart that a person will show if their heart has been thoroughly washed and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
To be temperate simply means to have self-control and not allowing the fleshly desires of your heart to rule your life which is why Proverbs 4:23 talks about guarding our heart with all diligence as it’s where all issues of life come from.
And temperance includes leading and guarding our hearts in accordance with God’s word with all diligence so that they don’t lead us astray as it’s not everything that our heart suggests that must be listened to or followed.
11. Chaste.
A pure heart will also be chaste. By chaste, it simply means that a pure heart won’t have impure sexual desires that are sinful and will maintain sexual purity.
Since according to Mark 7:21 an evil heart will produce evil thoughts, feelings, passions, or desires, and if your heart is unchaste, it will have evil sexual desires or fornications that will cause you to sinfully lust after the opposite gender in a sexual manner.
The reason why there is so much fornication in our current generation is that many people’s hearts are unchaste and full of lustful desires of the flesh that are leading them into sin in the first place.
12. Good.
Having a good heart is among the major characteristics of a pure heart that a person will show if they have been purified inside out.
If you have a pure heart, you will also be good-hearted to everyone as your heart will be filled with divine love, kindness, mercy, and compassion for others which will cause you to delight in the happiness of others and not their misery as some people with evil hearts do.
Remember Jesus Christ said in Luke 6:45 that a good heart bringeth forth good treasures of if your heart is good, you won’t find it difficult to be good-hearted to everyone regardless of how you are treated.
13. Bears The 9 Fruits Of The Spirit.
A good person with a pure heart will also bear all the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:23,23 talks about which are a must-have for every truly born-again Christian.
The 9 fruits of the Spirit that are mentioned in the above verse are crucial as, without them, you can’t say that you have a pure heart as they reflect the very holy and pure character of God.
On the other hand, if your heart is impure, these 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit will be nowhere to be seen in your life. Instead, your heart will only be filled with the evils Christ Jesus talks about in Matthews 15:19-21.
I hope the above 13 characteristics of a pure heart will inspire you to have a pure heart as well by God’s grace which will finally enable you to make it to heaven when you die.
On the other hand, if you desire to have a pure heart but realize that you haven’t, read this post on how to be truly born again in 7 simple steps which will help you have a purified heart.
In closing, kindly let me know in the comments below if this post has greatly benefited you along with the questions you may have on what you have read. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share.
Also Read.
- 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith [+ Wonderful Sermon].
- 11 Signs Of A Wicked Heart (Evil People Always Manifest.)
- 13 Must-Have Traits Of A Godly Person (+ Video Sermon).
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Very inspirational and helpful
I am glad you enjoyed this post and I hope it was of great help to you
Good, that you found this post useful.
Thank you, Samuel – I found this helpful – continue to be blessed.
Glad that you were blessed by thing post. Continue to be blessed as well, dear.