13 Awesome Benefits Of Being Born Again [Most Overlook]

I was once lost, like you, but after becoming born again thanks to Jesus Christ, I experienced the 13 benefits of being born again I will share with you in this post below.

Both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Bible shows us that there are many benefits of being born again or being God’s child.

And this article today will list some of these 13 major benefits of being born again that I have also experienced in my personal life that will encourage you to be born again as well if you are not.

13 Important Benefits Of Being Born Again.

Below are the 13 benefits that come when you become a born again Christian who has experienced the new birth in Christ.

  • You Become Heaven-Ready.
  • You Become Indwelt By The Holy Spirit.
  • Makes You Have Eternal Life.
  • Makes You Spiritually Alive.
  • You Are No Longer A Slave To Sin.
  • Makes You A New Creature.
  • Makes You Partake Of The Divine Nature.
  • It  Makes You A Child Of God.
  • Brings Peace.
  • Frees You From The Bondage Of Sin.
  • Brings About The New Life.
  • You Get Written In The Book Of Life.
  • You Are Reconciled With God.

1. You Become Heaven-Ready.

One of the important benefits of being born again is that it makes you ready for heaven so that when you die, you instantly get ushered into God’s kingdom.

This is why Jesus Christ said to Nicodemus in John 3:3-5 that one needs to be born again that is to be born of water and the spirit if they are to enter heaven.

So, if you are a truly born again Christian and have experienced the new birth in Christ Jesus, be rest assured that you are on your way to heaven when you die.

See Also: How To Get To Heaven According To The Bible [+Sermon].

2. You Become Indwelt By The Holy Spirit.

Another important benefit of being born again is that you become filled with the Holy Spirit that brings about the regeneration and new birth that makes you have the new nature of Christ in you as Titus 3:5-7 tells us.

This is made possible because when you become born again, you will no longer live a life of sin the Holy Spirit hates as He’s too holy to dwell in the presence of sin.

That is why Acts 2:38 that we need to have water baptism and be baptized in the Holy Ghost as that’s the only way we can receive Him to be effective in God’s kingdom or ministry which would otherwise be difficult without Him.

See Also: How To Regain The Holy Spirit If You Backslid? [+ Sermon].

3. Makes You Have Eternal Life.

Eternal life is another important benefit or perks you receive when you become a born again Christian when you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your person Lord and savior at salvation.

You can only have eternal life or everlasting life when you truly become born again which is why John 3:15-17  tells us that only when we believe in Him we will have everlasting life or eternal life Jesus Christ gives to all those who believe in Him.

But if you are not a truly born again Christian yet, you won’t have this eternal life, the most precious and priceless treasure one will ever have in this world.

See Also: Importance Of Eternal Life & Why Care? (+ Video Sermon).

4. Makes You Spiritually Alive.

When you become born again, you also become spiritually alive in Christ as we are all born spiritually dead by default because of the original sin of our first parents.

But when you become born again, you become spiritually alive and the spiritual death that our sinful nature brings to us is done away with since we have experienced a new spiritual rebirth in Christ as Ephesians 2:5 tells us.

So, if you are not born again yet and accepted Jesus Christ yet into your life as your Lord and persona savior, you are spiritually dead or walking dead. In short, you are alive but dead.

See Also: 12 Signs Of A Spiritual Person [With A Transformed Mind].

5. You Are No Longer A Slave To Sin.

The freedom from sin Romans 6:18 talks about that comes when you become a born again Christian is another important benefit that cannot be over-emphasized.

And the reason why you no longer become a slave to sin when you become born again is because of the new nature of Christ you inherit when you experience the new birth which is what being born again is all about.

On the other hand, if you are not born again yet, that old nature of sin you were born with that makes you a slave to sin as Jesus Christ tells us in John 8:34 will still be active in your life that will make you obey the sinful desires of your flesh.

See Also: 11 Consequences Of Sin (To Help Avoid Sin All Costs.)

6. Makes You A New Creature.

Being a new creation in Christ as 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us is one of the first things that happen when you become born again and it’s one of the most important litmus tests that will help you know if you are truly born again or not.

Implying that when you become born again, you will no longer live the old life of sin you once lived before you encountered Jesus Christ. Instead, you will now live a new life that will be characterized by holiness and righteousness due to the new nature of Christ in you.

So, if you claim to be born again but still live in your old sins, you are not a new creation yet as you haven’t yet experienced the new birth that makes you become a new creation in Christ.

See Also: 13 Characteristics Of The New Nature Of Christ [+ Sermon].

7. Makes You Partake Of The Divine Nature.

The other benefit that comes when you become born is that you will become a partaker of the divine nature of God 2 Peter 1:4 talks about.

It’s this divine nature that comes when you experience a spiritual rebirth or the second birth in Christ that makes you have the nature of Christ in you that’s holy and righteous which is why you will no longer have the desire to sin anymore.

Without this divine nature, you won’t be able to live like Christ or be holy as He is as the sinful nature you were born with that came with your physical birth is still active in your life which is why sin will be attractive to you and difficult for you to stop doing.

8. It  Makes You A Child Of God.

When you become born again, you become adopted into God’s family as we are told in Ephesians 1:5 which means that we enter a new relationship with God we never had when we were not saved yet and still sinners.

Since we are all sinners by birth, it, therefore, follows that due to sin you can’t be a child of God if you are still a sinner because 1 John 3:8 tells that a person who sins is of the devil who sinned from the beginning.

This is why Jesus Christ had to die on the cross to destroy the works of the devil as that we can once again become God’s children which happens when we become born again and experience a spiritual rebirth that turns us from sinners to saints and children of God.

9. Brings Peace.

The bible in Isaiah 48:22 in the old testament tells us that there is no peace for the wicked and this will be that case if you are not born again as you will be living a life of wickedness due to the sinful nature that’s still active in your life that comes with your natural or physical birth.

But when you become born again and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, you will now have this peace you have never known before that surpasses all understanding that the world cannot give you (John 14:27).

It’s this inner peace that will make you be at peace within yourself and God but if you are not born again yet, this peace will not be in your life and you will be like a troubled sea due to sin as sin doesn’t bring peace to anyone who does it.

10. Frees You From The Bondage Of Sin.

Being saved from the bondage of sin is also one of the most important benefits of being born again that you will get when you become saved from sin.

Jesus Christ tells us in John 8:34 that a person who sins is a servant or slave to sin which is why you will find it difficult to give up certain sinful additions you have been tried to for years because you are a slave to sin.

However, when you become born again, you become saved and freed from the bondage that sin brings upon every sinner who hasn’t yet experienced the new birth in Christ that frees one from the old nature of sin that makes us slaves to sin or do bad things we hate ourselves.

See Also: How To Have Power Over Sin In 7 Easy Steps (Video Sermon).

11. Brings About The New Life.

The old life of sin you once had or knew when you were still in sin will be completely done away with and replaced with the new life in Christ when you become born again which makes you a new creation as we saw earlier in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Implying that you will no longer live the old life of sin you once lived as a sinner but you will now live a new life that is characterized by righteousness and godliness due to the grace that Christ has granted you.

This new life that all true believers have will only be possible in your life if you have had a genuine encounter with Christ. Otherwise, without that genuine encounter with Christ, you will still live in your old life of sin even if you go to church every Sunday.

See Also: 11 Signs Of Being Born Again (Every True Christian Must Have)

12. You Get Written In The Book Of Life.

In Revelations 21:27, we are told that only those whose names have been written in the Lamb’s book of life will finally enter heaven and spend eternity with God there.

And this will be the case when you become born again and have accepted Jesus Christ in your life as your Lord and Savior by faith which comes by hearing and believing in God’s word.

But if you haven’t been born again yet, your name will not be found in the book of life that has all the records of all those who are truly born again which means that you won’t be able to enter heaven which will be very unfortunate indeed.

13. You Are Reconciled With God.

Last but not least, when you become born again, you become reconciled back to God through Christ as the apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:18,19.

This means that all the hostilities you had with God due to sin that makes you an enemy of God will now be over and you will now be a friend of God once again.

Sin is what separates man from God and makes man an enemy of God this is why you need to stop sinning if you don’t want God to be your enemy as being an enemy of God always has disastrous consequences, especially in eternity when you close your eyes in death.


I hope the above 10 benefits of being born again will now help you see why it’s important that you get born again today before it’s too late. In closing, if you found this post useful, let me know in the comment below along with any questions you might have. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share.

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2 thoughts on “13 Awesome Benefits Of Being Born Again [Most Overlook]”

  1. Thanks a lot for this wonderful lessons you are giving us it’s a tool that we can use to disciple our Christians and encourage you to send some of these teaching to my email.
    Thanks may God continue to use you for His glory.

    • I am glad that you were blessed by this post and thanks for your positive reply. Indeed God will continue to use me for His glory as He pleases till my last breath.


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