I’m going to be honest with you sometimes it can be tough to decipher God’s voice. In a world full of noise and distractions, it can be hard to know if you are truly hearing from the Lord.
The good news is that there is a way to discern the voice of God and that way is through His Spirit. This post will show you the 11 signs the Holy Spirit is speaking to you that will help you discern God’s voice from Satan’s.
There are 3 main voices that speak to us which are: the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the demonic spirits from Satan you need to be aware of.
But today in this article, you will find out the 11 signs the Holy Spirit is truly speaking to you that will help you know if you are hearing from God or not so that you don’t get deceived.
11 Signs God’s Spirit Is Talking To You.
1. Confirmation Through Scripture.
The first thing you will notice if God’s Holy Spirit is speaking to you is the confirmation through scripture and His written word as God’s word is the final authority.
As a believer in Christ Jesus, scriptural confirmation is a litmus test you must look for to help you know for sure that the Holy Spirit is the one talking to you as the devil can impersonate himself.
Understand that the Spirit of the Lord will never tell you things contrary to scripture and this is vital to note especially with so much deception going on nowadays.
A lot of people and fake prophets now claim to hear from God but when you hear their message, you discover it’s out of line with scripture. Then you know it’s not God talking to them.
You as well must look for scriptural confirmation through God’s word to be sure it’s God, not the devil talking to you about certain things in your life as His Spirit will never tell you things against His word.
2. You’ll Hear A Gentle Still Voice.
Secondly, if God’s Spirit is talking to you about certain issues in your life and what you need to correct you will hear a gentle still voice in your heart like in 1 Samuel 3:1-10 in the Old Testament.
God will never talk to you aggressively or forcefully. This is why you need to be sensitive to His Spirit’s voice as it’s easier to trump it if you listen to noises out there from the enemy which are usually louder.
Unlike the Holy Spirit, the devil and your sinful flesh that wants you to sin will be very aggressive and forceful when speaking to you to make you do things that grieve God and His Spirit.
I pray that you don’t ignore and trump God’s gentle voice in your life leading you to do the right things and to righteousness as doing so will land you in a lot of trouble as many have learned the hard way.
3. Conviction Of Sin.
Thirdly, the conviction of sin in your life is another sure sign that will show the Holy Spirit is truly speaking in your life as a Christian or even as a sinner who’s yet to repent.
Being able to be convicted of our sins is one of the vital jobs of the Holy Spirit as without that, salvation and repentance aren’t possible as we will not know if what we are doing is wrong or not.
Therefore, if you do something bad and feel strongly convicted and guilty that what you have done is wrong, that’s God’s Spirit speaking through your conscience. I encourage you not to ignore that voice of conviction.
Ephesians 4:30 tells us that as believers we must not grieve the Holy Spirit and sin is one of the ways He gets grieved because sin is incompatible with Him.
It’s why as Christians if we are convicted of sin, we must repent immediately rather than coming up with meaningless excuses for our sins and throwing the not-perfect card.
4. God’s Word Will Be Alive In Your Life.
The Bible tells us that God’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Have you ever found yourself reading a passage of Scripture that seems not to make any sense?
This is because, without the Holy Spirit, we cannot discern spiritual things (1 Corinthians 2:14). When we read Scripture with an open heart, the Holy Spirit will use it to guide us into all truth.
Conversely, if the Spirit of the Lord is active and talking to you in your Christian life, God’s word will sharply convict you on the things you must correct and improve in your Christian Walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s word will come alive in your life and you will now find it easy to understand bible verses that seem difficult to understand with our natural human mind.
5. Strong Desire To Gladly Obey God’s Word
Having a real and strong desire to obey God’s word in its totality will be another indicator that will show you are being spoken to by God’s Holy Spirit.
In John 14:15, Jesus tells us that if we truly love Him, we will obey and keep all His Commandments This is only possible if the Holy Spirit is present in our Christian lives who’ll enable us to follow God’s commands.
Our fallen sinful nature naturally resists holiness and seeks after sinful pleasures. It’s why the Holy Spirit is essential in our lives to help us overcome the flesh that always wants us to do sinful things.
If you are indwelled by His Spirit, you won’t desire to do the works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21 such as drunkenness, adultery, fornication, etc. many so-called Christians indulge themselves in.
Instead, you will desire to follow after righteousness and holiness by joyfully obeying God’s word to eschew all evil as His word won’t be grievous to you to obey when you are Spirit-filled.
Check: What Are The Marks Of A Truly Saved Christian?
6. Desire For Prayer.
When God’s Spirit is speaking to you, prayer is something you will become passionate about as you will appreciate the importance of prayer in the life of every Christian.
You will now find yourself praying more often as a believer. The Holy Spirit will make you more aware of your need for prayer because He opens your eyes to your dependence on God.
Therefore, your prayers will become more fervent, heartfelt, effective, and more powerful. In short, the Holy Ghost will always encourage you to have a stronger prayer life as you are in a spiritual battle that needs prayer to be won.
As a bonafide Christian, you must know that prayer is one of the most powerful weapons you have in your arsenal to overcome and quench all the fiery darts of the enemy being fired at you.
Without prayer, your Christian life will be weak and you will not be able to overcome the enemy trying to militate against your life via his demonic attacks. It’s why as your fellow brother in Christ, I encourage you to pray without ceasing.
7. Guidance In Prayer.
If you are being spoken to by the Spirit of God, you will also feel guided in prayer in that you will not pray according to your own will but God’s will.
It’s why the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:26 that it’s the Spirit that gives us utterance on how to pray as we don’t know how to pray on ourselves.
This is important because for our prayers to be answered as God’s children, we must learn to pray according to God’s will, not our own will that’s contrary to His.
Not praying in line with God’s will for our lives is one of the major reasons why we find many of our prayers not getting answered as we pray amiss and according to our fleshy desires.
However, if God’s Spirit is talking to us, we won’t pray carnal fleshly prayers but our prayers will align with His will. Only then, we will speedily receive answers to our prayers as God is moved by His will, not emotions.
8. The Desire To Draw Closer To God.
It’s just a matter of fact as a Christian if the Holy Spirit is truly talking to you, you will feel a strong and burning desire to get closer to God in your daily Christian living.
Consequently, you will just find yourself wanting to spend more time in God’s presence through prayer and wanting to read His word more often in your closet.
Doing those things will help you strengthen your relationship with God even more as you have your daily quiet time which I encourage you to have as a believer to be established in your faith.
James 4:7 in the New Testament tells us that we must draw near to God and He will draw near to us by resisting the devil in our lives so that he flees and leaves us in peace as he’s up to no good.
9. Strong Love For Others.
Another sign that will help you know that the Spirit of the Lord is talking to you is you will have strong love and compassion for others especially the needy in the society.
Having strong love and kindness for others, especially our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is one of the vital fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22,23 talks about what you will have if you are a true believer.
We are told in Romans 12:13 that we must be given to hospitality and helping the poor in the society and not just wanting blessing from God to spend on our selfish needs and wants.
But you will only have a hospitable heart, especially for the disadvantaged in society if your heart is filled with the pure love and kindness of God that will make have a heart for these people.
Check: 7 Key Differences Between God’s Love And Human Love.
10. The Desire To Fellowship With Other Believers.
If God’s Spirit is speaking to you, you want to fellowship with other Christians you share the same faith with. God designed Christians to live in community with one another (1 John 1:7).
This is why Hebrews 10:25 tells us that we must not forsake the assembling of one another as believers as it’s very beneficial for the edification of the body of Christ.
If you are a spirit-filled Christian, you will desire to fellowship with God’s people who want to glorify and exalt Jesus Christ in their lives and not abscond from meeting other believers in the church.
It’s so sad that some Christians choose to forsake the assembling of believers together by missing church for no reason saying they are fine alone but that’s a trick from the enemy.
What you will notice is after some time, these people will eventually backslide and fall into sin as they are an easy target for the enemy. Remember, there’s safety in numbers as wild herbivores have learned in the wild.
11. Witness With Your Spirit.
Lastly, when God’s Spirit speaks to your life, He will bear witness with your spirit when you are being led in a certain direction in your life through prayer and study of the Word of God.
The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:16 that God’s Spirit will bear witness to our spirit if we are God’s children. It’s this witness that will help us know for sure whether we are hearing from God or not.
But if you are not a spirit-filled Christian, this witness of the Holy Spirit will not be there in your life to help you make the right choices in your life and to help you discern good from evil.
Rather, you will be susceptible to the deceptions of Satan which are everywhere now as you don’t have His Spirit to help you discern truth from error. It’s why you need God’s Spirit in your life if you don’t want to be led astray.
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I hope that the above 11 signs that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you will now help you know for sure that God is talking to you so that you are not led astray by strange voices of the enemy.
May you be led and guided by His Spirit in your daily Christian life as you make vital life choices so that you don’t succumb to the deception rampant in these last days we are living in.
In closing, if this post has been a blessing to you, let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share using the right share icon as you leave. God bless.
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Thanking you for this confirmation of having receiving the Holy Spirit last night in God’s quiet way …. Telling me I belonged to this community ❤️
Glad you found this post a blessing to you. God bless.
It was truly moving to read your words..& to read the scriptures you suggested for all reading your article. I feel so blessed to have read all you had to say. Thank you from my heart. I am a prayer warrior who prays constantly throughout the day & night for our Lord & Savior Christ Jesus is always my strength, my companion & my guide each & every moment of my day.
Thank you again for all you do to help Belivers & those who want to come to our Lord. Anne✝️❤️
Glad you found this post a blessing to you dear beloved sister in Christ. God bless.
I am confused, I have read the word a when I think I’m doing right another part of the word comes in a confuses me. As far as feeling the spirit Sadly I lost that as a child. So a loud voice I’m a bit confused on because as a kid I broke into a store a well the alarm went off which actually scared me so I ran into the corn field an at the time I was thinking I was safe. I looked up to the moon an I heard a loud voice telling me if I got caught I would Go to prison for a long time. During this Moment I remember feeling bad I had a ripped shirt in the middle of the winter. I called the cops an hung up 2 or 3 times sitting outside in the cold when there was heat in the store. However I did lie about about true intentions of the break in but this lead to the owners offering me anything in the store. This here touched me however, doing this I was shamed an denied any gift offered. To find out it was a Christian who owned the store. So I was lead to believe I heard gods voice I think He was angry I don’t remember the exact tone. But it was loud. An I heard clear as if you was talking to me in person.
Now I am not good of course I’m terrible an Hated myself for a long time. The inner peace happened during a forgiveness prayer However, There was some severe pain in the heart when praying. I swear I left as if I had died I got very cold an there was a peace that I never understood an I mean true actual peace. I mean I slept that night an when I woke up I felt as if I had the best sleep of my life. I wished at that time I could had just died there an never returned. The next day I did it again same pain same place felt the same had the best sleep of my life. There was a change in my life whoever, I still fall in the sin but I’m not happy at all about it. It’s the old thoughts that I can’t forget. I hate it.but I won’t fight it anymore. I’m done fighting I know now I can’t win the war so I am done .
I get thrown off by reading some of these questioning my experiences but it’s not anyone’s fault. I just don’t understand the same maybe because I never listened an I still have a hard time understanding.
So I hope the full ending leads to is Kicking Satan in the face into hell an all his demons. An all of us to be saved however, I get lost during this travel trying to understand how to actually follow because if I follow I feel as if I am condemning myself. Am I pretending to be better than everyone else? An I trying to help someone or am I condemning them? The truth in this is spiritually poor I believe.
Thanks for your comment. There is no doubt that you have been through a lot and Satan has been seeking to ruin your life as seen from your comments. All I can tell you and I encourage you to stay away from sin as far away as possible if you want God to draw closer to you and all will be well with your life. God bless.
can the holy ghost talk through people!?!?
Of course, dear God’s Spirit does talk to people who are willing to listen to Him. If you want the Holy Spirit to speak to you, be willing to Hear and obey His voice and stay away from sin. God bless.
I thank God that he has used you to give this wonderful notes I am really best and my the almighty God bless you
That’s good to hear and be blessed as well.
Thank you that touched my heart .i been asking my self latly about this .i feel bad when I know im doing somethin the Lord wouldnt want me doing this .and without his help i know i would be lost so i ask him in my heart continually .THX BE TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD FOR SPEAKING TO YOU AND YOUR ANSWER FOR MINE .IN JESUS NAME .
You are welcome and glad you found this post edifying to your life