What are the characteristics of a heart of flesh that has been renewed and transformed by our Lord Jesus Christ? This is what this post will discuss today.
There are many characteristics that will characterize a person with a new heart of flesh along with a new spirit the Lord promises in Ezekiel 11:19 to all those who become truly born again and accept Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Without wasting much of your precious time, let’s look at the 5 fundamental characteristics of a heart of flesh that all genuinely born Christian and believers have. Let’s dive in.
What Is A Heart Of Flesh?
According to the bible, a heart of flesh is a soft and tender heart that’s been transformed by the Lord and is no longer in rebellion with Him which Ezekiel 36:22-27 talks about.
A person with a heart of flesh will no longer be filled with pride, stubbornness, and disobedience to God. Instead, such a person will now desire to obey God and not disobey Him.
Also, a heart of flesh is one that isn’t stubborn towards God’s word but is soft and receptible to God’s word and wants to obey it as well as being willing to be corrected by it.
Related: 5 Main Characteristics Of A Heart Of Stone Without Christ.
5 Major Characteristics Of A New Heart.
Take your time to read the 5 major characteristics of the new heart of flesh that you will have in your Christian life if you become truly born again with the new birth experience.
- Full Of Humility.
- Loves God.
- Obedient To God.
- Has All The 9 Fruits Of The Spirit.
- Pure And Holy.
1. Full Of Humility.
Unlike a stony heart that characterizes all unsaved sinners and is full of pride, a new heart of flesh that has been transformed by Christ and the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7) will be full of humility.
It’s this new heart of humility Ezekiel 36:26 in the old testament that will enable you to be humble towards God and His word. With this new heart of flesh, you won’t find it hard to submit to God.
You will no longer be filled with your own ways or think that you are better than others if Jesus Christ imparts a new heart of flesh in you. Instead, you will allow God to direct your life and know without Him, you are nothing.
Additionally, you will also be easily corrected when you are wrong and you will no longer try to justify your wrongs as unsaved sinners with a hardened heart do. But will seek to apologize and make things right if necessary.
Related: What Is A Gentle And Quiet Spirit & Why Is It Important?
2. Loves God.
A person with a new heart and a new spirit will also have this new love for God they never had or knew could have which Jesus Christ talked about in Mark 12:30 in the New Testament.
Implying that you will no longer desire to do things that God hates or offend Him such as living a life of sin. Instead, you will now want to obey the Lord in all things and keep His commandments.
Our Lord Jesus Christ reminds us in John 14:15 that if we love Him or profess the Christian faith, we will keep His commandments by not living a sinful life of disobedience and rebellion to His word.
However, if you still have a stony heart in you that’s not yet regenerated and transformed by Christ, you will not love God which explains why you will live a sinful life of disobedience and won’t want anything to do with God or His word.
Related: How To Train Your Heart To Love God [In No Time].
3. Obedient To God.
Another characteristic that differentiates a new spiritual heart from a heart of stone found in every unsaved sinner without the new birth experience is the former obeys God while the latter does the opposite.
If your heart has been transformed by Christ and is a partake of His divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 talks about, you will become obedient to the Lord and desire to do everything that He commands you to do in His word without question.
No longer will you live contrary to His word or question God’s word because you have a new nature of Christ Jesus in you that makes you no longer want to live in disobedience and rebellion as you did when you were an unconverted sinner.
However, if you still have a stony heart in you, obedience to God and His word is something you will find strange to do as the sinful nature that naturally makes you want to disobey God and do your own things is still present in your hard heart.
Related: Importance Of Submission To God [& Why It Matters?]
4. Has All The 9 Fruits Of The Spirit.
The other thing that differentiates the Christ-like heart of flesh from a hardened heart hardened by sin is the former has all the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about.
While on the other hand, the latter has no such fruits of the Holy Spirit that make one more loving, humble, meek, gentle, patient, and kind towards others.
Having the fruits of the Spirit is one of the most important things that a person with a new heart will have as it signifies the genuine conversion of the heart. Otherwise, without those spiritual fruits, it will show your heart isn’t truly transformed yet.
Instead, the works of the flesh such as pride, stubbornness, immorality, etc. Galatians 5:19-21 talks about is what will characterize your stony hardened heart if it’s not yet been transformed by Christ.
Related: How To Develop The Fruits Of The Spirit (In 5 Easy Steps).
5. Pure And Holy.
Last but not least, holiness and purity are also one of the most important characteristics of a heart of flesh that has been regenerated and transformed by Christ.
If the lord gives you are new heart He promises in Ezekiel 11:19 as we saw earlier, it will be holy and pure. No longer will you have evil sinful desires of your old sinful heart you were born with that made you stubborn in your sins.
Rather, you will now have a pure heart that has no desire to sin or rebel against God and His word anymore. It’s this pure heart Jesus Christ talks about in Matthews 5:8 talks about that will finally enable you to see God and spend eternity with Him in heaven.
May the Lord grant you a pure and clean heart that will enable you to make heaven in the end when you die. All you need to do on your part is to fully give your life to the Lord and this pure heart that makes you no longer want to sin will be yours for the taking.
Related: Why Must We Live A Holy Life? (11 Major Reasons Why.)
The above 5 characteristics of a heart of flesh are just among many listed in the bible that will characterize a person whose heart has been transformed by Christ Jesus.
If you don’t have this new heart of flesh that makes you a new creation in Christ, you can ask the Lord today to give you one provided if you willingly repent and turn from your evil ways.
In closing, if this post has been beneficial to you, drop a comment below, and don’t forget to share before you leave as many need to see this. God bless.
Other Related Posts.
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- 7 Benefits Of Having A Pure Heart [That’s Heaven-Ready].
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